As always, we'll be live-tweeting the event with some great quotes from our expert panelists and contributors, so stay tuned!
@IEP_Berlin @GermanyintheEU @parleu2020de @AuswaertigesAmt @EPinDeutschland @EUinDE @GermanyDiplo @EUCouncil

Find the programme here to stay up to date👉
Frank Schimmelfennig from @IEP_Berlin outlines the importance of making sure #PPCBerlin goes on despite not being able to meet in person
Follow along here⤵️
When it comes to the #FutureofEurope, Youth Ideas are of paramount importance
They are the leaders of tomorrow, so we should listen to them TODAY!
#Zoom back in at 14:00 CET for the next panel💪
Follow along here⤵️
1⃣Migration and Asylum
2⃣Enlargement and neighbourhood Policy
3⃣European Green Deal



Christian Calliness from @FU_Berlin
@SabineNallinger from @Stiftung2Grad
@sachkarsten from @bmu
@gaby_um from @EuropeanUni

"We are saving our livelihood on earth. We have an obligation to engage in a future-oriented policy"
@GermanyintheEU @GermanyDiplo @bmu @parleu2020de @IEP_Berlin
➡️Danijela Jaćimović from @Univerzitet_CG
➡️Edgar Gansen from @GermanyDiplo
➡️@ilketoygur from @rielcano
➡️@khishtovani from @PMCGofficial
➡️Yuriy Yakymenko from @PA3yMKOB
"Managing the economic and social impacts of the crisis will be the main priority of the governments in the #WesternBalkans"
"EU credibility requires clear criteria, strict conditionality, and a clear perspective on EU membership. Enlargement is the best way of ensuring this"
"Only with active support from the EU can Georgians count on having fair Parliamentary elections this autumn"
Stephan Mayer from @BMI_Bund
Jaap de Zwaan, TEPSA's Secretary-General
@adriaanschout from @Clingendaelorg
Florian Trauner from @VUBrussel

Jaap de Zwaan calls for increased cooperation on this field
@adriaanschout's fascinating contribution to the Migration and Asylum panel at #PPCBerlin