..and of the three worlds..
..the terrestrial, the celestial, and the one connecting these two. (2/27)

We meditate on the glory of that #Ishwara—
..the Supreme Lord of the universe
..Who has created this universe
..Who is accomplished to be revered
Who is the embodiment of true knowledge and light (3/27)

..Who can destroy and dissolve our ignorance.
May He #Enlighten our intellect (4/27)

..It produces a large number of tarangas or alpha waves
..1,10,000 alpha sound waves per second in our mind
..that resonate in the region of the topmost cosmic energy centre called the #Sahastradhara chakra or the crown chakra (5/27)

..its frequency is enhanced manifold
..and its potency increases tremendously
..which greatly affects the chanter (6/27)

..at sunrise, at solar noon and at dusk. (9/27)

..who collected mantras, hymns and invocations from all religions of the world
..and tested their potency in his physiology laboratory has proclaimed the efficacy of Gayatri Mantra (10/27)

The combination of sound and the variation in the sound waves in Gayatri Mantra's particular frequency
..is capable of developing specific spiritual potentialities. (11/27)

However, since it was revealed to #BrahmaRishi #Vishwamitra
..he is the #MantraDrashta or the one who first conceives or divinely receives a mantra. (14/27)

..with their angas—the limbs of the Vedas as auxiliary disciples associated with the study and understanding the Vedas (22/27)


..destroys all sins, bestows splendid health, wealth, beauty, vigour, physical strength, vitality and a divine aura
..on and around the face of its chanter. (24/27)


The #Mantra belongs to the very science of #Acoustics
.. that has deep, #Spiritual, #Psychological and prosperity inducing results.
Glory be to The #Gayatri! (28/28)