After senior adviser Bruce Aylward was dodged the topic of Taiwan, the @WHO claimed "the WHO Secretariat works with Taiwanese health experts and authorities."
Note, it didn't even dare to put the word "Taiwan" in the headline of its statement…
Taiwan's @MOFA_Taiwan responded to the @who claims with its own statement.…
So let's go through @WHO claim and @MOFA_Taiwan response step by step.
Comparing notes helps to elucidate the reality and the spin at the global health agency and the country leading the fight.…
Claim: Taiwan has a IHR point of contact, & access to password-protected Event Information Site
Reality: Taiwan unilaterally uploads info, but @WHO does NOT pass that on to members. Taiwan's updates on COVID19 have *not* been shared.
The significance of @who not sharing lessons from @Taiwan_CDC with the world is immense.
Taiwan warned WHO of human-human Covid-19 transmission on Dec. 31.
That warning was ignored and not passed on to other countries.
China is a WHO member. Taiwan is not.
Claim: Taiwan is a member of the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET). @WHO alert network (GOARN) shares info with TEPHINET.
Reality: Fancy spin by WHO because TEPHINET is not even a WHO program!
Claim: Two Taiwanese public health experts participated in the Global Research Forum organized by WHO on Feb. 11
Reality: Taiwan actively sought access to the forum. They were allowed to participate by video conference & purely as "doctors" not representatives of Taiwan