🤔"What I wish I knew"🤔
#tipsfornewdocs #2wk✅
I was asked to do a wonderful Q&A during @umnmedresidency's first intern academic 1/2 day
Complied all tips👇
(💪work @Kay_L_Ingraham, @VigneshWP, @PendlKM) with co-panel (@jenwong101)
🗝️ Step 3 😱?👉focus on patient care unless you are taking w/in 3 months, just get signed up (it'll be OK)
🗝️ Research?👉focus on patient care and being a wonderful doctor (till spring @ earliest)
🗝️ Reading?👉read to care for your patient's illness
🗝 don't spend > 5 minutes trying to solve an issue (find a lab/order/consult) 👉🏽just ask
🗝 notes in by noon (goal) 👉🏽always be typing
🗝 look for ways to be more efficient
👉🏽templates, dot phrases, etc
👉🏽More upfront work, but super helpful in long run
🗝 learn from #NurseTwitter, RT, Pharmacy, PT, OT
👉🏽they do this each day and are the experts.
👉🏽It's a Team!
🗝 go to conferences
👉🏽you will always learn something
🗝 learn on the fly (#medtwitter, #SoMeDocs)
🗝 Never get off the 📞 with awkwardness
👉🏽"I'm sorry but I feel we are not on the same page, are you ok with the plan or have other ideas"
🗝 Don't have 1st family conference with a personal agenda
👉🏽 your goal is to listen/learn, update, and care
🗝 Manage your Expectations ... "We will get all our admits today"
👉🏽you expect to be there late... if you are, ok! If you get our early... hooray!
🗝 Build resilience through #FOAMed community
👉🏽normalizes hardships, stress.
👉🏽see successes and joy!
🗝 Vent to colleagues (preferably outside of work)
👉🏽@ work... Keep your words positive and your thoughts will follow
🗝 Take care of yourself
👉🏽Do what makes you happy when time allows
👉🏽Prioritize U
👉🏽family, exercise, socialize (or not #netflix)
🗝 Attitude is everything
👉🏽it's contagious
🗝 Don't be afraid to cry
👉🏽You are human✅ & you care✅
👉🏽These emotions will sneak up on you.
👉🏽Make sure you find someone and TALK ABOUT IT
👉🏽(program leadership, chief res, friends/family, me)
🗝️ Sleep hygiene
👉a consistent schedule is key
👉a little less may = better quality
👉your body thanks you in advance
🗝️ Be early
👉helps account for surprises
👉less daily doses of unneeded cortisol
👉more time with patients
👉no downside
🗝 use as much or little as you want
👉🏽examples of the opportunities it offers 👇
🎯 Amazing beginners guide to twitter 👇
🎯 Another wonderful #SoMe guide to resources
(inc. podcasts, blogs, websites) 👇
🎯 Reasons to use twitter for medicine & science 👇
🎯 Follow #SoMe leaders in your specialty 👇
(my biased #pulmcc #FOAMcc @atscommunity example)
🎯 #tweetorial
@tony_breu @MedTweetorials 👇
@virenkaul 👇
🎯 #tweetSTORYial
@gradydoctor 👇
🎯Join chats
📌 Enjoy your new responsibility
📌 Never worry alone
📌 Be humble, generous, and thoughtful
📌 Be kind, compassionate, and attentive to others
📌 Mistakes will happen 👉 learn from them
📌 Always be curious
📌 You will struggle
👉asking for help is what your patients do daily
👉why are you any different?
👉It's the right thing to do... reach out without hesitation.
👉 As you are with your patients... we are here, waiting to help you
Feedback welcome
@umnmedschool @umnmedresidency @UMNSurgEd @KazJNelson @andrewolsonmd @tajmustapha_md @chipsurgeon @GallodeMoraesMD @virenkaul @gbosslet @AbbieBegnaud @PendlKM
👉what's missing, any critiques, criticisms, or questions.
#MedEd #FOAMed
Great call @AbbieBegnaud!!
@medicalaxioms is always on point, including this great addition to our topic above!
Rules of medical social media!!