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Jan 18th 2023
"The leader of Sutton Council waited for a hospital bed on a trolley for 17 hours after suffering a blood clot on the lungs this Christmas, she revealed at a council meeting on Monday." - @TaraOConnor_ @suttonguardian…
“The medical and nursing care I received was exemplary and I will be forever grateful for those working well past their 12-hour shifts to provide passionate and expert care.” - @LeaderSutton #StGeorgesHospital #NHSheroes
Cllr Dombey said the “NHS is on its knees” adding: “In 21st Century Britain, patients are being treated in hospital corridors”... NHS staff are “leaving in their droves”, social care is also facing staff shortages. #NHSCrisis #NHS
Read 4 tweets
Dec 26th 2021
Some great news about vaccine uptake. Amidst all the focus on #BoosterJab, thousands of people have also come forward for their 1st and 2nd jabs. Around 90% of over 12s have had 1st dose and ~82% of over 12s have now had both doses. #NHSheroes…
But here's the thing: ~10.2% of over-12s have yet to have any vaccine. One year on with #CovidVaccines and there is still *no national trusted website* which tackles FAQs on vaccines. Fantastic examples of outreach by dedicated NHS staff, but govt needs to address misinformation
And let's not forget children in our race to get the public vaccinated. Despite millions of 5-11yr olds in the US, Europe and elsewhere already protected with 1 #covidvaccine, the UK has yet to agree on rollout. And up to 19 Dec, fewer than half of 12-15yos had received one dose.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 14th 2021
My beautiful mum passed away today from #COVID, after only 5 days. She was 51. I was lucky to be allowed onto critical care and hold her hand to the end. Please retweet this to ensure others stay safe and take this virus bloody seriously.

Sleep well mama 💓 #CovidUK #COVID19 Image
Thank you #NHS staff for all of the wonderful and amazing work you did to keep my mum going. Even after she passed, your care and consideration for us and our grief was beautiful #NHSheroes
So thankful for the flowers I've received from people. My mum absolutely loved flowers, and always said they brighten up a room. I know she's looking down on me and admiring them all 💐 Image
Read 13 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
1-If you still have doubt regarding aerosol spread of COVID19 virus see 👇article

@petermbenglish @KailashChandOBE @CNagpaul @RCOphthPres @doctorshaib @DrNighatArif @NanavatyMA @raj_psyc @inzyrashid @RaoMala @dshipstone
2- 625 #nhsheroes deaths
Have we learnt our lesson?
Maybe not!
Recent 👇 PHE guidance does not take aerosol spread of COVID-19 into account

@Prerana_Issar @yvonnecoghill1 @DrHNaqvi @DrNaeemAhmed @YasChoudhary1 @AbdulRazaq_PH @ghanchif @kamleshkhunti @TheBAMEGP @trishgreenhalgh Image
3-WHO &,PHE must begin communicating the science suggesting aerosol spread of COVID-19-& the risk reduction strategies necessary as a result

#ventilation as important as #handhygiene #socialdistancing #facecoverings

@ahmedhankir @DrUmeshPrabhu @BIDAUK @HumiHG @DrOKaneAgain
Read 3 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
1-625 HCW deaths

We must not let it happen again

Even one preventable HCW death due to lack of adequate precautions is unacceptable!

@CNagpaul @KailashChandOBE @BMA_Consultants @TheBMA @DrUmeshPrabhu @raj_psyc via @MailOnline
2-625 HCWs deaths but have we learnt lessons?

We must not allow dumbing down of HCWs risk assessments. See HSJ👇 it has already started

@Dr2NisreenAlwan @jsbamrah @anilkjain61 @DipeshGopal @NLaGNHS_Doctors @BIDAUK @MelaninMedics @BeingMo @HumiHG @Sukhpa1 Image
3-625 #nhsheroes deaths but have we learnt lessons?
Dumbing down of PPE👇 see new PHE PPE guidance!

