[] “Yet these payoffs [to Republicans] were small investments to corporations, relative to the benefits they would get in the changes in government policy which affected them.” []
[] “…it remained true that for the most part Democrats were funded by unions & organizations dealing with issues, like education, health care, seniors, jobs, & so on that affect the average American.” []
[]“…the tax system in America became a tool of larceny for the Filthy Rich. The tax codes were molded to the greedy desires of various industries & corps.; this was allowed as a tradeoff for legislative & other benefits to the common good.”[]
[] “…eventually it was getting to where a huge increase in that problem could be attributed to corporations not even having to justify the paybacks they wanted were good for America anymore. No tradeoffs to the common good even necessary.” []
[] “Republicans are excused of all wrong-doing, at the behest of the wealthy with a beam in their eye, on the basis that it is equal to the mote that is in the eye of the Democrats.” []
[] “Is Hillary Clinton’s deletion of emails—many of which were probably the spam mails & niceties between friends that fill up all our inboxes—equal to a treasonous insurrection? Some people would have it so.” []
[] “[Is Hillary Clinton’s deletion of emails equal to a treasonous insurrection?] Hard core MAGAts would have it that it is somehow far worse; go figure.” []
[] “…these ‘lesser of two evils’ arguments are ones where the factor of proportion is left out. These things are not seen as amounts, which can be compared, which are relative; but as absolutes.” []
[] “MAGAts are gullible innocents when it comes to slogans that require a little thinking to make out their absurdity, especially if it includes any arithmetic.” []
[] “…forget about trying to get [MAGAts to understand anything that involves percentages. You just get that blank look, before they change the subject or throw up one more ‘whatabouts’ they’ve heard from Fox News.” []
[] “…the slogan—‘the lesser of two evils is still evil’—sounds really cool & clever. Perhaps even profound. Still, this kind of ploy, which is one version of what is called a false equivalency, is bullshit.” []
[]“For there is nothing in life that is totally good & nothing totally evil. It asserts an absolutism emanating from thinking of religiophiles who seek to maintain such categories of white & black, goodness & sinners, for dogmatic reasons.”[]
[] “…and [religiophiles maintain such categories of white & black, goodness & sinners] as a way to make oneself better than others with an allowance to be judgmental...and punishing...of them.” []
[] “Being said about everything, [the lesser-2-evil argument] would have it nothing could ever be done, no progress could ever occur, for one could find a negative consequence, however small or relatively small, for virtually everything.” []
[] “‘The lesser-of-two-evils-is-still-evil argument is so obviously stupid, yet it is tossed around as truth, infecting the minds of erstwhile activists or progressives.’” []
[]“The lesser-of-two-evils argument derails any positive change, any benefit to the people—save imaginary ones somehow not in any way possible seen as negative—for it sets up a ‘purity’ standard for all decisions that's impossible to find.”[]
[] “Republicans were always seen, rightfully so, as the ones representing various corporations & what were called the special interests—defense, big agriculture, big oil, the Chamber of Commerce, insurance companies, big pharma, & so on.” []
[] “…this Big Lie, firmly woven into the fabric of the Matrix as to be both invisible & thr4 unchallengeable even by rational arguments...this lie, & I’m sure you’ve heard it is that: Well, *both* parties are funded by special interests!” []
[] “…we have an idea of what a big difference intelligence makes...what a big difference it is when you have intelligent people running things versus when you don’t.” []
[] “…after eight years of intelligent guidance from America’s cockpit with Obama, we got Trump. This is a guy who has been called ‘the dumbest student I ever had,’ by one of his professors.” []
[] “This is a man who pathetically bragged, as some kind of intellectual feat, about his ability to pass a simple test for dementia. & we saw the result of having this goober dimwit at the helm: millions dead from Covid alone,..” []
[] “…[we saw the result of having this goober dimwit at the helm:] a Russian invasion of Ukraine with many more tens of thousands murdered...and a Presidential Medal of Freedom Award for, of all people, Rush Limbaugh.” []
[] “…contrast that with *Harvard Law Review* editor Obama. How many press conferences did he have after taking office? How frequently did you see him on the job?” []
[] “[Obama] handled some of the biggest problems this country has ever had. People were impressed he could do it. & there was so much of it to do after Bush’s mishandling.” []
[]“In an almost identical way, Biden is masterfully handling the problems left from Trump—Covid, infrastructure, the credibility & reliability of our govt institutions, the economy. So, isn’t intelligence kind of a good thing for us all?”[]
[] “If the Filthy Rich & their corporations can convince people that the government’s job of serving the people is a special interest among all the rest, then corporations & the Filthy Rich can advance the proposition…”
[]“…[if corporations can convince folks they are a special interest, they can advance the proposition] they are due some special consideration & financial bonuses whenever the govt does anything for the society it is *supposed* to serve.” []
