I see a lot of commentary about the @NHSEngland paper on the future of integrated systems. Here is a perspective based on what is happening NOW rather than on some conceptual future - a hugely exciting agenda and one that is right in front of you @WYHpartnership
The paper recognises the role of LAs and the #NHS on the BROADER DETERMINANTS of health, including the economy, the environment, housing. Between @LeedsCityRegion@WYHpartnership we have made substantial progress on aligning health, housing, economy e.g. wyhpartnership.co.uk/application/fi…
@WYHpartnership is a partnership that is a servant of the partners. It has 6 strong PLACES, with good and effective health & wellbeing boards that own the system plans and the place based plans. They oversee delivery. An example here from #Leedsinspiringchangeleeds.org#BestCity
Formal PROVIDER ALLIANCES in places @WYHpartnership , such as the Wakefield Mental Health all sector Alliance. hosted by @allofusinmind with @NHSWakefieldCCG staff and all resources given to the alliance to deliver priorities. Leeds @LCHNHSTrust@LeedsGp have joint senior roles.
The THIRD SECTOR is an equal partner with a significant role at all levels of @WYHpartnership, leading programmes and at the forefront of delivery. The sector receives financial support and has been the subject of two resilience reports during #covid19wyhpartnership.co.uk/our-priorities…
Our FINANCES are governed by all Directors of Finance group, with single control total delivered in 2019/20, plans for 2020/21 agreed by al Boards, aligned incentive contracts for all @WYAAT_Hospitals, joint #capital prioritisation and planning @WYHpartnership, shared risk
Our GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUTABILITY is clear with meetings in public, live streamed, formal agreements on partnership, committees in common and joint committees, overseen by representative groups and papers published on our site. We also have peer review. wyhpartnership.co.uk/meetings
It's all MAKING A BIG DIFFERENCE through our @WYHPartnership driven by collaboration, ambition and improved services in tough times. We have a distributed leadership that works together. wyhpartnership.co.uk/our-priorities…
This genuinely is an EVOLUTION. Systems elsewhere across the country are doing similar work and making big progress too. The REVOLUTIONARY thing is systems thinking. ICS' are systems. They operate at individual, street, neighbourhood, place levels.
1/n Some reflections on #BAME inequality #covid19 and #NHSBirthday. Today is the 72nd birthday of the #NHS - founded upon a set of principles that we hold dear of universal access to healthcare, free at the point of delivery at a time when the nation was impoverished due to war
2/n A few weeks earlier, the Empire #Windrush arrived in the UK bringing the first of the “windrush generation” to help rebuild Britain, including the new #NHS. Things were not quite as promised for them. bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00…#Covid19#NHSBirthday#BAME
3/n I had the privilege of meeting around 100 #windrush nurses in #Leeds with the @BHILeeds and heard fantastic stories of their work building the #NHS, their pride in doing so and the struggles they had endured #NHSBirthday#BAME#Covid19
1/n I chaired @WYHpartnership Exec today where we talked about the fact that in a matter of #days we have delivered astonishing changes across the partnership through councils, NHS, independent and 3rd sector and our communities as we respond to #COVID19. Here you go...
2/n Our hospitals @WYAAT_Hospitals have exponentially increased their critical care capacity to record levels, reconfiguring whole hospitals across @WYHpartnership as a result #COVID19...
3/n They have done so whilst safely discharging thousands of patients to our community services, social care, general practices and volunteers across @WYHpartnership, with bed occupancy now around 51% rather than 98% prior to this period #COVID19...
1/ It’s been 17 years today since I lost my younger brother to #suicide. Since then, so much has changed.
2/ The stigma surrounding #mentalhealth has diminished a little and organisations like @TimetoChange and @heads_together bring a powerful lobby and royal patronage to the topic.
3/ @andysmanclubuk alongside many others has brought safe places for men to talk about their health and mental health across the country. 100s do every week.