From a nurse educator with 37 years experience - Don't overdo it folks -
Our body NEEDS to live in harmony with trillions of bugs. Manage your home entry points then live like a grub! Your immune system will thank you! #auspol #covid19australia
1. External door handles
2. Shoes
3. Clothing - only for those with excessive public contact outside home
4. Post & parcels.
5. Groceries.
Wash any surfaces used & hands at end.
Remember - we can't EVER 100% eliminate all risk, but we can take REASONABLE steps to minimise it. You can't live in an operating theatre environment. Manage your external entry points, then RELAX at home. Turn off the TV. Get off Twitter & leave the crisis at the door!
Gloves DO NOT keep bugs off your hands except for small, messy tasks
A hand sanitiser and making the effort to not touch your face are ALL YOU NEED.
ONLY wear a mask if you are sick or immune compromised.