Saagar Enjeti claims the public health syst is contributing to "anti-vax" sentiment across the country. And at 5:08 in this vid, he attacks me. His claim? Masks & social distancing aren't key to lowering #COVID19 risk, mixed messages frm @CDCgov suck.
2/ Enjeti calls me "anti-science".
Self-described "populist right" advocate -- a politics buff, not a scientist or MD.…
He has never been a fan of masking and social distancing, and he argues that the plateau we've reached, downturn in many States..
3/ due to the #COVID19#vaccines.
He blames @POTUS@CDCgov & #TonyFauci for mixed messages leading people to opt for masks etc instead of vax.
The problems w/his argument are many. 1: There is a large overlap between anti-maskers & anti-vaxers. In Dec2020 polls it was..
6/In March a @KFF poll found "Among all groups, #Republicans & white evangelical Christians were the most likely to say they will not get vaccinated, with almost 30% of each group saying they will 'definitely not” get a shot.'… MORE
9/ One of the best health pollsters is @HarvardChanSPH Robert Blendon. He concludes, "that clinical physicians, rather than pharma companies, political leaders, or even medical scientists, should be at the fore of education & outreach strategies."… MORE
10/ @pewresearch has been tracking public #COVID19 attitudes towards masks & #vaccines since early '20. Recently, "77% think vaccinations will benefit U.S. economy," & plan to get vax'ed or already have.
13/ As for how much #COVID19#vaccinations may be responsible, already, for the levelling-off in new cases/deaths in the U.S., no place has yet achieved 70-90% full immunization levels. In Israel the major drop in spread happ'ed at 84% vax level. MORE…
14/ We can't reach those levels of vax if conservatives keep telling their followers NOT to take the #COVID19#vaccine . Popular podcaster #JoeRogan does just that -- specifically telling young adults to refuse.
16/ Yesterday, for the first time since March2020, I walked in my neighborhood park without a mask on, after reviewing the @CDCgov guidance. I am fully vaccinated. It felt grand. But I won't be mask-less on subways, in indoor public spaces, wherever crowds are gathered. Easy.
Images from the horrendous #COVID19 catastrophe in #India must start with #SuperSpreader events in early April. Religious festivals were not dampened, and there was no mask enforcement. #COVID19India
2/ And political campaigning was pursued vigorously in early April, with huge throngs and no mask requirements. #COVID19#SuperSpreader
3/ Fueled by a double-mutant variant strain of #SARSCoV2 on top of those #SuperSpreader events, India's #COVID19 epidemic soared at terrifying speed, all over the country, but especially in New Delhi. Burned-out healthcare workers feared for their lives.
"Today, in <100 days, more than 67% -- 2/3rds of our seniors -- are now fully vaccinated & more than 80% of seniors have had at least 1 shot. That effort has resulted in a drop of 80% in deaths among American seniors, a 70% drop in hospitalizations."
2/ "So instead of losing 1000s of seniors each day, we're saving 1000s of lives, and more & more as each day goes by.
And, by the way, the proportion -- the proportion of seniors who have been vaccinated is essentially equal between white and seniors of color."
3/ "Starting today, if you're fully vaccinated, & you're no longer need to wear a mask.
I want to be absolutely clear: If you're in a crowd, like a stadium or at a conference or a concert, you still need to wear a mask even if you're outside."
The @WhiteHouse#COVID19 presser now...U.S. giving #India 60M doses @AstraZeneca vaccines. U.S. "really hopeful decline" of 7% in new cases compared to last week. If you are vax'ed says @CDCDirector you can
- no masks in sml outdoor gatherings
- see below
Fauci is now discussing variants vs vaccines
what works?
OK, to all those trashing my tweet on the national downturn in new cases & relationship to #COVID19#vaccines, let's do the numbers. Drawing from @CDCgov & @CovidTracker data, for key States, compare high daily cases in latest surge, latest tally & vax rates per 100K pop.
2/This is doses admin'ed, so majority are 1-dose/persn.
Reported 1,084 new cases on April 13, down to 906 on 4/24 -- a 16% drop.
And it's latest vax rate is 74,859:100K, which is above average.
46% of adults have had 1 or both doses vax.
3/Few States have vax rates as high as MD.
New cases 4/13 = 10,083. 4/24 = 5,052
48% drop
Vax rate = 67,787/100K
41.2% adults have had 1 or 2 doses
3/25 = 2,485 cases; 4/24 = 2241 -- a 9% drop
Vax rate 72,865/100K; 46.8% adults at least 1 dose
The National Intelligence Council NIC released its 2040 forecast, which will guide #Biden Admin. It begins noting how radically #COVI19 has shaken the world:
"Are the disruptions temporary or could the pandemic unleash new forces to shape the future?"
2/ "Much like the terrorist attacks of 11 Sept 2001, the #COVID19#pandemic is likely to produce some changes that will be felt for years & change the way we live, work, & govern domestically & internationally. How great these will be, however, is very much in question."
3/ The NIC 2040 forecasts 5 scenarios for the world's future.
In Scenario 1 democracy enjoys a revival all over the world, as #COVID19 shows that dictatorships & populist leaders fail their people in combatting the virus & #ClimateChange .