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🧵"Decentralized" social media should scare the hell out of you.

Imagine a world where you have to log into Twitter w/ your portable social media profile through your digital wallet, with all your tweets stored on blockchain, including your "mean" ones.… Image
🧵Even Elon Musk noted in this conversation with Michael Grimes about Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX wanting to buy Twitter & blockchain it that doing so would require putting systems in place that would not decentralize it at all, but put it into the hands of "gigantic" P2P Networks. Image
🧵"Digital I.D. poses perhaps the gravest technological threat to individual liberty yet conceived.

It has the potential to trace, track & surveil subjects & to compile a complete record of all activity, from cradle to grave."…
Read 6 tweets
State of Control (2022 - Deutsche Untertitel)…

#StateOfControl #BillGates #UrsulaVonDerLeyen #Überwachungsstaat #DigitaleIdentität #EU #DigitaleWährung #ID2020 #DigitalIdentity
State of Control (2022 - Deutsche Untertitel)…
Diese Doku kann ich empfehlen. Die Untertitel sind allerdings wahrscheinlich nicht manuell erstellt und enthalten kleine Fehler. 😉
Read 6 tweets
#capitalisme philanthropique
Macron continue à nous endetter et enrichir #bigpharma : s’engage à donner 1.6 Md€ au fond global contre le SIDA, le palu, etc… aux côtés de Bill Gates son fondateur.
2/ Voici ce qu’est ce fond, son origine et sa destination. Bill Gates y est partout, c’est le patron !
3/ #synergies ONG ↔️ #bigpharma : ces milliards sont dépensés auprès d’des companies pharma de Gates , Pfizer, etc…pour fournir des tests et vaccins 💉 aux pays pauvres !
Post de @PENELOPPE192 👍
Read 4 tweets
Aus gegebenem Anlass muss ich einen kurzen Thread zum #YoungLeadersProgramme der #AtlantikBrücke & des #Weltwirtschaftsforum machen, damit die Entscheidungen der #Ampelkoalition & der #EUKommission unter der Führung von der Leyen, eingeordnet werden können. Los geht's: 💪


Die Dokumentation ist über die Abteilung "Wissenschaftliche Dienste" des @Bundestag für jedermann zugänglich. Ich werde die PDF ans Ende dieses Threads packen.

Auf den ersten Seiten finden sich Infos über die Geschichte

der #AtlantikBrücke & des #WEFs. Das Dokument ist lediglich 14 Seiten lang. Nach der Geschichte wird erklärt, wie sich die Programmen finanzieren & auf Seite 10 bekommt der Leser einen Überblick über einige Teilnehmer: Derzeitige Politiker der #Grünen aber auch der #CDU

3/ Image
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47/ l'#IDNum #biométrique pour se nourrir ?
Délire complotiste ? Non, réalité prochaine en Iran, sous couvert de crise alimentaire et inflation.
L'Etat va mettre en place des coupons numériques pour acheter une petite quantité de pain à prix fixé /Etat.…
47bis/ A noter que cette décision favorisée par la crise 🇺🇦🇷🇺 et le blocage des exportations de blé indien intervient 14 mois après la mise en place de l'#IDnum biométrique Iranienne, sous les applaudissements des EAU voisins très fervents /contrôle social
48/ L’atteintes des objectifs #sdg2030 sera-t-elle liée, voire conditionnée par les technos d’#IDNum et la biométrie publique ?
Read 16 tweets
@KimDotcom Wait…you still didn’t know the 🦠 + mRNA 💉 are Pentagon & CIA projects?

And the 🦠 was originally in USA during summer 2019?

It was a false flag 🚩 for WW3…

The evidence is insurmountable = USA orchestrated all this for global regime change…been working on it for decades.
@KimDotcom US created SARS 2.0 in 2015, then the Pentagon + CIA outsourced work on it to EcoHealth Alliance to create plausible deniability/false flag on China
Force the mRNA 💉 that DARPA pioneered into humanity.

2015 ::…

2015 ::…
@KimDotcom Jan 2020…

2017 :: ‘Over the past several years, DARPA-funded researchers have pioneered RNA vaccine technology…’…

