[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…the corruption & insane attempt to rearrange reality began to reveal itself gradually as the W. Bush years rolled on. An inside job on the World Trade Center, an Iraqi War,..” []
[] “[Republicans] were being found out to be the liars they are. That term, *lie*, for the first time in my lifetime began being used for what they do.” []
[] “In all these many ways, Republicans firmly maintain that Matrix of misinformation around money & taxes, as they consistently switch the blame for the consequences for their mismanagement so as to confuse the other-than-wealthy…” []
[] “…[Republicans consistently switch the blame for the consequences for their mismanagement so as to confuse the other-than-wealthy] & thus keep them vulnerable & ripe for more picking in their next round.” []
[] “Despite the restructuring of America’s informational institutions to benefit the super wealthy, which began in the Seventies, U.S. media in the Nineties, with a Democrat at the helm of government…” []
] "[U.S. media in the Nineties, with a Democrat at the helm of government]…giving Democrats a louder voice than otherwise, was more likely than afterward to bring accurate information.” []
[] “Such reporting pulled aside the curtain, revealing the concerted Republican campaign to enrich themselves. Hillary Clinton at the time alluded to this collusion of the wealthy in proclaiming a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”” []
[] “It became ever more apparent that the aim of the Right was to apply comprehensive pressure — akin to the Class War it was — on government & social policy at all levels of society to increase their already bloated wealth.” []
[] “Their intentions are no less than those nobles of old, to keep people in servitude & serfdom, essentially to bring people into compliance with their totalitarian will.” []
[] “[The Republicans] were so obviously not caring...not even putting up a pretense of being for the American people, who they were supposed to be representing & who they were claiming to be on the side of.” []
[] “We find the economic collapse of 2007-2008 resulted from Republicans under George W. Bush, taking away regulations people & good thinking Democrats, etc., had instituted to protect folks from having their life savings taken from them.”[]
[] “…we saw what happened when corporations had their investment & financial guard rails removed by Republicans. The rich people...they went crazy, they went amok.” []
[] “Barrack Obama’s origins have nothing in common with those of, say, a Romney...or a Bush. He wasn’t cradled in wealth, & his family had no ties with Nazis like the Bushes.” []
[] “…that is what the Republicans & the right-wing-nuts do. They will find one example of anything. Always just one example will they be able to come up with, but they will use that to make their crazy “truth.” []
[] “& [Republicans’] “crazy truth,” their attack on others, invariably is a veiled confession of their own ongoing criminal & conspiratorial activity.” []
[] “Biden grew up in the unassuming city of Scranton, in the center of the one-time Pennsylvania coal region, only ten miles from where I happened to have been raised.” []
[] “…by the time of the 2008 election & after a sorry eight years of the reign of a foolish Bush, these “obvious truths”—such as that you give money to the rich & it’s gonna create prosperity—well, they were falling.” []
[] “[These supposed unchallengeable “truths,” hammered into American minds by the Filthy Rich,] came out into the light & began being seen to be the lies that they are.” []
[] “It began in reaction to an idiot “king”—W. Bush—& on the shoulders of a new committed generation of Millennials. It swept the first African American ever into the office of the presidency of the United States.” []
[] “However, Barrack Obama’s election was naturally not enough to throw off the vines of tyranny that had grown over America during a full fifty years of “obvious truths.” []
[]“Nevertheless, within a matter of only 2 yrs of his election, by 2010 & cont'g into 2012, these revelations of the ways ppl worldwide had been managed like house pets for the gains of the super-rich caught the headwind of an Arab Spring.”[]
[] “Later, in 2011, it sailed into a Wisconsin union movement & an American Autumn. Between the Occupy Wall Street & Wisconsin uprisings in 2011, America saw the largest outpouring of revolutionary fervor since the Sixties.” []
[] “Not only did the throngs of demonstrators mirror, perhaps surpass, the numbers that rose up in the 60s, but the movement this time was world-wide; the cause was the same everywhere in the world. A Global Awakening had begun.” []
[] “The wealthy have you thinking after a while about this scapegoated group the way they think of you. They do not think you are as human, as deserving of a nice life as them.” []
[] “[The Filthy Rich] want you thinking that there is some group...Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, gays...who are responsible for your problems & are not as deserving, are not as American as you.” []
[] “So [the filthy wealthy Controllers behind the scenes, thru their Republican toadies] create all kinds of lies so you’ve got someone to blame that is not them, that is not the actual perpetrators of these things.” []