[] “If you think about it, this narrative sets [corporations/the Filthy Rich] up as an insatiable entity needing to be appeased for any largesse going to ordinary folks.” []
[] “Yet where do corporations & the Filthy Rich get the right, or the gall, to claim some special status equal to that of the people themselves, allowing them to increase their already heavy-with-gold coffers…” []
[] [The corporations & the Filthy Rich] are like the voracious monster of the forest, feared by the villagers, who sets itself up as deserving of human sacrifice, just so it doesn’t release its terrible power on the townsfolk.” []
[] “Corporations & the Filthy Rich were able to demand compensation from the government—in all kinds of ways, both sneaky & obvious—simply for allowing the government to function also for the benefit of the people at other times.” []
[] “It used to be that the Republican narrative that was pushed was that benefits to corporations & the wealthy are appropriately balanced by attention to the people’s needs & wants.” []
[] “That is akin to ‘sacrificing of the village’s youth to the forest monster.’ A tax cut here could be rationalized as justified by a social program there.” []
[]“It was the same old ‘bread & circuses’ being given the masses in exchange for thr enslavement & money. It was an appeasement of the masses to serve as distraction fr the larceny & creeping fascism the Controllers would be perpetrating.”[]
“… [this earlier appeasement through ‘bread & circuses’] was superseded by an acceptance of the notion that the wealthy could simply claim/steal tax & other benefits from the government…” []
[] “…[the wealthy could simply claim/steal tax & other benefits from the government] without any requirement of allowing the government to function otherwise for the people.” []
[]“In this scenario—exemplified perfectly by the huge tax cuts & bailouts we saw Filthy Rich were able to extricate fr the Treasury under the American presidents of the last 2 decades—the monster of the forest simply ravages the village,..”[]
[] “[In this scenario—exemplified perfectly by the huge tax cuts & the bailouts extracted by the Filthy Rich, the monster of the forest simply ravages the village,] no tradeoff necessary, no benefit allowed.” []
[] “…we will look more into the disaster that accrues to a society—like ours & indeed that of most of the world—that exists mostly to fund the extravagances & egos of the rich, with little or no largesse allowed its citizens.” []
[] “…this socialism for the rich has immediate consequences. Every major tax benefit for the rich, going back to Hoover—all of them provided by Republicans—has led in a few years to a recession or depression.” []
[] “[Republicans] take the money, then they leave the scene & leave the Democrats holding the bag: Not only do Democrats then need to fix the economy all over again,..” []
[] “…but the recession that the tax cuts caused will be attributed, in the Republican narrative, to the spending the Democrats necessarily must do to right the financial ship again.” []
[]“Thus, the wealthy Controllers will even frame any benefit to the people as being some affront to their intentions to suck even more money from the masses to add to their obscene wealth.”[]
[]“…many of the conservative Republicans who attacked the student loan forgiveness plan as being ‘socialism’...as per their usual...were beneficiaries of the PPP program, &...get this...had their PPP loans, sizable loans, forgiven.”[]
[]“We have the best recent example of this pattern of a recession following tax cuts for the rich in the 2001 & '03 tax cuts given by W Bush to his wealthy donors & friends. That corporate socialism led to Great Recession only 4 yrs later.”[]
[] “’Despite promises from proponents of the tax cuts, evidence suggests they did not improve economic growth or pay for themselves, but instead ballooned deficits & debt & contributed to a rise in income inequality.’” []
[] “[Republicans] claim they are fiscally responsible conservatives. That is yet another lie. As McCain said in 2008, ‘I don’t know too much about economics.’” []
[] “It’s true [Republicans] will claim to be fiscally responsible & yet...what happened? Well, the largest economic collapse in American history second to the Depression...& it was the largest collapse in the economy of the world.” []
[] “…the Internet kind of brought folks together in solidarity of purpose the same way maybe a rally or demonstration in the past would have brought people together.” []
[] “Republican proposals end up accomplishing the *exact opposite* of what they say they will. & they know their proposals are fraudulently presented, even when they propose them.” []
[*Quotes/highlights*:] “This section continues the exposition of this incredible phenomenon of decades-long & increasing intentional misrepresentations used by one party [Republicans]…” []
[Quotes/highlights:] “Money—as arrayed against music, passion, & social movements—is especially more powerful in a situation where the people have been put in financial jeopardy because of the prosperity of the rich.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We see the fifty-year invisible ‘family’ revealed—the ‘community’ that surrounded all Americans & affected every aspect of their lives,..”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We saw the beginnings of cultural enlightening & progress during Clinton’s term in the Nineties. In retrospect it was a colorful time; it was an enthusiastic time.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “*It’s a Wonderful Life* is beloved & timeless, no doubt, because it reassures an entire generation & all those who have had to give up their dreams for whatever reason that their sacrifices were for a higher good…”