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Nov 27th 2022
Mantras: Busting Myths, Removing Confusion
There are many myths about mantras, and many confusions as well. Will attempt to Bust Myths, Dispel wrong notions prevalent since ages in a couple of threads. Here goes Thread I.
To understand about mantras lets first understand what is not a mantra. Common prayers are generally mistaken as mantras. Most common of these are Gayatri mantra, Mahamrityunjay mantra, Hare Krishna mantra and so on.
Let’s understand what these prayers mean. Gayatri Mantra simply means, O Almighty, grant me wisdom. Its a simple prayer to the Almighty to grant one wisdom. Mahamrityunjay mantra literally means, O Shiv, please grant me freedom from the fear of death.
Read 28 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
Are there any mantras specifically for healing physical ailments?
Yes, Bhagwan Dhanvantari mantra and Sanjeewani Devi mantras. Dhanvantari taught people Ayurveda, goddess Sanjeewani dwells in an all-healing herb that heals all diseases and is able to bring life back into a dead body.
Om Namo Bhagavate Dhanvantaraye

Amrita-kalasha Hastaaya

Sarvaamaya Vinashaaya

Trailokya Naathaya

Shri Mahavishnave Swaha
Read 6 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
Which mantra should be chanted before going to bed at night, so that we can have a sound sleep and also stay healthy throughout our life?
You can chant the following two mantras.

The first mantra is devotion and praising God for sound sleep:

Achyutham Kesavam Vishnum Harim Soma Hamsanarayanam Krishnam Japet Duswapna Prashantaye
The second mantra is protection from bad dreams. It is addressed to Divinity that dwells in Durva grass and has power to destroy bad dreams:
Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2022
Someone recently asked me why I, conducting a project on #epidemics, write a paper on #mantras in #Ayurveda. Here is the reason: Early South Asian medical compilations discuss epidemics and how to treat them. They suggest various countermeasures …
Besides more "medical" remedies they suggest also truthfulness, compassion, #mantras, offerings, fasting, atonement, veneration of gods, certain rituals etc. – measures belonging to the class of remedies "depending on the supernatural" (daivavyapāśraya).
In Ayurveda, remedies are usually differentiated into those "depending on logical principles" (yuktivyapāśraya) and those "depending on the supernatural". The former help to balance the bodily humors, the latter shall primarily check all kinds of exogenous harm. Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
Durante un tiempo me he dedicado a recopilar #tips sobre #escritura, que me gusta llamar #mantras. Ahora he decidido compartirlos a ver qué os parecen 😉. Abro hilo 👇🏻
#consejos #consejosdeescritura #escrituracreativa #escribir #escritores #escribe
1. «Cada 800 palabras haz que pase algo»
No recuerdo dónde leí este #consejo, pero es uno de mis preferidos. Si lo que buscas es #escribir #FicciónDeAltaVelocidad lo que debes hacer (creo yo) es no demorarte en las descripciones
2. «No escribas ni una sola línea que no contenga información útil»
Este #consejo es de #DashiellHammett y compañía. Hay que entenderlo en su contexto: un tipo de escritura #pulp, muy directa, sin florituras y sin ambiciones literarias donde prima el entretenimiento
Read 38 tweets
Aug 8th 2020
1-Through the #Grace of the #Godeess ,we have been on a cosmic #Joyride since quite some time now!

Let’s continue with the same with the discussions on some more #Shakti #Mantras! (1/21)

2-Let’s begin today with #Klim

Klim – pronounced as #Kleem is about the wonderful, seductive #God - #Krishna

#Klim is blissful and full of #Ananda – because Krishna is #Bliss (pure #Ananda!) (2/21)

3-#Klim also relates to #Sundari the #Goddess of #Love, #Beauty and #Transcendence

#Klim activates #Desire, #Love and #Attraction

In #VedicAstrology #Klim is used to invoke #Venus and sometimes #moon. (3/21)

Read 21 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
1-We have been talking about #Mantras and their place in the #Vedic #Tradition.

Today, let’s dwell on the #Shakti Mantras – quite perhaps the most #esoteric and #Powerful entities in their own right. (1/19)

2-A word of caution here.

Shakti Mantras are like an Atomic Bomb

They are extremely powerful

..and should be practiced with due consideration, initiation and guidance by your #Guru and under your full #Intuition. (2/19)

@ijyotish @shashankupadhy_

3-Fundamentally, Shakti Mantras are extremely powerful, mono or single syllabled mantras.

In the higher Yogic practices they have a special usage. (3/19)

Read 19 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
Sanatan Dharma – A religion based on science

Ancient India, the land of Vedas and Upanishads. The land of culture, traditions, purity of thoughts and a religion that is based on science. Fasting, celebrations, festivals, even our daily routine is based on science. Image
Let me point a few things that we follow that are considered religious but are based on science. Our sages entwined science into religion in such a way that a common man can follow scientific rules to stay healthy.

Toran: Main entrance decorated with Mango, Neem and Ashoka Image
leaves that were put to purify the air. It served two purposes, decoration and purification. A normal daily ritual that was based on science.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
1-Why is #Gayatri known as the Queen of #Mantras in #Sanatana?

The #Gayatri #Mantra is the most revered mantra in the #Vedic lore. (1/27)


2-It is an invocation as well as a prayer addressed to the Supreme #Creator of the #Universe

..and of the three worlds..

..the terrestrial, the celestial, and the one connecting these two. (2/27)


3-The literal meaning of the mantra is as follows -

We meditate on the glory of that #Ishwara

..the Supreme Lord of the universe

..Who has created this universe

..Who is accomplished to be revered

Who is the embodiment of true knowledge and light (3/27)
Read 28 tweets

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