2/ .@FBI please investigate. My kids were taken away for countermanding defamation & because I spoke out against infowars, which I used to own. Pls investigate due process violations in D-1-FM-15-005030 & official oppression to silence anti-Trump speech.
3/.@FBI investigate why Alex Jones’ DUI charge was dismissed w out trial and all Travis Co rulings to protect him, investigations not pursued by DA and (indicted) AG for racketeering, perjury. Investigate $6500 donation to judge prior to order entry...
Flashback to 11/20 Militia leader Stewart Rhodes on infowars boasts about having armed men prepared to go in, says #Trump must be bolstered or “we end up in a bloody fight..We have men already stationed outside D.C. as a nuclear option in case they attempt to remove (Trump)”
Flashback Nov 5, 2020 Alex Jones instigating, screaming about bringing a fight and chanting 1776 at the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office:
Subthread: Thanks to all for your support.
Praise God, my youngest child is finally safe with me, although Alex is actively distressing her, w intention.
It’s not enough & Alex’s counsel has pressured me while she has been in the ER 4 nights & while Alex was in DC inciting..
Subthread 2: I remain very concerned about all my kids & will never give up on doing everything I can to protect & morally instruct them.
I will not be pressed to trial in Alex Jones’ latest cruel & unmeritorious lawsuit pursued solely to harm & to stifle my speech in secrecy..
Subthread 3: During this case, my children were left in danger, in a home w domestic violence & alcoholism.
They were denied medically necessary care &/or providers’ recommendations ignored.
The hearings in the case were sealed w out due process.
This has protected Alex &...
Subthread 4: When a court punishes a mother for protected speech & political speech after it has unlawfully sealed a case & hearings, while telling Alex Jones he (and he alone) has done nothing wrong & “has his free speech,” federal law enforcement & America must oversee..
I seek public oversight & assert my First Amendment rights to Free Speech & Open Courts.
My child is ill and my attorney is overwhelmed.
Any citizen, attorney or organization can move to unseal Travis Co. D-1-FM-15-005030 under Rule 76(a) of TX Rules of Civil Procedure..
Subthread 5: This is a matter of public safety & the coercion & silencing of a mother, by a Court, using threats of taking her children (& having done so) because she tweeted in defense of defamation, against propaganda outlet infowars & for attempting to get public oversight..
Back on main thread: Flashback Twitter Moment Trump Propaganda Breakdown:
Flashback to my 2018 attempt to expose #FakeNews#Trump propaganda machine & assault of our Free Press when Trump used a doctored infowars/prisonplanet video to revoke #Acosta’s press creds.
Flashback: See thread for Russia Today (Russia State-run Media) phony spin to protect Alex Jones & search my feed for Alex’s history of repeat appearances on RT (& of using their propaganda):
Tons of violent, disturbed commenters on “moderated” Alex Jones sites, in what seems to be overt violation of their phony “threat” (& etc.) policy. These are from today. .@FBI .. .@SecretService pls subpoena all communications & raw video, get ips of possible insurgents’ posts
This just in! I have requested the raw footage to verify if there really was an infowars sticker on a law enforcement vehicle at #TrumpCoupAttempt.
Thank you .@godboltjb for if this is for real, the possible criminal implications seem to be verrrrrry serious.
Spinning your role after crossing the country in a tank, calling for 1776 & paying for the stage at DC cannot be mitigated by snarky & false calls for calm out of the side of your mouth
Flashback video of Alex Jones praising #ProudBoys as “heroes” in a “war”
TY all. I reported many provable crimes in the litigation Alex has pursued against me to the FBI: High $ Fraud, Coercion, Cyberstalking, harassment, Perjury etc. Have the evidence. If the court hadn't unlawfully restrained my Free Speech would he have been stopped? Pls amplify
Travis Co Cause D-1-FM-15-005030 Hearing 9AM CDT
Hearings have been UNLAWFULLY sealed from public oversight. Open courts are guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.
If the hearing is not open & I cannot address the Court I will refuse it as unconstitutional. Pls amplify #AlexJones
Active serious and dangerous comments on infowars, amid treasonous and coercive threats to "Hang Pence" by disturbed people in our troubled nation. This is from "moderated" comments. If they allow it they are party to it.
Alex Jones at the front on the march to the #Capitol next to #AliAlexander w #TrumpSupporters shouting “This is history happening! We’re not giving into the globalists! We’re never surrendering!”
Just found this on Alex Jones’ wife’s feed near her photo captioned, “Preparing for Battle.”
Chilling propaganda w explosions over.@JoeBiden, “artwork”: “Fight for Trump,” MAPS, & Alex talking about #Trump’s meeting with #RogerStone, “big things afoot.” #TrumpSupporters
I have found the videos I downloaded from Alex Jones’ BannedVideo/Infowars of the #insurrection / #CapitolRiot and am sending them directly to the #FBI
I believe any American would be concerned about the content & am reporting it according to my duty.
Will post clips when I can
Tried to post BannedVideo clip w Alex Jones/infowars raging at the front of the march.
An unidentified man (Security of some sort??) turns to the March & seems to say, "Alex! It's time to storm the Capitol! Backstage!"
