In early march, we published a study on how Russians feel about the #war in #Ukraine.
We repeated this survey in early April with 1508 interviews in collaboration with @mowebresearch.
The survey took place before the atrocities in #Bucha became public. Results in a 🧵👇(1/n)
To obtain genuine & honest answers, the survey was conducted online. Since the first survey, the #propaganda has intensified and #pressure on critical voices in #Russia has increased. Therefore, any changes to march results only serve as an indicator for mood changes. (2/n)
57% of Russsians support Russia's "military intervention" in Ukraine (+9% since March). Support is increasing, but is lower than in other recently published polls, possibly due to online methodology where less pressure is present compared to phone/face2face methodologies. (3/n)
Support amongst older Russians is stable but has increased amongst younger Russians aged under 40: Half of them now support the "military intervention", opposition has decreased or is becoming more silent. Still: 26% of younger Russions express disapproval in our survey. (4/n)
At the same time, Russians increasingly reject the idea of withdrawing troops from Ukraine; 62% disapprove (up 10% since March), only 17% approve. (5/n)
Russians also increasingly rally behind their president #Putin. 3 in 4 rate him as trustworthy, hence it is not just 'Putin's war', criticism is diminishing. (6/n)
Even more clearly than in March, Russians blame the #USA for escalating the conflict in #Ukraine, 1 in 2 Russians hold this view. Only 9% see #Russia as mainly responsible. (7/n)
Hardly surprising, Russians' opinion of Western countries is becoming more negative. Only 1 in 5 hold a positive opinion of the #USA. #Germany and #France (although being on a higer level) also in decline, whilst #Russia and #Belarus seen more positively. (8/n)
4 in 5 Russians perceive Western #Sanctions against #Russia as unjustified, up 6% since March, only 12% see them as justified. (9/n)
However, less Russians than in March perceive Western Sanctions on Russia having an impact on Russia... (10/n)
...and only 1 in 3 Russians now feel personally impacted by the Western Sanctions. (11/n)
Compared to March, more Russians go with the official Russian narrative of '#demilitarization', '#denazification' and 'protection of Russian #minority' in #Ukraine. Propaganda and restriction of free media seem to have an effect. (12/n)
Still, more than 4 in 5 Russians want #Crimea recognised as Russian territory. Only 16% support Ukrainian administration of #Donetsk and #Luhansk. Support for #Ukraine's right to join the #EU remains virtually unchanged at 39%. (13/n)
In a nutshell: No signs of mood change in Russian public against the war & #Putin, the opposite is the case: Russian Propaganda and oppression works, Russians increasingly rally behind Putin and reject withdrawal of troops from #Ukraine. Full report here:…
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Dafür sind wir mehrfach quer durch #Deutschland gereist, haben Menschen in ihren Wohnzimmern u Gartenlauben interviewt, über 300 Leute in 48 #Fokusgruppen miteinander diskutieren lassen u insg. 12.000 Menschen telef. repräsentativ befragt. Zentrale Erkenntnisse hier im Thread:
Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz von #Klimaschutzmaßnahmen lassen sich nicht an Alter, Geschlecht, Einkommen oder Bildungsstand einer Person festmachen. Daher hielten wir eine einstellungsbasierte Betrachtung für sinnvoll.
Surveys from #Russia are rare. Together with @mowebresearch, we asked 1500 Russians what they think about the war in #Ukraine in a representative online survey. Despite #propaganda & penalties for voicing critical opinions, 27% oppose the #InvasionOfUkraine. 🧵 (1/11)
Particularly younger respondents (aged 18-39) oppose Russia’s military intervention in #Ukraine (36%). (2/11)
11% of respondents consider #Russia to be responsible for the conflict escalation. The same number attribute this to the #NATO (11%), almost half place blame on the #US (46%). (3/11)
Zahlen aus #Russland sind rar. Gemeinsam mit @mowebresearch haben wir 1500 Russ:innen repräsentativ online befragt, wie sie über den Krieg in der #Ukraine denken. Trotz #Propaganda & Strafen für kritische Meinungsäußerung, sprechen sich 27% gg. die Invasion aus. 🧵 (1/11)
Besonders Jüngere (im Alter von 18-39 Jahren) lehnen das militärische Eingreifen Russlands in der #Ukraine ab (36%). (2/11)
11% der Befragten sehen die Schuld für die Eskalation des Konflikts bei #Russland. Gleich viele geben die Schuld der #NATO (11%) beinahe die Hälfte den #USA (46%). (3/11)
💡 Nur 22 % der befragten Deutschen haben eine (sehr) hohe, 46 % der Befragten dagegen eine (sehr) geringe digitale Nachrichten- & Informationskompetenz.
Im Ø wurden 13,3 von 30 möglichen Punkten erreicht. Oft fehlen ganz konkrete Kenntnisse & Fähigkeiten.
Nicht nur, dass man den Eindruck hat, es mache nach wie vor einen Unterschied, ob man aus West- oder #Ostdeutschland kommt: Es halten sich bis heute auch zwei unterschiedliche #Narrative zur #Wiedervereinigung: (2/11)
Für Westdeutsche ging das Leben nach der Wiedervereinigung weiter wie zuvor. Sie haben den Eindruck, dass die Wiedervereinigung von Westdeutschland bezahlt wurde. Trotz realer ökonomischer Unterschiede halten sie die Wiedervereinigung für eine #Erfolgsstory ohne Verlierer. (3/11)