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Oct 26 190 tweets 247 min read
Chapter 15

of *Culture War, Class War: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Creating a Totalitarian Mind:

“Recipe for The Matrix: Misinformation, Repetition, Impoverishment”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #FBR

CW22 15/1
“[*Chapter 15 text begins:*] “The Rise & Fall of ‘Obvious Truths’” discusses the history of the American Republicans’ incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, & amazingly cohesive, seemingly coordinated fifty-year campaign…”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 15/2
“[Republicans’ incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, & amazingly cohesive, seemingly coordinated fifty-year campaign] to gain advantage & wealth for their benefactor corporations & the “filthy rich” thru totally concocted untruths.”


CW22 15/3
“*Creating an American Mind & Personality: The Power of Money to Persuade...When You Happen to Be Poor*

“This started when I was reading over a post I had written. The title was relevant,..”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans

CW22 15/4
“…& it triggered this whole thing. The title was “On Cultural Change, Consciousness, & Music.” & I described it as so: “The perfect confluence of context, moment, & person makes history...Obama’s astonishing rise to the Presidency, e.g.”

-->… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 15/5
“*Changing the World?*

“Yet the perfect alignment of a nation’s or world’s deep mood, the moment, & a musician or artist can change the world forever. For example, The Beatles.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/6
“*Times weren’t always like this*

“After reading that, I imagined someone else viewing it, & I considered how chances are it would be someone younger than me—for I am old enough.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/7
“That is part of what this is about. I am old enough to have seen some things, & I remember some things that people growing up in this day & age would have no conception of.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/8
“Those more recently coming of age are used to a particular American setting somewhat different than the one I knew.”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory

CW22 15/9
“Growing up in a particular context, naturally they would think that is the way things are & how they have to be; they could not know any differently.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #Roe

CW22 15/10
“*“Obvious truths” is about how I saw things change*

“I was born in 1950, so I am aware of other ways that America has been. This part of the book, on “Obvious Truths,” is a lot about how I saw things change.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/11
“Specifically, I look at the changes in the way we view ourselves, our lives, & authority; I have yet to hear anyone else mention these kinds of changes.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist

CW22 15/12
“*But, really, change the world we did*

“Getting back to that younger person reading that description, I imagined this other person seeing what I wrote about the Beatles & all that, about changing the world...*changing the world*!”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 15/13
“In the harsh light of their cold-hearted reality & the comfortable assuredness of their beliefs, I figured they would consider me naive, if not more. How could that person understand? But, really, change the world we did.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave

CW22 15/14
“*Music’s Power to Persuade*

“Addressing that younger person, I started writing, “If the title’s claim sounds silly or trite to you then you are operating out of a social prejudice we carry from childhood, particularly around status.”

THREAD. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/15
“[you are operating out of a social prejudice we carry from childhood, particularly around status.] & you haven’t stopped to evaluate & compare. Now, I know that sounds kind of harsh, but it comes together, you’ll see.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/16
“For one thing, leaders & politicians, even great ones, can only alter the course of events slowly & meticulously. Sweeping changes cannot happen by fiat as they depend on the people’s passionate involvement, which you cannot create.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 15/17
“In the case of a dictatorship—for example, Hitler’s Germany, or Kim Jung Un’s North Korea—that passion might be faked, probably it would need to be faked. Still, even in a free society, politicians can only use words;”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue

CW22 15/18
“& no matter how stirring those words, they can reach only so deep inside. It is with great difficulty that political leaders try to move the soul of a nation; most of that mood is untouchable to them.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueTsunami #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/19
“*Sergeant Pepper*

“Meanwhile music, in particular, more potently than any other art form, has the capacity to alter consciousness. I will explain that later; it is an area I have done a lot of study in. It is a part of my profession.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 15/20
“Anyway, music affects your feelings & so it affects your consciousness. So its effects will really stay with you more than words will.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology

CW22 15/21
“Music is a more powerful thing, & it has been used consciously to try to sway the spirits of humans ever since the times of shamans.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/22
“Yet music is a *much* more powerful thing when the perfect combination of mood, context, & music come together.”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology

CW22 15/23
“If you think music is not so powerful then explain why music is required at virtually any social gathering...particularly, when thr is involved any attempt to persuade the feelings of the attendees. Have you ever noticed that?”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/24
“What is truly shocking is how music can even be more powerful than vast piles of money put against it.

“I said, *can be*. In talking about music’s power to persuade I am reminded of political rallies & such.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/25
“*The Persuasive Power of Money...When You Happen to Be Poor*”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory #Bluein22 #CultureWar #Roe

CW22 15/26
“On the other side from the power of leaders’ words of inspiration, which is limited, of music’s more effective persuasions, & of the potency of passion & heartfelt feeling naturally arising in people; consider the power of money.”

