So don’t play around like a 4 year old. Sit tight and listen.
We’ve screwed up. Screwed up royally. Do you listen to me?
I am talking about the migrant workers issue here. 1/n
Not just that. We deliberately misled the poor migrants by saying JantaCurfew is not a precursor to lockdown.
I mean that is on us right?
No no! Of course I won’t say it in public. Just you & me @narendramodi. 2/n

Good question.
I am seeing a lot of improvement in you already.
We should always ask questions before taking decisions. 3/n
I know. I know. Difficult to believe. Not all Hindus have a balcony even after 6 good golden Hindu years.
So let us restrict termites for how @amitshah defines it. 4/n
See, we have a migrant worker issue now.
They are not visible on TV. That we took care.
But they are there.
And they keep calling for attention by silly antics like dying.
Outrageous. That is why I am upset 5/n
So let’s deal with it.
Let them go home, I say.
To their villages, families & homes.
People who’ve families want to be with them when they are scared of a killer disease. 6/n
Well, slowly we are getting them there. Families are getting sacrificed on whatsapp groups for now. Not enough. But a good start.
We have so many years left. By then we would be ready to sacrifice families for you. 7/n
There are two scenarios.
Either some of the migrants are already infected or none of them are infected.
Yes. Those are the only two scenarios. 8/n
So now we have two options.
a. Allow them, albeit blindly, to go home to their villages, or
b. put them in a relief camp/ask them to stay wherever they are. 9/n
To either put them in relief camps or ask them to stay put wherever they are.
Now the assumption is that some of them are infected.
So that would mean in both the above scenarios, there would be a local spread? 10/n
Since they don’t have a job, nor a local safety net, they are now hungry, malnourished & vulnerable.
No sir. Unlike what that really old guy in PMO tells you, we are unable to take care.
We were just a month short of becoming developed country.(Kalam 2020) 11/n
And after 21 days lockdown we might have to ultimately let them go back anyway. They will.
Now with more infections. 12/n
Then please tell me that sir. I don’t want to be stuck with you for that long. These daily briefings are not much fun you see.
Let’s come back to the issue at hand. 13/n
Well in that case we shouldn’t have a problem at all right?
Let them escape the hotspots of infections and be in the warmth of their balcony-less homes.
Let them read, knit quilts, practice cooking as a hobby etc? 14/n
But is there a way we can allow them to go back in a less crowded manner?
So that the chances of spread are minimised?
Well, we don’t have a fool-proof or an easy solution. But let’s see.
First of all we will have to reduce the load or crowd at any specific point. So we will have to use more stations. 17/n.
Close either sides so that the mixing remains within a bogie only.
Also screen them for symptoms at the station before boarding.
It is difficult. Agree. But ask to make a plan nonetheless. 18/n
And when it happens, it will be crowded. It will be chaotic. And it will be a manic rush.
So let’s be prepared for it in more ways than one. 19/n
Well it is ok.
Yesterday, when you were sleeping, at 2:00 in the night, I called all secretaries up and told them that Saheb wants an update faxed in 5 mins.
They faxed random stuff. Some even sent tissue papers.
Well, who am I talking to!! GN
Well. Makes my life easier. At least as long as I am alive.