The UK should not extradite #JulianAssange
The US should drop the changes against #Assange. PETITION…
It is vital that the right to freedom of expression & access to information are protected. @wikileaks
I will be at the Old Bailey on Monday 9am with @amnesty.…
If #JulianAssange were extradited, it would set a chilling precedent for the protection of those of us who publish leaked/classified information that is in the public interest…
#JulianAssange’s extradition hearing resumes this morning.
#Assange #DontExtraditeAssange
It’ll hear allegations from US Dept of Justice #Assange tried to recruit hackers to find classified govt information
The indictment under the Espionage Act inclds conspiracy to receive, obtaining & disclosing…
Journalist @johnpilger outside the Old Bailey, where #Assange’s extradition hearing resumed today. #FreeAssange #DontExtraditeAssange
John Shipton, Julian Assange’s dad, enters the Old Bailey criminal court for the next stage of the hearings of his son’s extradition hearing.
#JulianAssange #AssangeCase #FreeAssange #DontExtraditeAssange #Assange
@10DowningStreet refused to accept it says @rebecca_vincent (with @cmihr).
He & @johnpilger have been denied access to the court for the Julian Assange extradition hearing.
They are here because they recognise the devastating impact #Assanges’s extradition & trial would have on human rights.
As Žižek told me in Zucotti Park in 2011: “Carnivals come cheap. What matters is the day after.”
Amnesty International’s legal observer has been denied remote access to the extradition hearing of #JulianAssange
We were already refused access to the courtroom
We were assured that we’d have access to the proceedings via the Cloud.
This has not been granted.

I met Eric Levy, 92, in 2003, when he became a Human Shield to try & stop the illegal war & to protect Iraqis
He stayed in a Baghdad power station throughout Shock & Awe.
* the barring of legal monitors inclding @amnesty. Judge said licenses issued “by mistake”
* restricted access to lawyers who Assange hadn’t seen for 6 months
* new US indictment being issued
The entire list of 40 trial monitors had their remote access to the #Assange hearings withdrawn this morning. #JulianAssange
Observing legal cases is our bread & butter work
We do it in countries with the most repressive regimes
We are reapplying for access.
They are behaving as if they have jurisdiction all over the world & can pursue any journalist. (Barry Pollack)…

No one responsible for the murderous Iraq & Agfhanistan wars has been prosecuted, let alone punished.
Yet the publisher who exposed their cimes is facing a lifetime in jail.
Mark Feldstein (expert): Yes. It’s a daily occurrence
As a journalist, people send me things. If I open a file that’s classified, could I be arrested?
She was one of the lucky ones who got into the courtroom for Day 1 of #JulianAssange’s extradition hearing.
“It’s alright for me. It’s not OK for Julian. My message for the world? If your kids get into trouble, do your damndest to defend them.” #Assange #DontExtraditeAssange
@JohnWRees of @STWuk on the abject lack of transparency of the judicial process in the #JulianAssange extradition hearing which started today.
“It’s impossible to regard this trial as fair”. #Assange #AssangeCase #DontExtraditeAssange
@HeikeHaensel, Member of the Bundestag, observing the #JulianAssange extradition hearing.
Editor-in-Chief @wikileaks, @khrafnsson.
“They hang the man & flog the woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
Yet let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose.” (Anon, 1700’s)
@iainoverton, ex-editor of @TBIJ, worked with #Assange on the Iraq War Logs. He asks why he is on trial?

We were granted remote access only, for the length of the hearing
Ystdy, our expert monitor @sebelgueta's access was revoked.
No update on access yet...

"I have regretfully decided not to grant your request to attend the #JulianAssange hearing via video & audio link."
@amnesty has received a reply from the judge in the #Assange hearing in response to our request to reinstate our remote access to proceedings.

@amnesty's @JuliaHall18 on the decision of the judge in the #Assange hearing, to "regretfully" deny Amnesty access
“Amnesty have done trial observation all over the world. In Guantanamo Bay, Bahrain, Equador, Hungary, Turkey etc. We are recognized as an expert in fair trial monitoring.”
This is @amnesty's bread & butter!
#Assange #JulianAssange #DontExtraditeAssange
Scrutiny is a vital component of open justice which is why we're concerned all 40 NGO observers & many journalists have been denied even remote access
We’ve yet to be given any reason for the refusals
Instead of explaining why our expert legal observer, @sebelgueta, is not allowed to log on & monitor the proceedings, we are given irrelevant info about #COVID.
Although 40 NGO’s - including @amnesty’s @sebelgueta - didn’t get access to proceedings, other observers did.
Follow @kgosztola & @SMaurizi for updates & analysis on #JulianAssange’s hearing today👇