Extravagant success of Ashkenazi #Jews in wide range of intellectual domains serves as solid refutation to already exhausted #woke narrative of oppression, victimhood, & intersectionality. Why?/1
#IQ #psychology #intelligenceresearch #groupdifferences
Ashkenazi Jews w/ IQ over 145 outnumber the rest of whites ~11:1 per population numbers.
One year high-school freshmen in in the SMPY who had tested in the top 99,99th percentile (math): ~50 % were Jews.
Genius level IQ is never a result of environmental push: genes set potential.
"Magic recipe" would've been copied by others.
Scientific consensus
One of the many lines of converging evidence not only pointing to but underlining the genetic evolutionary explanation for their high avg IQ.
This would be widely accepted for any non-politiziced topic. Group differences in IQ, let alone genetic? Taboo (but the truth).
Another example of how group differences at tail end can be huge, due to polygenic differences (genes dictate max potential): ~90-fold over representation of Jews at top of chess in Soviet Union. La Griffe calculated IQ from outcomes -> got 110.

Biggest factor's their high verbal reasoning IQ avg (math IQ's also high).
"In 1954, a psychologist used test results to identify all 28 children in the New York public-school system with measured IQ’s of 170 or higher. [...] 24 were Jews."

Here's, as a side note, about the NE Asian composition of IQ. Opposite to that of Ashkenazim.

"In market economies, per capita GDP is directly proportional to the population fraction with verbal IQ at or above some determinable threshold."

"Twenty-one of the 42 synagogues listed in the phonebook were located within a 2.5 mile radius of Pikesville Middle School." (figure anomaly)
#racialdifferences #groupdifferences #education #diversity #standardizedtests #SES #socialsciences

"Racial diversity in the classroom reduces white achievement more than it improves black."
"Anomalous white pass rate corresponds exactly to what we might expect of #AshkenaziJews a discrete cognitive group with a mean IQ approx 1SD above that of other European whites"

Re: NE Asian high visuo-spatial & below avg verbal IQ:
"Lynn (1992) notes that higher socio-economic status groups tend to have high verbal intelligence, but these groups are not particularly high on visuo-spatial abilities." (from kevinmacdonald.net/PTSDAChap7.pdf)

To come up w/ complex novel ideas (i.e. Newton, Einstein, Gell-Mann...), super high verbal IQ needed. NE Asians r able 2 take known concept & apply science, but due to lowish verbal IQ avg, small stand.dev. & collectivist culture:

What about high-level scientists & their IQ?
Here some illuminating info:

Yet, IQ isn't enough: journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.24…
"original scientific achievement is predicted both by extremely high IQ & by curiosity (the q index), & that Northeast Asians score lower in the latter than do Europeans, based on genetic measures"

#Harvard enroll. profile that'd result from BIAS-FREE admis. policy (computed; assigning IQ gap of -0.84 SD to Jews (NLSY data)) vs. bias admis.
Non-Jewish whites take biggest hit being least able of biased-against groups (N-J W, Asians, Jews)

Here a take on the topic by Steven Pinker in a video format, with Q & A (4 parts, 60 min in total).
#NYTimes #Jews #IQ #Intelligenceresearch #psychology #behavioralgenetics
acreduprintemps19.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/the-10… <- read this magisterial contribution (last chapter is about Ashkenazim IQ) to the topic of the distinct #Ashkenazi #Jewish avg #IQ & IQ composition, and their evolutionary, genetic explanations + implications.

archive.org/details/AQuest… (1992)
"The subject of #Jewish #IQ is a sensitive one." (goes on about same people who wince still keen to hear what the data show)
It show #Jews have extraordinary verbal IQ & general factor of #intelligence

Groups (w/ suff. avg IQ) *copy culture efficiently* if it's advantageous. Jews've lived among gentiles. Professions over-representation can be explained partially w/ "culture of learning" - success at the zenith *NOT*. There their rate is *higher* <- only genes explain.
Then there's for instance this: researchgate.net/publication/33…
"Just" one study but nicely aligns with the theory & predictions + previous data.
In nutshell: polygenic risk score distribution predicts IQ distribution w/ high accuracy, showing the known group dif.

This site has listed the extraordinarily disproportionate contributions to humanity by Jews in domains that reward high IQ.

This one has a good case study from the era of Austria-Hungarian empire. #Jews #IQ #Intelligence #physics
Fluid #IQ loads heavy on g factor of #intelligence & can hardly be elevated by environm./culture. #Genius level IQ depends on fluid IQ. Toward tail ends of distribution, #Jewish over-representation INCREASES. People like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noam_Elki… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_von_…
IQ explains most of their disproportionate success: where verbal & math IQs are selected for, Jews do superbly whereas on domains rewarding high visuospatial IQ not as well as expected. High verbal & math, average visuosp. is making of evolutionary forces & genetic.
About Witten some more:
22 years ago: "Time magazine recently called him "the most brilliant physicist in the world. Perhaps the most brilliant physicist who has ever lived."
"Ed's the kind of person who comes along once a century." - J. Schwarz, a theorist at Caltech. "He is as close as you are going to get to a living Einstein today." -M. Kaku
Witten, like Einstein, Von Neumann, Feynman, Garwin, Gell-Mann, Schwinger,...- an Ashkenazi Jew.
Re: #NYTimes #BretStephens column on #Jews #IQ #heritability, #JaredDiamond in #NatureMagazine in 1994:
"lightning has struck Jewish lysosomes not once, not three times, but at least eight times. If your house is hit by lightning while..."
"...a neighbour's house goes unscathed, you may curse your bad luck, but if it happens eight times you should seek causative factors."
Any person educated in #biology, #Intelligenceresearch, & #genetics knows this is work of natural selection.
One of the foremost intelligence researchers of all time has dedicated a 300+ page book w/ 26 pages (!) of sources to the topic of #Ashkenazi #Jewish intelligence & achievements./5
I can think of no clearer-cut case outside of pure natural sciences where the converging evidence, pointing to same conclusion, is *stronger*. It would be easy to gather more #genetics evidence aligning with the conclusion but the political resistance is strong.
The huge over representation of Jews in intellectual domains selecting for high verbal & math reasoning vs. way lover in those selecting for high visuospatial & mechanical reasoning nicely fits the IQ based predictions.
If we look at different domains of mathematics, the visuospatial strength of NE Asians vs. verbal reasoning strength of Jews manifest themselves in how their math talents differ.
A: mankindquarterly.org/archive/issue/…
"Ashkenazi Jews have high average earnings, educational attainment, socio-economic status, and intellectual achievements. It is proposed that these can be at least partially explained by their high average IQ, which is estimated at 110."
There have been three principal explanations offered [ ] the Eugenic, the Persecution, & the Discrimination hypotheses. All provide plausible explanations and it may well be that all three of the factors they point to have contributed to this remarkable phenomenon."
If you felt curious enough to grind through this somewhat disorganized & hastily parsed-together thread on what seems to be a somewhat taboo topic, I thank you; it's bed time here in Finland. :) Let's quote Mark Twain for an insightful closure:
-M. Twain on Jews
I forgot to include my short pinned thread that includes a few readable articles by Diamond, Pinker, C. Murray, & Lynn's book & Cochran et al. paper from 2005 that I consider to be exceptionally powerful, rigorous, insightful, & illuminating.