Still no recognition of airborne transmission of virus without AGPs despite increasing evidence

@doctorshaib @petermbenglish @terry_moran1 @DrNaeemAhmed @yvonnecoghill1 @DrHNaqvi Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Yesterday was #NoDealMeansNoMeds day. Are you on any medication? Do you have “pre-existing conditions” facing #COVID19? Do you have pets & care about #AnimalWelfare? Do you think 60,000+ deaths are too many? @WendyNowak had this to say on Facebook. Worth taking seriously. Thread
”Today we are protesting against something which should have been picked up by mainstream media a long time ago, but those of us who rely on regular medication have always been an afterthought. #NoDealMeansNoMeds
“We're worthless according to the government. We've been promised fridges and non-existent ferries so far. That's how much they care. According to the Operation Yellowhammer report THREE QUARTERS of our medication is imported. No-deal is not just about economic downturn.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 5th 2020
I know the point at which the caller broke down and cried.

I was there, and I heard it all.

It was during my second call, to conclude on a grim possibility of Methotrexate overdose in a very sick child.

Multiple co-morbidities.

Its 7.45pm - I'm due to leave at 8pm. I hope.
It’s never happened of course.

I feel a little mentally drained, I sip my cold coffee and wince.

Must get that thermal mug I keep promising myself.

Case open, I read scant notes, I will realise later why.
The case came through with some haste.

I start my call.

The caller: a father.

I start to hear that "whoosh" sound in my ears.

Fight and flight response. I grab my paper pad and pen, start scribbling down notes.
Read 22 tweets
May 21st 2020
We're planting trees around UK hospitals to say thank you to @NHSuk key workers and to support their long term mental and physical health. We spoke to hospital staff about how access to nature is crucial for their wellbeing. A thread /1 #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek 🧠
“After a difficult shift I feel stretched, rushed and head buzzing with a million things to do before I finish.” - Rachel, wellbeing specialist at Cornwall Partnership Trust. /2 #nhsheroes #ClapfortheNHS
“Being outdoors in nature makes me and my family happier. I think this initiative is fantastic and will really support our staff, many of whom do not have nice indoor spaces for breaks.” /3 #nhsheroes #NHS
Read 7 tweets
May 14th 2020
If you're in the UK please RT!

All UK searches today will fund the planting of trees around NHS hospitals 🌳🌳🌳 /1…

#NHSheroes #clapforcarers 👏
These trees will be woodland species, largely native to the UK and provide future green spaces for our key workers. They'll be planted this autumn by @TreesforCities and @NHSForest /2

Over 25% of UK hospitals have dangerous levels of air pollution above @WHO's limit. These trees will help tackle that and will be dedicated to NHS staff as a living monument and lasting expression of gratitude for their efforts across the UK /3

Read 5 tweets
May 2nd 2020
So. The #Coronavirus PPE debacle. How and why did it happen? A tale of broken promises, mixed messages, failed plans and the government losing the confidence of doctors. Stay with me. 1/thread

My latest, with @SarahNev Free to read on @FT…
@SarahNev @FT It all starts with the basic problem that there wasn't enough - and the 'flu Pandemic stockpile wasn't filled with enough of the items (fluid-repellent gowns, visors) required to deal with a novel #coronavirus pandemic. See this from NHS 2017 doc /2…
@SarahNev @FT You'll note the absence of those key items...but on March 17, when NHS leaders go in front of @Jeremy_Hunt select cmme and are asked if there is enough gear to protect #NHSheroes in weeks ahead, the answer is 'yes' and shortages are "local distribution" problems /3
Read 25 tweets
Apr 21st 2020
One good side to the #COVID19 debate is that it has exposed the need to educate western left-liberals about the difference between a public health system and their oligarchy.
#Malaria drugs are no good for #COVID19 treatment. #China and #Cuba began with anti-virals, why do doctors in the #USA not use them?…
Anyone who actually defends #Britain 's #NHS and supports the #NHSheroes should be using the opportunity to say exactly what and how to rebuild it. The public is all ears, favourable political climate, there will never be a better time. #publichealth
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Apr 18th 2020
Exercise Cygnus uncovered a major problem with PPE in the UK, The @Conservatives GOV choose to not bulk up stock piles & instead went for the cheaper option of relying on global supply chains. #Coronavirustruth this is why our #NHSheroes are dying.…
Read 17 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
This #WorldHealthDay we want to recognise & celebrate the many UofG staff & students working round the clock in the fight against #COVID19 👏