THREAD... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/27
“Money in the hands of the “filthy rich” is used in a variety of ways & obviously has tremendous persuasive powers of its own.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history #BlueIn22

CW22 15/28
“And here is what I am getting at: Money—as arrayed against music, passion, & social movements—is especially more powerful in a situation where the people have been put in financial jeopardy because of the prosperity of the rich.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 15/29
“As an aside, I remember a time in America’s past when people were more prosperous & confident about their abilities to manage their lives.”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology

CW22 15/30
“I do not believe it is a coincidence that in those days money wielded by the wealthy had less power to persuade & people were less easily bought than today.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/31
“It was said that people then were wont to question authority more than they were likely to bow down to it. I will get back to this later.

“Anyway, these are the things I was thinking about when this started.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/32
“*“Obvious Truths”—The True Sounding Untruths—in the Creation of the American Mind*

“Then I started thinking about that: the “filthy rich,” specifically, the power of the Filthy Rich & their money. I began to consider it more deeply.”

THREAD. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/33
“*The True Sounding Untruths. (Hell! It’s Obvious the Earth is Flat!)*

“Remember this is called the rise & fall of “obvious truths.””

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/34
“I was drawn to looking into those commonly accepted truisms—truth-sounding but *not* true; let us call them “obvious truths.” Not true but sounding true: Think of how correct it must have *sounded* at one time to hear that the Earth is flat.”


CW22 15/35
“So, an “obvious truth” is something unthinkingly accepted as true but is not actually true when thought about or looked into.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/36
“I considered some of these errant habits of thinking & looked at where & why they arose & why they would take hold & have power despite having no foundation in reality.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/37
“Doing so, I came up with this description of “obvious truths” & the context birthing them:

“These untruthy truisms arise out of the American Republicans’ disciplined, relentless, persistent, cohesive fifty-year campaign…”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave

CW22 15/38
“…to gain advantage & wealth for thr benefactor corporations & the “filthy rich” thru totally concocted *untruths*, which are introduced carefully, slowly & thr4 invisibly, over time…

“Just accept my word for it for now; I will explain….”


CW22 15/39
“These untruths are introduced carefully, slowly & therefore invisibly, over time, one by one, with *persistent, relentless* repetition replacing reason or rational persuasion, as part of a coordinated comprehensive campaign…”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue

CW22 15/40
“…[a coordinated comprehensive campaign] whose goal is the creation of an American mind eroded of rationality & confused & made fertile & desperately receptive to these fabrications of the Republicans seamlessly portrayed as truths.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 15/41
“*Precise & Strategic Use of “Obvious Truths” in the Creation of the American Mind*

“I know this is sounding pretty wild. But, you’ll see. Hang in there & see if I can support it. As I was explaining,..”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/42
“*Their goal*

“The Republicans’ goal, to be precisely & inexorably attained, is the creation of an American mind eroded of rationality & confused.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueTsunami2022 #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/43
“& this mind is to be shepherded by the exact & strategic use of misinformation specifically targeted & measured for the achievement of specific ends.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueTsunami #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/44
“This seeding of minds is to work dialectically w thr campaign to physically & financially weaken the American public w the simultaneous & equally slow & meticulous & precisely timed introduction of policies…

“I said, I can support this….”


CW22 15/45
“*Their means*

“This introduction of policies, which tho not invisible are cleverly packaged, is 2b perfectly timed to confuse the obvious step-by-step, yr-by-yr connections of these policies & thr cumulative increasingly successful results.”


CW22 15/46
“*Now, again, bear with me…

“*Their intended results*

“These results are the castration of the American...of Americans in general—except for the Filthy Rich & the Republican leadership which are their lackey public faces.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 15/47
“So, the intent of this long campaign, employing “obvious truths” as munitions, is the crippling of Americans’ power in particular to resist even the inexorable increase in the clearly felt suffering heaped upon them as these years went by.”

> drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/48
“I’ll give you a hint, alright? I remember living in a time that was not so economically depressed. I watched it slowly get worse, & worse, & worse;”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #history

CW22 15/49
“& I saw people suffering more, & more, & more, okay? But I did not hear people complaining more, & more, & more. That’s a hint.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist

CW22 15/50
“*Their vision*

“Okay, so what we have is Americans’ power monkey wrenched through policies directed at them & sustained by “obvious truths”—actual lies—pushed by Republicans whose purpose is to diminish people,..”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/51
“…[lies—pushed by Republicans whose purpose is to diminish people,] to reduce their power, & ultimately to bring them down financially while raising the wealthies higher.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/52
“*Recipe for The Matrix: Misinformation, Repetition, Impoverishment*”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #resist #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory #Bluein22 #CultureWar

CW22 15/53
“Getting back to the truisms themselves, remember, as I said, these totally concocted untruths are designed to be surreptitiously introduced—carefully, slowly & therefore invisibly over time—one-by-one.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/54
“[These untrue “truisms”] are to be planted through persistent relentless repetition, not by rational persuasion, & are intended to replace reason & independent thought.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/55
“*Weaving the Matrix*

“They are meant to do their work within an invisible matrix as part of a coordinated campaign whose purpose is the construction of an American mind lacking in its ability to reason & confused.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #BLM

CW22 15/56
“Lastly, this mind is to be made fertile & desperately receptive to these fabrications seamlessly portrayed as truths thru the exact & strategic use of misinformation precisely targeted & measured for the achievement of specific ends.”

THREAD. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/57
“Alright? I said bear with me, I’ll be able to give you some examples of this...or I’ll make a fool out of myself, that’ll be your choice...

“These specific objectives are also to be brought to fruition…”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/58
“…through a massively funded, all inclusive, & strategically targeted campaign to financially weaken the American public through incremental changes in national fiscal policy as well as—note this—in national culture.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/59
“National policy changes are to be achieved through the simultaneous & equally slow, meticulous, & precisely timed introduction of policy initiatives. Though these national initiatives could not be invisible,..”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/60
“…they are to be cleverly packaged as well as sneakily introduced & are to be perfectly timed to confuse the obvious step-by-step, year-by-year connections of these policies & their cumulative, increasingly successful results.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue

CW22 15/61
“Okay? I’ll get into the policies, soon. But I am starting with a conclusive statement, & it might seem over the top. You may think it too bold, but I think I can back it up.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/62
“Again, those sought for results include the emasculation of the average American through sabotage of her or his powers to act in an effective way in any & all aspects of their lives.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/63
“To be achieved at the same time is the fortification of the power & wealth of the Filthy Rich puppeteers & their lackey public faces in the Republican Party.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/64
“Instrumental in strengthening the wealthy class of insidious directors is the weakening of the remainder of the population’s abilities.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/65
“& in particular & ultimately the intention is to cobble the ordinary person’s power to get out from under or to alleviate for very long the inexorable increase in their clearly felt suffering as the years go by.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/66
“For *this suffering & the helplessness about it is crucial to the directors’ success.*

“Bear with me….”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory #Bluein22 #Roe

CW22 15/67
“*The Creation of Confusion, The Stifling of Conviction & Thus Passion*

“Now, the key to all this being brot about is the creation of an American consciousness clouded in fog & confusion & thus forgetful of its past as a point of comparison.”


CW22 15/68
“In this way splintered...we’re talking about the American mind...splintered, & disintegrated, it is desperate for something however irrational to which to cling.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/69
“Along with or coincident with the orchestration of the American mind was the dismantling of any solidarity of Americans on any large scale.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #BLM

CW22 15/70
“This follows, because of the confused state that the average American would normally have & its inability—the person’s inability or the American mind’s inability—to discern obvious aspects of reality & distortions of it (lies)…”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 15/71
“…which in times prior would have provided obvious organizing standards around which would be *passionate* resistance. This is what could & would happen in times previous to the Republicans’ campaign.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/72
“For example, I went through a time where people would go into the streets & there were people who complained.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology

CW22 15/73
“I also went thru a time, during Nixon, when there were nationally broadcast investigations of the corruption of an administration & when folks involved in conspiracies went to jail.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/74
“Among other high-ranking corrupters & criminals who were imprisoned, we actually had the Atty General of the United States under Nixon, John Mitchell, indicted for his crimes during Watergate & forced to serve 19 mos in jail.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/75
“Yet in more recent times, we had the installation of W. Bush over Al Gore in the presidential election of 2000 when, as it was soon determined, it was Gore who had won—both the popular & electoral counts.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/76
“Despite this, there was no pushback by Democrats, no investigations, no lawsuits, no marching in the streets or “storming” something or other. America slept. Its media encouraged it; its Democrats let it slumber.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Midterms2022

CW22 15/77
“Let’s talk about what happened then. There is a book out about how George W. Bush actually created a dictatorship during his eight years.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology

CW22 15/78
“It’s amazing to me we all knew that; the corruption was so rampant it was like on a daily basis we were hearing things that in a former time—the Sixties, the Fifties, anytime—would have caused the W to be tossed out on his ear.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue

CW22 15/79
“This time, somehow, it was like there was nobody in the streets. People went about their lives as if ignoring what was going on….”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #lies

CW22 15/80
“And we see the unfortunate outcome of that in the installation of Donald Trump in the presidency only eight years later.

