By 2019, we were all eating out of their hand, especially @bbcquestiontime as they conditioned us for NHS privatisation

Yes, folks, we now know all about psych ops &conditioning don’t we. Cambridge Analytica RIP

The ever charming @KateAndrs simply touted the line that they were more efficient
See 2017 comparisons + health spend as % GDP a good proxy

Which peer reviewed journals has he published in?
Who funds his research?
Has he spent a single day on an NHS Ward?
He won’t say.
Has a @BBCNews journalist ever asked him? I doubt it.
Is it because cleaners and nurses are doing this out of altruism, with no thought of personal self interest.
“There is a society after all”, declares the Prime Minister, after a political career declaring the exact opposite.
Causal link between poverty and inequality, and death, is a social fact. It’s not up for debate by non specialists, and certainly not from tainted sock puppets like @K_Niemietz & @KateAndrs

The @iealondon has no place in that world. It’s silence is golden.