1. The Privacy challenge we are all facing right now is balancing the health of many versus the privacy of a few.

3. Three things here:
(a) Just because these are unprecedented times, doesn't mean that (3/n)
Necessity&proportionality need to impact our choices when it comes to privacy violating actions. Releasing traveler data, publishing lists of quarantined ppl is neither. Govts have done this. (4/n)
(c) There are opportunistic co's looking to sell surveillance tech to govts eager to buy them. Situation cannot be used to legitimise tech that violates privacy.
(a) Only works if everyone has app running+ location&Bluetooth on. Won't work for people w/o smartphones, which is large population in India. However it is imp right now to have contact tracing if it's done keeping privacy in mind. (7/n)
The measures being taken now should be temporary and limited by proportionality and necessity. They should NOT continue beyond this situation.
This situation cannot be used to legitimise violations of privacy as the norm.