“Around that same time, 2015,..”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist

CW22 15/81
“…we saw Republicans take over the Supreme Court by refusing to do their Constitutional obligation in approving a Supreme Court Justice, when Antonin Scalia died. Any other time, we would have had mass uprisings at this mini–coup d’état.”

>… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 15/82
“Subsequently we watched a goober president, beholden to a Russian oligarchy,as he not only benefited himself & his cronies financially thru his (stolen) office but he slowly unraveled the fabric of the largest & most long-lasting democracy…”


CW22 15/83
“…[a goober president, beholden to a Russian oligarchy, as Trump slowly unraveled the fabric of the largest & most long-lasting democracy] on Earth, before our very eyes.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/84
“While Trump tightened the screws on ppl’s ability to complain, attacking the press & removing freedom of speech in all kinds of ways, including removing net neutrality, folks stood by in fascinated & terrified awe at this train wreck…”

-->… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 15/85
“…folks stood by in fascinated & terrified awe at this train wreck [Trump] gradually flying apart in all directions before us.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist

CW22 15/86
“For years this went on, with only a handful of Democrats calling for impeachment, while the rest of them, along with society, put their heads under their pillows hoping it would all somehow, please, just go away.”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/87
“Until the very end, the Democrats, media, & Speaker Pelosi dallied. By then it was too late to stop the institutional carnage. Around the time of Trump’s 1st impeachment, it was reported, one could make a case for 82 grounds for impeachment.”


CW22 15/88
“[one could make a case for eighty-two grounds for impeachment.] The Democrats under Speaker Pelosi only went forward with two articles of impeachment, in December, 2019, after three years of Trumpian destruction.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueTsunami #Matrix

CW22 15/89
“Pelosi, with Obama, held back from investigating W Bush after Obama attained the presidency in 2009. That kid-glove approach to GOP corruption she continued with Trump by waiting so long & then holding her fire w only 2 out of 82 violations.”


CW22 15/90
“The country was saved the turmoil that would have resulted from thorough & broadcasted investigations in each case—of W. Bush & Trump.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/91
“Nevertheless, each time of hesitation & lack of boldness by Democrats has had dire consequences…with even more of that on the horizon. (Note to Merrick Garland.)

“Okay, so there I’m giving you a taste, alright? Anyway.…”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 15/92
“So, I said that in a previous time there would have been passionate, a *passionate* response.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE.... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #history #psychohistory

CW22 15/93
“Now I say it’s passionate because of the former *unconfused* minds’ clarity in witnessing big events & pervasive, blatant universal patterns of change & making the obvious & easy correct interpretations.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #BLM

CW22 15/94
“What I’m saying is clarity of thought creates sureness of action & sureness of one’s feelings, whereas confused minds lends itself to apathy or misguided self-destructive acts.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/95
“In just a bit I’ll get into how these minds get confused & I think you’ll begin to see some of those things inside of yourself, because I think we’re all feeling some of it.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/96
“Anyway, so this clarity, of seeing these things happening, created conviction in one’s belief which was rooted in first-hand observation.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/97
“I have in Part One shared some of my first-hand observations of events, especially those happening in my formative years. The conviction of my thinking is rooted in such events.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/98
“At the time, I also experienced much confirmation & affirmation of my views on these events. So, in general, in times previous to the one we’re in, this clarity & conviction born of 1st-hand observation was reinforced virtually universally…”


CW22 15/99
“…by the great majority of Americans around them who also witnessed the obvious same things & made the apparent & doubtless interpretations that cried out from them.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/100
“An example, okay? America once had a president who was much despised, though he was actually not as bad as W. Bush. & compared to Trump, he comes across as reasonable.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/101
“Yet the American people were unfettered in their feelings about this president’s actions, & their refusal to put up with his despicable acts caused Nixon to resign.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/102
“So, first off, we have former American minds capable of seeing obvious wrongness, injustice, illegality, untruth, deception, or worse.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/103
“In our example, this might be the suffering and/or death of innocent young men or the unspeakable horror being inflicted on the bystanding innocents in the conflict they are engaged in—the Vietnam War is one such example.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWavre

CW22 15/104
“Once, with clarity seeing, then about it gathering with great conviction—undoubting & unconfused conviction—& passion in large numbers & in solidarity & sameness of purpose to right these obvious wrongs, or their like.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #FBR

CW22 15/105
“It all starts with clearly identifiable rallying points in obvious view of the great masses of Americans, however.

