Following our commitment to inclusiveness, let's introduce today the @CSEdWeek, aiming to inspire #k12#students, advocate for #equity, and celebrate the contributions of the community!
"The concept of social justice often refers to human rights, centered around improving the lives of groups historically marginalized based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion and disability."
"As part of the #CSforGood movement, we decided to shine a light on how Computer Science can serve as a catalyst for social justice. #CSforSocialJustice"
Advanced levels of digital competence are promoted in #STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approaches, with curricular reforms incorporating elements to reverse inequalities
Troisième jour de mise en valeur d'activités #technocréatives - en Français !
Ne ratez pas demain, le 4/12, le Séminaire TechnoCreatic - Des activités de #résolution#créative de problèmes pour l’#apprentissage à l’#école du XXIème siècle.
"After saving Christmas five years in a row, you've decided to take a vacation at a nice resort on a tropical island. Surely, Christmas will go on without you."
"The tropical island has its own currency and is entirely cash-only. The gold coins used there have a little picture of a starfish; the locals just call them stars."