Goodbye #Musuem #HagiaSophia, the once was a place for harmony and tolerance—-before dogma and regression prevailed!

For starter, who can stop #Israel now from using the Turkish precedent to convert Al-Aqsa mosque to a Jewish temple?
Who can stop the tit-for-tat?
Who can blame radical Hindu after the conversion of #HagiaSophia?…
But there are NO shortage of mosques in #Istanbul.
There is also no Crusaders risk challenging the city btw!
Caliph Omar refused to pray in the Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem so as not give any excuses for converting it to a mosque!
Dudes, if Catholics are bad, why behaving like them and keep converting places of worships?
Plus #HagiaSophia was originally a church!
Now the Sultan has only small cult of Islamist fans; the rest of world understand how regressive authorterian he is!
“#HagiaSophia is mine”
“I will conquer the universe”