“Too many people are unaware or forget that there was a great union movement in America,..”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/106
“…there was a great antiwar movement in the country... okay? You don’t see much of that action these days. So, this is what I’m getting to, there’s been a change.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist

CW22 15/107
“So when these great masses of Americans were clearly in solidarity about things they saw were obviously wrong they effected change.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/108
“Think about it. Go back to the Depression. People knew they were poor & they put Roosevelt in power. Okay? They did something about it.”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/109
“Anyway, so in times past you might have this clarity of what’s wrong & of ur own suffering around it. You are not confused about blatant happenings in the reality around you. & the people around yousee it as well. & they confirm it in you.”


CW22 15/110
“Then you’re pretty sure what the heck’s going on. I mean it’s hard to deny your own reality. But it’s even harder to deny it when other people see it too, & they’re experiencing the same thing.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans

CW22 15/111
“*The Media’s Capacity to Confirm, Or Deny...Any Wonder Why Americans Are So Confused, or Dumb?*

“We have former American minds capable of seeing obvious wrongness, injustice, illegality, untruth, deception, or worse:”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Midterms

CW22 15/112
“Once with clarity seeing, then about it gathering with great conviction—undoubting & unconfused conviction—& passion in large numbers & in solidarity & sameness of purpose to right these obvious wrongs, or their like.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/113
“The examples I gave were the union, antiwar, suffragette, & civil rights movements; we could add the Revolutionary War itself & the abolitionist movement. & I mentioned how people rose up for a New Deal…”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/114
“…& elected Roosevelt during the Great Depression & how Nixon was hounded out of office, yet Bush the Dubya’s crimes—far worse, including “dictatorship”—were not enough even to bring people out into the streets.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Bluein22 #Midterms

CW22 15/115
“It all starts with clearly identifiable rallying points in obvious view of the great masses of Americans, however. In times past you might have this clarity of what’s wrong & of your own suffering around it.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/116
“You are not confused about blatant happenings in the reality around you. & the people around you, they see it as well. & they confirm it in you. Then you’re pretty sure what the heck’s going on.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #BlueWave #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/117
“I mean it’s hard to deny your own reality. But it’s even harder to deny it when other people see it too, & they’re experiencing the same thing.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology

CW22 15/118
“*The Media’s Capacity to Confirm, Or Deny*

“But what if the media is saying that it ain’t happening? Does that sound familiar? At all? It ain’t happening?”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/119
“How about an economic collapse—the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009, which was the most severe downturn in the economy since the Great Depression—that began years before anybody publicly mentioned it.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/120
“I remember at the time, just before the collapse, W. Bush’s economy was being called a “goldilocks” one.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/121
“[a “goldilocks economy”] Yep. This, from the guy, Larry Kudlow, who later would be the top financial advisor to Trump as Director of the National Economic Council for three years. Figures, eh?”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans

CW22 15/122
“As for any collapse, not happening. Right now I’m not going to say a lot about this as it will appear in a big way beginning with Volume 2 in the Return to Grace series of books, titled *The Necessary Revolution*.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Midterms

CW22 15/123
“So anyway, in former times, ppl came together in solidarity & sameness of purpose to right obvious wrongs, or the like. Morality & personality might affect how one viewed those wrongs & events, yet the facts about them were held in common.”


CW22 15/124
“Folks had clearly identifiable rallying points visible to the great masses of Americans. These things were talked about in the newspapers, on TV, there was no *denying* what was obvious.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/125
“*The Media’s License to Lie*

“Notice the stark contrast with the media today, which is rife with outright lies—Trump’s “stolen election” lies; Bill Barr’s lies to cover up the Mueller report;”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #BlueWave #Midterms #Republicans

CW22 15/126
“[the media today, which is rife with outright lies—] the insanity around a Hillary pizzagate pedophilia ring & emails; Obama’s citizenship; Hunter Biden’s laptop; &…”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/127
“…[the media today, which is rife with outright lies—] anything said by or associated with Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Breitbart, or QAnon. These are only a few among many more sources I could cite.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave #Midterms

CW22 15/128
“We have virtually all of Fox News spewing lies, hatred, & discontent.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory #Bluein22 #CultureWar

CW22 15/129
“We have right-wing social media in the form of Truth Social, & right-wing news outlets, Newsmax & OANN, doing Fox one better in calling for civil war & violence—all of it based on abject bald-faced lying & intentional distortion of facts.”