Some retweets & comments are jumping to conclusions. Sounds like “Time to storm the Capitol! Backstage!” I’m not sure, though, &this a matter law enforcement should investigate. I feel it’s important to be responsible & not presume or accuse. The pros at the .@FBI have this.
Some retweets & comments are jumping to conclusions. Sounds like “Time to storm the Capitol! Backstage!” I’m not sure, though, &this a matter law enforcement should investigate. I feel it’s important to be responsible & not presume or accuse. The pros at the .@FBI have this.
Another alarming comment posted on infowars today to an article denying responsibility after years of broadcasts about civil war & circling public offices, courthouses & Capitols, often in a tank, at least 1x packing heat, screaming 1776.
Spin so calculated. Planned.
Headline banner clicks through to this Infowars article promoting #Trump speech in TX (God help us) & proclaiming 9 days left to “Save America.”
Infowars Terms of Service indicates infowars moderates tweets.
I guess these violent, terrifying comments posted today passed infowars’ muster.
How is infowars not a venue promoting further violence/#insurrection??
New clip from video I pulled from #AlexJones' site: one of #Infowars' live broadcasts on 1/6/21.
Knowing violence had erupted, Alex (wait for it):
Attacked the left.
Cited "intel" from the "Security Apparatus," & sympathetic cops.
Ranted about 1776.
#AlexJones' paid cameraman walks into the Capitol building promoting #Infowars supplements like a carney barker, elated to be inside the #Capitol.
Clip above of #AlexJones, who was in ongoing communication with his staff seems very concerning in this context. (See thread)
Pls ask #Beto to help me get this footage in the right hands.
.@BetoORourke I am your constituent.
1/No one believed my then 12 yr old daughter when she told CPS Alex’s wife had assaulted her.
Alex knew/allowed this & both have mistreated my kids horribly
Alex Jones is my ex & was verbally abusive to my daughter yesterday, his own kid. Christmas Eve. abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/a…
2/People who have followed me for a long time know that I won a jury but lost my kids in an unjust court that has refused to protect my kids according to the best interest standards.
Alex & his wife have been neglectful and abusive to my kids for years, his wife hit my child…
3/ Alex put this woman before our kids.
She testified to believing in corporal punishment when my youngest was in grade school & to drinking while pregnant.
Alex bullied my youngest about her illness & disability… made fun of a kid sick & in pain
1/Alex Jones is not a family man. He is my ex husband.
He has sued me for almost 8 yrs & defamed me to my kids to keep them from having normalcy and a mom.
He is yrs past due in medical child support, has mocked my child's disabilities.. (thread)
2/Hoping this will thread. Alex Jones has paid nannies 100s of thousand$/yr, some were employed by Infowars, endless perjury from them.
Alex is never home, denied my child prescribed medical care & bullied her. His wife is facing her 2nd DUI, BAC <.15& has assaulted my child
3/Erika Wulff Jones lied about her prostitution history on the stand, denying ownership of her SugarNights acct.
Forensic data investigators have been able to tie to her it via her ph #. Alex's nanny testified about my kids' exposure to adult materials in Alex's home, as can I.
2/Last Thursday, I moved to unseal D-1-FM-15-005030 asserting my true belief that Texas Judge Lora Livingston has assisted an Insurrectionist platform with unconstitutional secrecy & by color of law rulings that officially oppress me to protect infowars…
3/In my Motion to Unseal, I cite the injury Texas Judges Livingston & Naranjo caused America & the Sandy Hook plaintiffs by hiding material evidence relevant to their cases & the true person of Alex Jones, who had incessantly filed to suppress my free speech…
2/ Both TX Judge Guerra Gamble and CT Judge Bellis admonished Alex Jones for his repeat court order violations in the Sandy Hook cases, finding him liable due to his refusal to comply with court orders.
Judge Guerra Gamble should review my Enforcement Actions & D-1-FM-15-005030
3/Sandy Hook Judge Bellis (TX) & Judge Gamble (CT) should demand access to Travis Co. D-1-FM-005030 as should the Sandy Hook plaintiffs for the hypocrisy in pleadings (I was sued for my free speech against infowars), & the TX Rangers, .@KenPaxtonTX & .@FBI should investigate
Can the court of impose terms of service (“TOS”) on a private corporation that has its own TOS?
1)Twitter’s terms TOS do not incl the vague, unconstitutional bars on my #FreeSpeech imposed by the court.
2) Corporations’ protections seem to apply.
Another Question:
Does alerting the public that Alex Jones has unconstitutionally infringed on my #FreeSpeech by having non-considered orders entered in secrecy & under seal “embarrass” him?
Any other dad in Travis county whose employee plead guilty to #january6 charges, who was posted on the Internet in this pose, who promoted drugs & alcohol on broadcasts would be under supervised visitation & ordered to substance and/or alcohol abuse treatment. Not #AlexJones.
*pled. Also, any Dad whose wife facing 2nd DUI charge, this time BAC <.15, any Dad facing Federal charges, any Dad regularly talking about being killed or arrested, any Dad not paying child support, any dad doing this OTHER THAN #AlexJones would’ve been stopped by a court of law
& any dad found liable for defaming the memory of murdered school kids, whose settled other defamation cases is impeached, as is his perjury a crime. Course of conduct matters towards character. #SandyHook cases will likely be further delayed by more frivolous/vexatious appeals