HOW TO TREAT ACTINIC KERATOSES AT HOME, a #tweetorial/#medthread
AKA:how to keep practicing #socialdistancing in the era of #COVID19 by staying at home and taking care of those precancers without having to come to clinic!
#dermtwitter #medtwitter #MedEd #FOAMed pc:@dermnetnz
1st, a caveat. Nothing subs for an in person exam, so this is not free license to tx things without a derm eval.
The reason for this #thread is that as the doctor seeing all urgent #dermatology pts today, I've gotten MANY calls from pts hoping to come get their AKs treated.
So normally we will treat AKs with liquid nitrogen in clinic since there is a risk of progression of SCC. That said, the risk of each individual AK turning into an SCC is low. I think of AKs more as a marker of sun damage and overall risk of skin cancer for the patient.
Given the above, I am more worried about patients who have HAKs or a LOT of AKs in a field. That's where field therapy comes in. These options include:
- Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
- Imiquimod
- 5-FU topically
- 5-FU/calcipotriene
- Ingenol mebutate
- Diclofenac gel
Since the whole goal right now is to keep pts at home, PDT doesn't seem like a great option since pts have to come in, get a photosensitizer painted on, & sit under a light for ~15 minutes! BTW, the pain from this is pretty intense.
Our review of PDT:…
Luckily, @CaImmunoprevent from our department came around and came up with a new regimen. His paper shows that combining 5-FU with topical vitamin D analogue works well and with less irritation when applied for a shorter amount of time!…

Ingenol mebutate came onto the AK scene ~10 years ago. I think it's main claim to fame is that the tx time is so short that patients finish treatment before they have a chance to stop from the irritation!
But the @nejm paper really argues for 5-FU!…
Other txs like retinoids, diclofenac, chemical peels can all be trialed, but in the name of EBM, I'd reach for one of the above first.
And remember - you don't even have to treat AKs! I think watchful waiting is totally reasonable... especially at a time like right now!
So keep those AKs at home, continue #socialdistancing, #flattenthecurve, and lather up with a cream of your and your #dermatologist's choice. Also a plug for using #Telemedicine and #teledermatology options right now!
Good luck everyone! Stay safe (from 6 feet away)!