[] “…liberal arts ideals were bulldozed away to make room for the career tracks leading directly into positions in management, medicine, law, & many new & highly specialized niches—” []
[] “Increasingly over the years, this more intensive indoctrination into outmoded & mechanical behavior, befitting a totalitarian state, had people more subdued, more contented in the “bread & circuses” still provided them,..” []
[] “…with education & media suppression, & an ongoing propaganda & misinformation campaign, Americans increasingly were wont to react with familiar tho untrue and/or outdated ideas & truisms in the face of incr complex & tumultuous events.” []
[] “…in America, we are better because we just seduce folks away from higher aspirations of the soul to the lower base impulses that are satisfied with what money can buy.” []
[] “The corporations buy the talent of these “uneducated” graduates & their potential for high achievement & all the rewards that come with rich lives of insight & personal growth.” []
[] “I have watched the 1984 of George Orwell creep into America unnoticed—slick & gradual & perfect—as only the best minds, paid handsomely by the people with the wealth, can concoct.” []
[] “Bush’s dictatorship was the end result of the slick suppression of truth & manipulation of the masses that had its roots in the Fifties, took the helm after killing Kennedy,..” []
[] “…we have seen W. Bush’s affront to the rule of law & manipulation of the masses for the ends of war simply brought to fruit with the installation of Trump.” []
[] “Worse still, we have seen the dictatorial aspirations of W. Bush more fully implemented by Trump. & it was done in a way to make those changes more difficult to undo.” []
[] “You will see in this book how W. Bush’s crimes against the United States should not have been allowed to avoid investigation, as was the case under President Obama & Speaker Nancy Pelosi.” []
[] “Indeed, I wrote about this lack of investigation of the prior administration by Obama at the time, in Obama’s first year, saying, “those who don’t know history are apt to repeat it, yet those whose history is not accurate…” []
[] “[those who don’t know history are apt to repeat it, yet those whose history is not accurate] cannot therefore know it & are guaranteed to repeat it.”" []
[] “Obama & Pelosi ensured that coverup of Republican crimes would continue. They set a precedent that even lies that lead to wars with millions dead can be safely ignored after the fact.” []
[]“The decision was made at the time of Ford’s pardon of Nixon,that the “stress-free” functioning of society trumps justice, trumps accountability, trumps consequences. Tho it favors the criminal & corrupt,that part is conveniently ignored.”[]
[]“…this thinking, the comfort of a few is more important than the rights of all came about. & it remains in effect in the govt & media establishment, to this day making some folks to assert Trump, currently, is free from accountability…”[]
[]“…[Trump is free from accountability as president,] despite having staged the most treasonous act of an American—an attempted violent overthrow of the govt, w people murdered & many more planned to be—& doing it while himself president.”[]
[] “Indeed, I have heard it said that in the media—publication & broadcasting—there is a wall on the Left, blocking progressive thinking & ideas from showing up in the mainstream.” []
[] “My personal experience & observation agrees with that. Specifically, books that benefit the profit-takers & powers-that-be are the ones being put out by major publishers.” []
[] “…this is a continuation of the kind of misinformation & attempts to change the narrative of events from one fitting more solidly on the pins of facts to one that is pleasing & supportive of the agendas of the wealthy.” []
[] “…in hindsight after Trump’s abominable four years in his stolen office of the presidency, we see that the wealthy elites intent to control all aspects of the American mind & the American’s purse has no bounds.” []
[] “We see that even treason, insurrection, & the overthrow of democracy & rights such as freedom of speech, the separation of church & state, & the rights of a woman to make decisions about her body are fair game…” []
[]"…[treason, insurrection,& the overthrow of democracy & rights such as freedom of speech, the separation of church & state,& the rights of a woman to make decisions about her body are fair game for our American (& Russian) totalitarians.”[]
[] “As I predicted in 2013, the forces under threat would, with their huge wealth, fight a ‘fierce rearguard action’ against the cultural elements threatening their values—thr much cherished albeit profit-enabling values.” []
[] “…this fight—the undeclared Class War/ Culture War—continues with one side—liberalism & the Left—increasing in popularity among the masses, consistently & increasingly since the Sixties.” []
[]“& the other side—conservative & fascist, Republicans & the Right—are viewed with more & more disdain, as their ideas are revealed to be ineffective & irrelevant & their tactics increasingly corrupt & illegal, criminal & this: treasonous.”[]
[] “…we all see those regressive & irrelevant ideas remain more powerful than kinder & progressive ones, as the moneyed elites control minds & policy with their exorbitant wealth…” []
[] “…& [the Filthy Rich] are able to shove their demented views down the minds of gullible Americans through massive media campaigns on Fox News & right-wing media, on the internet & otherwise.” []
[] “It is difficult, to be sure, in the current environment, awash with misinformation, much of it purposely targeted by Putin’s Russia to undermine America’s democracy & elections, to know what is real & what is fabricated…” []
[] “[It is difficult to know what is real & what is fabricated] by moneyed interests to turn our minds in a particular direction, no matter how false, cruel, violent, or unfair.” []
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Alcohol numbs pain & creates a euphoric state by blotting out higher-order cerebral-cortical functioning. It reduces access to memory, diminishes physio-motor skills, blocks anxiety, depression, & nervousness.”[]
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “These instances may be seen as the examples of the use of ‘The Big Lie’ as a major, sometimes the only, strategy in conservatives’ attempts...” []
[Quotes/highlights:] “… when I had my first personal experience with a major national lie at the age of 19—one that involved an obvious collusion of State Dept, Dept of Defense, & all the major newspapers in America—I was shaken.”
[Quotes/highlights:] “*Culture War, Class War 2022* explores the resulting cultural divide & how it was instigated & kept alive for fifty years in America by certain elite powers…” []
[Quotes/highlights:] “…while public opinion favors the Democratic side of this Culture War/ Class War, the moneyed interests have for years restructured American institutions to reflect *their* intentions, & not the will of the people…” []