CW22 15/130
“Witness House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, especially, on this last point. She & others are still claiming the storming of the Capitol was done by Antifa,..”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/131
“…[Marjorie Taylor Greene still claiming the storming of the Capitol was done by Antifa] even as she seeks to support the insurrectionists in prison—who she acknowledges are all Trump supporters.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #FBR

CW22 15/132
“And they know they are lying, too. Sidney Powell, a lawyer who headed Trump’s stolen election fraud, was sued for defamation by Dominion Corporation, who manufactures the voting machines she claimed were involved in the conspiracy.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 15/133
“[Powell] had conducted a weekslong campaign to invalidate the results of the 2020 election based on spurious accusations & wild conspiracy theories. In her lawyer’s statement defending her,however, it is acknowledged none of that was true…”


CW22 15/134
“…[none of that was true] &—excuse anyone for daring to believe any of these charlatans—in their filing, they claim, “No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact….”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Midterms

CW22 15/135
“Tucker Carlson had the same defense when he was called out on his lies as well. He along with Fox News were sued for slander by Dominion Corporation, & what was his defense?”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/136
“[Tucker Carlson’s] lawyers shamelessly put out that, you can’t expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson’s mouth. You can’t make this stuff up.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #lies

CW22 15/137
“Seriously,we're supposed to know Carlson & folks like Sean Hannity & Laura Ingraham—who are believed by millions of Fox followers,some of whom subsequently participated in an insurrection to overthrow the US govt—are merely making stuff up;”


CW22 15/138
“…[apparently, we are supposed to know] that [Carlson, Ingraham, Hannity] is all for “entertainment” value...just for “fun,” you see. Yet if so, why is there not a disclaimer on their shows & on that “news” network to that effect.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 15/139
“& how much “fun” was it for people to die in the insurrection & for children to be slaughtered wantonly in schools as a consequence of Fox News lying on behalf of Trump & the NRA.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #BLM #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/140
“The fact that this defense by Fox News & Tucker Carlson was successful says a lot about the long road ahead of us in this country.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/141
“How is progress possible if even the courts will allow slander, lies, defamation & major misinformation to flood American minds, with the mere caveat, “Let the viewer beware”? Or actually, with no warning at all.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave #Midterms

CW22 15/142
“This [poisoning of our thinking with lies] is analogous to the way consumers were poisoned in their food & drinks by corporations, prior to the pushback from the people in the form of the Food & Drug Administration (the FDA).”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 15/143
“Prior to the formulation of that governmental agency [the FDA], American consumers were left at the mercy of corporations who would allow contaminated or otherwise bad food onto the market.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans

CW22 15/144
“In response, it was determined that what was to be allowed into one’s body should not infect or poison one, & the agency was created.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/145
“Yet, when it comes to what is allowed into America’s minds, all license is allowed for its poisoning with hateful & vile untruths from major media & its figures.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #lies

CW22 15/146
“When did this all change? When did outright liars begin getting to speak at the highest levels of society, infecting the minds of the vulnerable & gullible?”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/147
“When did such diabolical deceivers start getting to bellow, undeterred, into the loudest bullhorns of broadcast & electronic media?”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/148
“*The Establishment’s Habit of Lying*

“We can easily trace such wide-scale deception to the lies being told about Vietnam by Democrats under Johnson, but especially by Republican Nixon & his administration.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms

CW22 15/149
“We see it progressing during the W. Bush years where intentional misrepresentation of facts—lies, the one especially about wmd’s in Iraq—led to a war & over a million casualties.”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/150
“It is doubtful we ever got the truth of 9/11, which saw Building 7 inexplicably falling down “in sympathy” with the other towers.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/151
“Untouched it was by any plane or anything, save a controlled demolition. Which controlled demolition would have the building falling down, like both of the Twin Towers did, incidentally, in free fall. Which Building 7 did.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 15/152
“And how can we do something about the epidemic of mass shootings—many of which are having our children slaughtered even as we watch, helplessly—when lies like those of Alex Jones, saying Sandy Hook was staged,..”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/153
“…[how can we do something about the epidemic of mass shootings, when lies like those of Alex Jones, saying Sandy Hook was staged,] are allowed to infect the minds of Americans, weakened by years of Fox News & NRA influence.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue

CW22 15/154
“*The consequences of lying*

“If those consequences of intentional dishonesty are not severe enough for you, consider over one million Americans dead from Covid.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #lies

CW22 15/155
“[America's Covid death toll] was allowed to get that high as a result of the lying Trump & the Republicans did about the vaccine & about mask use.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/156
“Put that in perspective, almost 1 of every 100 Americans died—are gone forever—because of Donald Trump’s reckless negligence & continual deception around this pandemic.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #lies

CW22 15/157
“During his presidential campaign in 2016, Trump famously said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue & shoot somebody & wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?” He said that while mimicking firing a gun with his fingers.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix

CW22 15/158
“Little did we know [Trump would] still be walking free after pulling the trigger on one million faces.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory #Bluein22

CW22 15/159
“*People Power—the Only Corrective to Mass Deception*

“However prior to this, with facts in common, not in dispute, we could have solidarity of purpose... & this is the important part...With solidarity of purpose, with Americans united,..”


