• Dow Theory is a trading approach developed by Charles Dow who is also known as the father of Technical Analysis. It is still the basis of technical analysis of financial markets.
• The basic idea of Dow Theory is that market price action reflects all available information and the market price movement is comprised of three main trends.
• Most of technical analysis theory today has an origin from ideas proposed by Dow & Edward Jones back in 19th century
Those ideas were published in the Wall Street Journal and are still assimilated by most of the technicians.
• Dow Theory still dominates the far more sophisticated and equipped modern study of technical analysis.
2) The 6 tenets of Dow Theory
1. Market moves in summation of three trends: Primary, Intermediate & Minor Trend.
2. Market trends have three phases: For uptrend, the phases are Revival of confidence (accumulation), Response (public participation),Over-confidence (Speculation)
The three defined stages of the Primary Bear Trend are Abandonment of hope (Distribution), Selling on decreased earnings (doubting), Panic ( distressed selling ).
3. All news is discounted in the stock market.
4. Averages must confirm: Initially, when the US was a growing industrial power, Dow had formulated the two averages. One would reflect the state of manufacturing and the other, the movement of those products in the economy.
5. Volumes confirm trends: Dow was of the belief that trends in prices could be confirmed by volumes. When the movements in price were accompanied by high volumes, they would depict the ‘true’ movement of the prices.
6. Trends continue, unless definitive reversals come about : Irrespective of the day to day erratic movement and market noise that maybe witnessed in prices,
Dow believed that prices moved in trends. Reversals in trends are hard to predict unless it’s too late due to the nature and difference in magnitude of trends.
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❎Stagflation is a period of rising inflation but falling output and rising unemployment.
❎Stagflation is often a period of falling real incomes as wages struggle to keep up with rising prices.
❎Stagflation is often caused by a rise in the price of commodities, such as oil. it occurred in the 1970s following the tripling in the price of oil.
❎A degree of stagflation occurred in 2008, following the rise in the price of oil and the start of the global recession.
❎Stagflation is difficult for policy makers. For example, the Central Bank can increase interest rates to reduce inflation or cut interest rates to reduce unemployment. But, they can’t tackle both inflation and unemployment at the same time.
This #strategy involves two options of same strikes price & same expiry, A long straddle is created by buying a call and a put of same strike & same expiry whereas a short straddle is created by shorting a call & put option of same strike & same expiry
Let us say a #stock is trading at Rs 6,000 and premiums for ATM call and put options are 257 and 136 respectively.
Long #Straddle
If you buys both a call & a put at these prices, then his maximum loss will be equal to the sum of these two premiums paid, which is equal to 393
And, price movement from here in either direction would first result in that person recovering his premium and then making profit. This position is undertaken when trader’s view on price of the underlying is uncertain but he thinks that in whatever direction the market moves
Most of the people are market-averse when it comes to investing their hard-earned money in it. The primary and most significant reason for this is the fear of loss of money.
More often than not, this fear stems from the lack of knowledge surrounding #Markets. In this thread, we try to overcome this fear of investing in #StockMarket by following some easy steps
Here are some of the things you can do to get rid of your fear of investing in stocks
1. Gain Knowledge of Stock Markets:
Start by educating yourself with the basic concepts related to stock markets and how do they work. You can reduce your investing risk significantly by understanding the basic #fundamentals, which are not as tough as you think.