There are specific linguistic tics that can signal deceit. Words reveal.
LOOKING AT WHAT @JustinTrudeau SAYS and focusing on one element worth taking a look at: namely, his use of the qualifier "extremely". It is a non-essential amplifier. Its repetition, weightage of ±
placement and in particular, the peculiar intensity with which he enunciates it. TRUDEAU uses it twice (0:10; 1:32), in a lengthy English response (1 min 27 sec).Like bookends, at the beginning of his response and again,at the end. His enunciation in each instance is unnatural. ±
To be clear, there are no absolute "tells" that can definitively (or singularly) indicate deception. THAT SAID, TRUDEAU's use of "extremely" taken with a cluster of features (i.e. pauses filled with utterances "ah" "um" "er" and "uh", vocal tension, postural shifts, head nods ±
and sneers, mixed disturbances before transition to French, etc.) taken together can (reliably) cast a doubt across its truthfulness.
The avoidance by TRUDEAU of a clear question from @AnnieClaireBO@CTVNews is plainly evident. While lying imposes an extra cognitive load on ±
the liar, liars sometimes experience "duping delight" which can include either excitement about the challenge of lying or pride in succeeding at the lie.
Upon concluding his English response, the equilibrium of TRUDEAU was noticeably disturbed by the follow up question. He ±
reacts by continuing unabated in his avoidance, and transitions to French. For the observer,what becomes evident is a believable evasiveness is underway.
We can all benefit from additional tools to detect deceit from language. How can we increase our ability to distinguish ±
truthful statements from deceptive ones? In this instance, I invite the reader to watch the video again, and then leave it to their judgement as to the semantics of truthfulness and reliability on display here.
AS @JustinTrudeau hums and haws, chattering about alphabets - THAT he must ensure “all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed” before citing #China ...
«THOUGHT IMMEDIATELY OF ANOTHER WORD» that also has I's and T's and may be a suitable descriptor as PMJT averts his eyes.
2/7 would reveal the emergency transmission from a civilian aircraft under attack and audibly identifying itself in its last moments. The second missile silenced further communication.
Investigation will have to squarely address what (hellish) motivation would seek to destroy a
3/7 civilian aircraft, deliberately.
A thorough and objective investigation, competently conducted, cannot avoid the one looming question, the 'elephant in the room': «WHO» or «WHAT» was on board #PS752Flight that resulted in the decision to destroy a civilian aircraft with
Any Liberal MP can't really say, "It's not a hill I'm willing to die on" given the most recent assertion by @JustinTrudeau that "We're very much on track" (1:20)
Now he faces glory or ignominy, something that will make or break his reputation. 1/3
"But Canada is unlikely to get any doses from those three companies directly until at least April, and confusion about deliveries of vaccines has thrown Canadian confidence in the Liberal government’s vaccine rollout into a tailspin."
"[@palkisu via @WIONews] Farmers in #India are protesting. And some politicians outside India have appointed themselves their spokespersons. Did the farmers ask them to? Most likely not. Are they helping the cause of the farmers? Certainly not."
Loss of #UNSC seat bid by🌐PM @JustinTrudeau was a heavy blow, underscored by its intense and costly diplomatic push. It is not possible to enter the thoughts of the Prime Minister and know to what extent (if any) Canada’s latest candidacy for Secretary General of #OECD now /3
motivates his actions. Nothing happens in a vacuum. AND, in this instance, for whatever reasons @JustinTrudeau made the decision to not only speak out publicly, but to also brush off India's subsequent criticism. Doing so publicly reasonably equates with a desire to be seen. /4
RECEIVED (albeit, unsolicitied). Nonetheless,it got me thinking ...
A type of Word Cloud emerged: "Williamsville Corridor Plan"•"lower parking ratio"•"modal shift"•"more carbon friendly"•"most progressive approach to parking management" ... #ygk
3/3 Keeping this short,reasons exists for bona fide skepticism(i.e. savings from not constructing expensive underground parking will be translated forward into final unit cost). Not necessarily so. Don't be surprised, market forces will in all likelihood ultimately prevail.