First of all, there is no such religion as #Hinduism. This name was coined by Britishers.
In this Thread, I’ve tried to bust the lies of #Communist Historians to malign the Sanatana Dharma using facts and evidences.

It is the oldest religion in the World.
The #Sanatanis have never been a proselytising race. #PanditNehru went on record to admit this.
Unfortunately, we have always been taught the #Left version of History. which has always been Delhi-centric and anti-Sanatani.
The Rigveda (believed to be written by Aryans) is the oldest out of the 4 Vedas.
Note: The Aryans were not foreigners. The Aryan Invasion Theory was a British policy...

Not to forget that this same Aryan Invasion Theory has always been used by #Communist Historians to create caste-divide in the Sanatana Dharma.
The society during the Early Vedic Age was ‘egalitarian’. All people were equal and had equal rights.

The two most important epics of the Sanatana Dharma were written during this period - #Ramayana and #Mahabharat both suggest that Casteism was not encouraged in #SanatanaDharma.

I agree that the Varna System existed but it intensified by the #Britishers and #Communists to create a divide in the Sanatana Dharma.

Though Gautama Buddha did not believe in the teachings of the Vedas, he was influenced by the Upanishads which are an integral part of the Vedic Literature.
Contrary to general perception, casteism was being practiced in Buddhism as well.
Yes, Caste-System exists in #Buddhism as well.

Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Mauryan Empire was a disciple of Chanakya, a Brahmin. Chanakya made him the great King he was.
Ashoka patronised Buddhism and even converted to it. Buddhism spread from India to different...
Despite this, these #LeftHistorians have always glorified these invaders.
The Sultans of the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals, did their best to torture and proselytise Sanatanis.
The #LeftLobby leaves no chance in maligning India & the Sanatanis.

But the recent excavations at the site have busted their lies.

It is really important for all of us to unite and stop fighting in the name of caste.