Follow the thread for a quick recap of the UofG response so far 👇

#WeAreTogether #UniSupport #UofGHeroes #TeamUofG Image
On 3rd March scientists at our @CVRinfo were able to sequence #SARS_COV_2 from Scotland’s first #Covid19 case. In <24hrs researchers were able to share the data worldwide - a crucial process in informing vital research #WorldChangingGlasgow

Shortly after, @CVRinfo were named as one of 13 key centres in the £20m #COVID19 Genomics UK Consortium, continuing their work on whole genome sequencing from confirmed Scottish patients as a crucial part of the UK-wide scientific alliance 👉… Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
Tamil healthcare workers on the COVID-19 frontline

With healthcare workers across the globe working to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, we look at some of the Tamils on the frontlines of the battle to save lives.…

#tamil #coronavirus #COVID19 Image
“From a personal experience, the last couple of weeks have been challenging and tiring... Seeing our colleagues having to self isolate one by one only adds to the pressure.”

Ashmi Ganeshamoorthy, Doctor, London #NHS
"We will get through this together and be back to our daily routines soon. But until then we all have a duty to be nice and help each other. Support yourself, your family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues."

Arun Kirupakaran, Doctor, London #NHS Image
Read 30 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
#covid19UK #NHSheroes Let’s spare a thought for the really big losers of 2020 - the paid grifters and faux researchers @KateAndrs & @@K_Niemietz of @iealondon
By 2019, we were all eating out of their hand, especially @bbcquestiontime as they conditioned us for NHS privatisation
They didn’t call it that, of course. They referred obliquely to their “research” on alternative “systems, fit for 2018/19) etc. inserting the word “insurance” into almost every interview.
Yes, folks, we now know all about psych ops &conditioning don’t we. Cambridge Analytica RIP
Their “research” was based on the mysterious @K_Niemietz a lesser known academic, who clearly found publishing in peer reviewed journals tiresome. Especially as he wasn’t exactly marked out as a neutral and impartial observer on these matters 🤔
Read 11 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
RIP NHS hero Dr Amged El-Hawrani, ear, nose and throat specialist in Derby and Burton hospitals. He has died after testing positive for COVID-19 #NHSheroes
His family and NHS colleagues pay tribute to Dr Amged El-Hawrani. RIP #NHSheroes
RIP NHS hero Alfa Saadu, who has died from Covid-19. He returned to the NHS from retirement during the pandemic.
Read 117 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
So #PrinceCharles ignores govt. instructions to not travel to rural areas to avoid #Covid19 & takes the bloody #CoronaVirus with him using scarce #NHS #CovidTesting & treatment resources. "One rule for the rich..." & "do as I say not as I do"?… /1
"The tests were carried out by the NHS in Aberdeenshire where they met the criteria required for testing." What's that then? Large ears, an excessively narrow gene pool & flirtation with neofacist social policies? Still no #TestingForCovid19 for #NHS workers or more widely! /2
And still our #NHSheroes have inadequate #PPE & struggle to work on crowded #publictransport. The #Tory government are protecting the elite & their wealth while letting the #NHS collapse & condemning many thousands to die. What will @UKLabour do? #BorisResign! /3
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Mar 16th 2020
Day 1/14 of #QuarantineLife

• worked from home
• 12 meals prepped, eaten, tidied
• laundry pretty progressed
• many cups of tea
• kids sharpened all the pencils
• got our unfinished jigsaw puzzle from 2018
• stupid bloody cough

Day 2/14 of #QuarantineLife

• wore oldest shittiest clothes & didn’t style hair because nobody is going to see me
• doorbell didn’t stop ringing all day
• positivity beginning to teeter at times
• comfort eating more carbs than usual
Day 3/14 of #QuarantineLife

• caught glimpse of myself in mirror. Looking feral.
• been wearing same ancient clothes for days
• merlot has run out
• fresh tomatoes have run out
• tried feeling sorry for myself then remembered Anne Frank. This is 5* isolation.
Read 81 tweets

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