CW22 15/160
“[With solidarity of purpose, with Americans united,] feeling the same way, wanting change, their feelings were powerful & so significantly altered major events.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist

CW22 15/161
“World War II was won; we had a union movement, a suffragette movement, a civil rights movement, a War on Poverty, a Great Society, & a New Deal, to name some.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #resist

CW22 15/162
“You even see that going on after the Millennium. We had a Democrat, Obama, elected to the presidency of the United States.”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies

CW22 15/163
“The first African-American & only one of many who would grace the administrations & high institutions of our government afterward, as we see with the vice-presidency of Kamala Harris & the appointments being made by Joe Biden.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 15/164
“& Obama had a major accomplishment in creating the largest expansion in health care in the U.S. with the Affordable Care Act.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/165
“Nonetheless, look what it took to get Obama elected: eight long years of Bush! Look what it took to get Biden & the Democrats back behind the wheel again in 2020:”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist

CW22 15/166
“four years of comprehensive trashing of American institutions & rights by an out-of-control baby of a man, operating out of instructions from a foreign power...& doing it in open & clear view of the world. Wow.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave #Midterms

CW22 15/167
“So anyway, solidarity of purpose gives ordinary people combined strength equal or greater to that of the “filthy rich.””

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory

CW22 15/168
“The “filthy rich” are the would-be puppet-masters, the deciders & initiators of the events that have been witnessed so widely, including by the masses.”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/169
“These egregious acts, happenings, or developments brought the masses together in singleness of purpose to decry the source of the wrongs.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #resist #lies #psychology #history

CW22 15/170
“Crucially, [the people] needed to know the perpetrators of unhappy happenings; it needed to be clearly pointed out who were those responsible for the wrongs universally observed & condemned.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans

CW22 15/171
“These things known, the result could be the massive gathering of intentions, a movement, perhaps a great social movement, united in purpose, against the observed wrong,..”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR

CW22 15/172
“…seeking justice on the perpetrators & some sort of social or cultural change that might possibly or would definitely prevent future events of the same or similar sort of wrongness.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/173
“Now, these things did happen in America, folks. Not long ago in historical time but b4 our day in America, food used to come out from corporations & got people sick or dead. So Americans created a Food & Drug Administration to remedy that.”


CW22 15/174
“People created a governmental entity to represent them as a counterweight against the power of the corporations.

“Why did this happen? It was because people were pissed, & it was because it was obvious what was going on.’”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Matrix

CW22 15/175
“But when things aren’t obvious & you have massive lies being told & you have comprehensive, pervasive media exposure to those lies—those untruths in direct conflict with people’s own observations—people can get confused.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave

CW22 15/176
“Confused, people’s power gets dissipated.

“So I’ve kind of told you part of it, haven’t I? I just felt I was giving you too much & without any grounding.”

READ/DWL BOOK. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #resist #lies

CW22 15/177
“Now let’s take a look at how—as a consequence of this massive orchestration of the media, education, & all information systems in America by a mean-spirited, greedy,& murderous conservative elite—”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans

CW22 15/178
“[let’s take a look at how, as a consequence of this conservative, mean-spirited, greedy elite] the minute daily elements of our American way of life were orchestrated for ends not our own.”

->… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar

CW22 15/179
This has been the complete Chapter 15 of my book just published 10/16/2022,

titled *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*
which is

“A Cultural & Political Psychohistory of America from the 1950s to 2022”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Matrix

CW22 15/180
... enjoy this threaded version of the chapter,

or click a link & enjoy the entire book--completely available at this time--with my compliments, posted on my blog.

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #BlueWave

CW22 15/181
The entire book is available online at the links

& you can download a free copy of *Culture War, Class War 2022* there.

Feel free to share & pass this book around as you wish

in preparation for the existentially important Midterm elections


CW22 15/182
This is the complete, extensively illustrated document for *Culture War, Class War 2022*

Click link


It is a pdf file & looks exactly as the book looks.

Feel free to download it, pass it around, use it to help a Democratic Blue Wave in Nov.

CW22 15/183
The book was written as a primer on history & current events, leading to the crucial Midterm elections Nov 2022

said about *Culture War, Class War 2022":

"Well worth reading...Describes where we are & how we got here with great accuracy."