[] “We see thru their bombardment of inanities & lies, yet [the wealthy elite Controllers, thru Republicans] have desperately stepped up their assault...as frightened actors can be expected to do. This proves we are winning.” []
[]“Nonetheless,[the Wealthies] increase thr control of the dialogue in America w a virtual media monopoly, spinning thr line, thr narrative almost exclusively & leaving the internet the only unconquered land outside thr broadcast hegemony.”[]
[] “Americans were starting to know again what is really important, during the Obama years. Pushing against the media tides, they were connecting outside the public limelight. They were using the internet to exchange views.” []
[] “[Folks] were learning & taking action, gathering by the hundreds of thousands in rallies for change & to speak out against what was continuing to be imposed on them to benefit the well off.” []
[] “[Americans] were doing this despite being ignored by the media, the media continuing its policy of trying to make some realities to go away while blowing up the ridiculous & the insignificant into matters of great & pressing portent.” []
[] “If only the sanity arising in the population were not so drowned out by the overwhelming amounts of money being poured into all media—the internet, social media now, too, where Russian bots prevail…” []
[]“[If only the sanity in the population were not drowned out by the exorbitant amt. of money put into social media, too, where Russian bots prevail]...to shout down every sliver of intelligence & awareness tweeted or posted.”[]
[] “Class War is anything but covert, as things once avoided as being too overtly criminal & treasonous are proposed, as though reasonable, & are hammered through with all the power money can provide;” []
[] “& outright Civil War & secession from the Union are being proposed & pushed forward by the endless faces, bought, & brought forth to bring about our enslavement.” []
“The time is now. You are the person you have been waiting for. This is either the end of days or the beginning of the end & the rebirth of something new & longed for by righteous & good-hearted folks for sixty-plus years.” []
[] “November 2022 will no doubt determine the fate of American democracy. It could be the death knell for democracy & the Earth with all its lifeforms within our lifetimes.” []
[] “[These 2022 midterm elections] could leave us under an ominous cloud of ultimate doom, or it could open us to a reimagined world, one where peace, freedom, & sanity reign.” []
[] “For this [2022 midterm] election might also be the bellwether for democracy around the world & the beginning of the rebirth of Earth itself. This vote will determine everything, & it is the most important event in the world.” []
[] “Perhaps [this 2022 midterm election] is the most consequential election of all time. America’s voters must vote wisely. The fate of the world, of all its lifeforms, & the freedom of its people hang in the balance.” []
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “America & the world were evolving as needed in the Sixties if we were to sustain life, freedom, democracy, & the planet. For we discovered all were under attack.” []
[Quotes/highlights:] “It’s just natural that if you don’t hear anything to counter something, you’re going to believe that the only thing being said is the truth. & that certainly has increased over time … through the years.” []
ir was said i have doubts about the spiritual being being able to assume human form at will. i don't think i have any doubts or beliefs about it.
For ultimately we are Divinity, just the way a leaf is part of the tree.
so who's doing the deciding, the leaf the tree?
there is only one Mind in the Universe and when we clear away the detritus from the Falls from Grace (pre- and perinatal traumas) built up in our early life experiences, which separate ourselves from knowing that, then we are One with it.
also, i don't believe there is any free will. i believe everything we do are Divine actions, as we operate as Divine beings, whether we like it or not. even our "mistakes" are not mistakes. There is only Divinity, and there is only perfection
Our Children Should Not Have to Suffer and Die to Pander to the Machismo Fantasies and Cowardly Fears of a Minority.
What I always think of is the analogy with cars.
People don't generally go around committing mass murder with autos. Sure, people get killed in auto accidents, but it is not intentional. And we all *need* autos for daily tasks, errands, and work (unlike guns) ... so if it is an "evil" it is a necessary one ... daily!
Yet, what of cars? We require registration of them, of the driver, licensing, and training. Why are guns exempt from safety concerns? Why? I'll tell you why ... bc of rednecks who need them to feel "manly" (i.e., machismo)...
I meet my girlfriend, on her bike, & my bike I’ve parked about 15 feet away around the corner of the store. We kiss. Stuff. I turn back around & there’s a guy pushing one bike & with his hands on mine, about to push it away.
Clearly he was attempting to steal it (in a matter of a minute from having gotten there! With me nearby & him even pushing a (probably) stolen other bike!)
Not seeing the Trump/Republican connection, yet, I’m sure. But you will.