2021 ::…
Read 15 tweets
Rassegna Stampa
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni @eretico_l ImageImageImageImage
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Odessa 2014 - Mariupol 2022 ImageImageImage
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Scienziati russi hanno iniziato a sviluppare un aereo civile supersonico nell'ambito di un contratto statale con il Ministero dell'Industria e del Commercio, del valore di 718 milioni di rubli ImageImage
Read 73 tweets
It wasn’t a liberal who announced the Iraq war and New World Order led by a credible United Nations or Emergency Use Authorization or incentivized lockdowns. That was #Conservative #Republican #GOP @GOP #Bush was in #Dallas at #JFK assassination. #Cuba Father of the #CIA
#building7 #WTC23 collapsing without being hit gave Bush JR what he needed a war on terror. It was JR who made Emergency Use Authorization and facial recognition law realID. Everyone knows “Homeland” connection to Hitler. Nazis introduced the term “homeland” at their first rally.
That rally was at Nuremberg where doctors scientists & media would be executed for manipulating and forcing #Jews into medical experimentation. This is where #InformedConsent comes from. All #COVID19 #vaccines are experimental.
Read 23 tweets
#NikolaTesla el nuevo ídolo de las masas ensalzado por Hollywood y el mainstream.
Si se quiere tener una perspectiva correcta y entender los porque del #NuevoOrdenMundial instaurado a partir del 2020 es obligado tener en cuenta la doctrina #Eugenesica desde #Malthus en adelante. Image
Tras la muerte de #CharlesDarwin en 1883, su primo Sir Francis #Galton denominó #EUGENESIA (del griego “buen origen” o “buen linaje”) a la disciplina encargada de la mejora biológica de la especie humana. Image
De esta manera irrumpe con fuerza el #eugenismo, movimiento político e ideológico que predica una mejora cualitativa y biológica de la población, frente a una posible mejora moral o cultural. Image
Read 13 tweets
Que se passe-t-il vraiment dans le monde ? Pourquoi cette soudaine folie covidiste et totalitaire ?
Ces non-sens apparents en Absurdie ?
En évitant les projections d’intentions complotistes sur l’éradication planétaire 😰, voici mon point de vue à jour, le + factuel possible…
1/ #world #CrisisCore : La finance mondiale repose sur le financement des intérêts d'une dette tj croissante par la croissance. Celle ci est si énorme /PNB qu'elle n'est plus remboursée, les états payant juste des intérêts pour dynamiser les marchés...
2/ #Crise de la dette au Monde d'après:
Depuis leur décorrélation avec les réserves d'or, les monnaies d'Etats sont librement "imprimables".
Cet argent est donc de la dette, a rembourser par 1 croissance à venir, excédent de l'activité future /l'actuelle, moins l'inflation...
Read 47 tweets
#School closures sweeping N. America are nothing to do w/ protecting health.

Underway is the #4IR "digital transformation of #education" led by 200+ corps & global institutions including #Microsoft, Google, #McKinsey, #Facebook, Salesforce. #Privatization

Learning thread👇
Chakroun "called on Coalition members & member states to "continue working together to unleash the full potential of the unique partnership that we have through the Global #Education Coalition [for which] the digital transformation remains the main focus."

Nov 15 2021: Alexa Joyce [] at #Microsoft, said that the insights & experience of the Coalition’s partners from both the public & #private sector can support ministries of #education around the world in driving deeper #DigitalTransformation."

Implementation of #4IR architecture
Read 7 tweets
@LottaViehler Liebe Lotte, schau mal ob Du fündig wirst (Thread):
Es wird immer gejubelt, dass Israel mit der Impfkampagne schon soweit fortgeschritten ist. Hat sich schon mal jemand Gedanken gemacht, was los ist wenn die Impfung doch so schädlich ist, wie „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ behaupten?
Read 19 tweets
#Alberta - You would have to be blind to not see that the fear/jab campaign is the entry point to digital identity - a imperative of #4IR architecture / global digitalization.…

You can #lockdown & jab - but the crisis is in long-term care. #LTC

"Quietly making an appearance on the #Google Play & #Apple App store Tuesday, the #Alberta govt introduced its new AB Covid Records Verifier.
Starting Nov. 15, the #QR scanner will be the only accepted proof of #vaccination..."

The #Vaccination Credential Initiative / #VCI / #SmartHealthCards includes 294 additional corporations & institutions including #Apple, #Walmart, #Google, & the Province of #Ontario.

#GoodHealthPass #ID2020



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#vaccinepassports: "They are creating a new inescapable web of #surveillance. W/ geolocation data being tracked everywhere. We have a global #digital infrastructure that is growing [] all around the world."

- Ann Cavoukian, former Privacy Commissioner of Ont., advisor/#ID2020
Cavoukian: "And I should mention w/ the
#vaccinepassport, which I find highly, highly offensive from a privacy perspective, both #Quebec & the port-a-pass in #Alberta have been found-the CBC revealed this-to be incredibly #privacy invasive."

Quebec 👇

Cavoukian: "Contrary to what's being said by the govt, lots of personal information is being collected & retained. That will have an impact upon you & your freedom. #Privacy forms the foundation of our #freedom. We cannot give that up."


[Source: ]
Read 3 tweets
Learning thread.

"By 2030, our goal is to enable access to #digitalidentity for every person on the planet." — 2017 ID2020 Summit

2014: ID2020 public-private p'ship

2016: ID2020 Alliance: Accenture, #Microsoft, #Gavi, #Rockefeller, IDEO

2021: #ID2020 launches #GoodHealthPass Image
#ID2020 is very quiet having published a single video in 10 months - the #GoodHealthPass launch event (Feb 11 2021 w/ 2,452 views). Equally restrained is the Twitter account created Jan 2021, w/ a mere 384 followers - & 12 tweets. ID2020 Twitter is also on hiatus. #Strategy ImageImageImageImage
"Urgency - While standards-development processes typically move slowly, a cross-sector effort is urgently required to bring #goodhealthpass solutions to market in 2021 & to scale globally – with the same urgency applied to #vaccine development." Image
Read 32 tweets
The next time you witness "irregular marketing" of the #Covid vaccine, show them this.
Bill & Melinda Gates; forced vaccinations and uninformed consent 💉
"The Gates Foundation funded experimental malaria and meningitis vaccine trials across Africa and HPV vaccine programs in...
"[T]hey are increasingly shaping the agenda of international organizations and governments." -Encouraged by the UN
Philanthropic #P3 well suited in addressing "sustainable development challenges... in implementing a post-2015 development agenda." [Agenda 2030, Sust Dev G]
"Recent reports of human rights abuses" "from Gates Foundation funded vaccine trials in Africa and India."