CW22 15/184
If, instead of free copies, you wish to purchase the book—ebook or print—these are links to use:

Paperback: amazon.com/dp/B0BJ4YVDQC/…

Ebook: amazon.com/Culture-War-Cl…

All my books are sold at cost or absolute lowest price Amazon will allow

#Midterms #BlueTsunami

CW22 15/185
Feel free to share & pass this book around as you wish

in preparation for the very important Midterm elections.


#Blue #Matrix #MAGAts #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #psychology #history #psychohistory #Bluein22 #CultureWar

CW22 15/186
Democrats need to WIN BIG in Nov

or it is all over for democracy in America & world

& for life on this planet.

You can use your copy of *Culture War, Class War 2022* to get word out to whoever or whatever outlet you know.

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 15/187
I guarantee you. If Democrats don't win MASSIVELY the Ukraine war will not be limited there but we will be fighting Putin here, in a civil war, when the party that's working for him, Republicans, get power.

You choose. I suggest, get active.


CW22 15/188
& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at


The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media

&, above all, VOTE DEMOCRATIC

#Blue #Matrix #Midterms #MAGAts #ClassWar #BlueWave

CW22 15/189

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More from @sillymickel

Oct 28
Ch 25, “An Attack on Facts & Reality Itself:

“Confused People Take Comfort in Stupidity,

"& Burdened People Become Confused People—That’s Thr Plan””

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

Fr *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

(pub 10/22)


CW22Q 25/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as well as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22Q 25/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “It’s just natural that if you don’t hear anything to counter something, you’re going to believe that the only thing being said is the truth.

“& that certainly has increased over time...through the years.” []

THREAD... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22Q 25/3
Read 75 tweets
Oct 27
Chapter 16

of *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Your Mind Made Fertile for the Planting of Lies:

“Power Versus Passion, Money Versus Authenticity—Opposing Ways of Changing America”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 16/1
“[*Chapter 16 text begins:*] In the last sixty years, Americans have experienced unprecedented changes in their lives, their lifestyles, in what it means to be alive & human in America in these times.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #Blue #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 16/2
“Rarely have societies experienced this kind of change. What is even more astounding is the way the changes send us shooting dramatically in one way & then in the other direction.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #Blue #MAGAts #ClassWar #corporations

CW22 16/3
Read 95 tweets
Oct 27
Ch 24, “Money Madness:

“The Wealthy Are the Creative Sector...

"Creative in Devising Schemes Putting *Our* Money in *Their* Pockets”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

Fr *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Adzema

(publ'd 10/2022)


CW22Q 24/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as well as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22Q 24/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…when you hear the same things again & again, even black-and-white facts can be put up for dispute.” []

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #BlueWave #Midterms #Matrix #ClassWar #Democrats #FilthyRich #taxes #resist #Republicans #healthcare

CW22 24/3
Read 51 tweets
Oct 25
Chapter 14

of *Culture War, Class War: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Truth & Liars:

“Obvious Truths” (Actual Untruths) Were Employed Together with an Exact & Strategic Use of Misinformation

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave #Matrix

CW22 14/1
“[*Chapter 14 text begins:*] In Part Four of *Culture War, Class War 2022* we look at how the Big Lie continued in the past five decades of America.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #BLM

CW22 14/2
“We delve more deeply into the Class War that has been behind the Culture War as laid out in Parts 1, 2, & 3. We see the 50-year invisible “family” revealed—the “community” that surrounded all Americans & affected every aspect of their lives..”


CW22 14/3
Read 51 tweets
Oct 25
Ch 23, titled, ““The Compassion Gap:

“With the Excuse of “The Game,” Small-Hearted Folks Can Now Flaunt Their Mean-Spiritedness”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

Fr *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(pub 10/2022)


CW22Q 23/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as well as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22Q 23/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…what happened to our country? We were supposed to be a country that valued human life, for example, but is now valuing contract law over that.” []

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #BlueWave #Midterms #ClassWar #resist #Republicans

CW22 23/3
Read 51 tweets
Oct 24
Chapter 13

of *Culture War, Class War: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“A Culture War Rages:

“Monsters Never Really Die in Horror Flicks...

“The King on Life Support & The Consequences of an Abomination”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms

CW22 13/1
“[*Chapter 13 text begins:*] With these factors in mind, what have we experienced in the last two decades, as the Sixties Generation finally got its turn at the wheel?”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #FBR

CW22 13/2
“*America Since Its “Pleasantville”*

“As expected, it was at first quite different from what the WWII Generation had been serving up during its forty-plus years’ reign.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #FBR

CW22 13/3
Read 106 tweets

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