Why in the hell are we doing this?? 👇🏼

GF, Microsoft, WHO...
Read 25 tweets
🆔#ID2020, pour 1 #Identité #numérique mondialisée 📶📡 :
-1/n : Nouveau thread choc 😯sur la préhistoire des #PassSanitaires 🛂, ou plutôt comment la néo-pensée techno-mondialiste 🍩aux allures bienveillantes de l'ONU 🇺🇳 a initié le concept de #digital #identity pour tous !⏬ Image
🆔#ID2020, pour 1 #Identité #numérique mondialisée 📶📡 :
-2 : ID2020 est né le 20.05.2016 en réunion de l'ONU, en réaction au fait que nombre de personnes "invisibles et démunies", notamment les enfants de - de14 ans exilés, n'ont aucun papier d'ID. 🥺… Image
🆔#ID2020 📶: 3- Ce projet adoubé par l'UNICEF et les organisations humanitaires 🇺🇳s'inquiète 😳de protéger la "droit à l'ID des individus" en créant un modèle mondial d'ID numérique, malgré les risques de "mésutilisation & abus" de systèmes centralisés...
Read 29 tweets
Vaccine Passports Were Planned Even Before The Pandemic Began | April 14, 2021…
New Secretary General | 18.09.2019
- Today Marija Pejčinović Burić (Croatia) starts her five-year term as Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
- core values: #humanrights, #democracy and the #RuleOfLaw + (VACCINE PASSPORTS since 26 April, 2018.)…
#ID2020 Storing medical information below the skin’s surface | December 18, 2019
Specialized dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable “on-patient” storage of vaccination history.…
Read 5 tweets
Apr.2020 #Pandemic At Center of #Globalist & #Psychological
#Warfare Against #Freedom.

📽 #UN #WEF Globalist admit Coronavirus is at the centre of the wheel for #Global #Governance…

#ClimateTax > #ClimateHoax
#COVID > #Agenda2030 ImageImage
Apr.2020 #US #CoronavirusReliefBill had 'Digital Dollar' in it but was stripped out. On #DigitalDollar* website (Digital Dollar Project states it is partnering with Accenture) led by David Treat

* was going to create a federal reserve digital dollar

/1 #BiteSizeChunks
Digital Dollar: David Treat Snr MD & co-lead of blockchain / NY Fintech Innovation at Accenture, also serves on board for #ID2020 alliance, #WEF #4IR Global #Blockchain Council member, program advisor Chamber of digital commerce, & WEF digital ID

/2 #BiteSizeChunks
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The first UK lockdown began on 16th March 2020.

3 days later this article appeared.

Bill Gates pointed to major changes for ordinary people that could have privacy and civil rights implications.

What did he say?…

“Eventually we will have some 'Digital Certificates' to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” said Gates.

Gates also called for a “National Tracking System”.

This was the first official hint as to what was planned. Image
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"We must move on from Neoliberalism in the post-COVID era. The 'Great Reset' offers an opportunity to re-evaluate sacred cows, defining the pre-pandemic era: the coming #Industry40 and the digitization of countless economic activities."…

"The #COVID19 crisis is going to accelerate a number of changes and transformations in human society. Notably, the pandemic is expected to significantly accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution."…
Read 26 tweets
The Digital #NewNormal Part 7:


#COVID19 #DigitalIdentity #ID2020 #GreatReset #NHSCOVID19app #HealthPassport #ImmunityPassport
#CommonPass #COVAX

In Jan 2020 The @wef published a document "Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative"…

"For healthcare players, a patient-led connected health experience offers more targeted and sustainable treatments even at home, reducing the cost of processing health records and of hospitalization, and opening the door to truly personalized, targeted healthcare"

This is the digital future we need.

"We stand at a pivotal moment in the creation of our digital world. We urge leaders, practitioners and experts from all sectors and countries to contribute to and support these processes"…
Read 41 tweets

Following the launch of #NHSCOVID19app AKA the new Digital Health ID and #HealthPassport.


Its been downloaded by over 14 million people in England and Wales, around 25% of the population now have it. Image
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New Travel Pass Information Digital Framework from @wef is coming

#CommonPass: Helping people travel the world in the Covid era.


This simple digital solution could help streamline global travel and boost trade during COVID.

#CommonPass could jumpstart economic recoveries by helping people safely travel between countries, all while protecting their private data and containing the virus.

The framework lets travelers access lab test results & vaccination records held through existing data systems or personal digital health records apps (such as Apple Health or @Android Common Health).

So both #COVID19 Testing and Vaccine Data is shared.
Read 20 tweets

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