[Quotes/highlights:] “I can say I feel fortunate to have lived many years in an America quite different from what most people in America being younger than me have been growing up with.”[]
[] “The idea was planted [in the early 80s] that folks who wanted anything for themselves were selfish, for after all, only the wealthy should ever benefit.” []
[] “The 1% of the WWII Gen’s response to 60s activism on campus...led to their taking over the universities in the early 70s & turning them away from the humanities & social sciences & into career mills; I was there & observed it firsthand.”[]
[]“The success of this is what created the Yuppies in the Eighties—young upwardly mobile professionals—who were the first batch of Generation X—who are those born 1961 to 1981, who therefore left high school beginning in 1978.”[]
[] “The turnaround in education, away from free thinking & towards conservative careerist values, was in full swing by the time they reached college in 1978 on.”[]
[] “& [the effect of the turnaround in education] on [Gen X Yuppies] was patent when they began coming of age. They were what the WWII Generation wanted: money-oriented & compliant...greed had been made ‘good’ again.” []
[] “Despicable standouts of this generation [of Gen X Yuppies] today are Sarah Palin (born 1964), Eric Cantor (born 1963), Rand Paul (born 1963), & Paul Ryan (born 1970).” []
]“[The WWII Gen] were able to take their values of greed & conformity, sow them in another generation, Gen X Yuppies, point to those values & criticize them, blame them on the hippies,all the while hiding their own espousal of those values.”[
[] “[The WWII Gen thru their owned media] perpetrated, denied, criticized, scapegoated, distracted, & obfuscated all together! They thoroughly convinced Americans the Me Generation & Yuppies were those who formerly were flower children.” []
[] “…this actual Me Generation, these Yuppies, were predominantly a bunch of reactionary young people who said baloney with this idealism, & of helping out, & kumbaya, & all that stuff.” []
[]“[Gen X Yuppies] said, we’re for money, to hell with anyone else. & somehow the WWII-Gen-owned media, assisted by a 50s Gen now in their prime, convinced folks these careerists out only for themselves were the one-time [60s] visionaries.”[]
[] “The media flooded American minds with the idea that the Me Generation was My Generation (I’m “talkin’ bout *my* generation” here) in the Eighties. They had prepared the ground for that lie,..” []
[] “…as there had been constant slander of my generation in the press since the beginnings of our activism in the 60s, exactly like they are putting out against the Millennials in the Occupy, Black Lives Matter, & Antifa movements today.” []
[] “The media controlled by the 1% said the Sixties generation had gone from idealism to just wanting money, thereby discrediting their opponents, us who were consistently representing the 99%.” []
[] “At the same time, [with this lie the WWII Gen owned media] gave credibility to their claim of the superior veracity of their own values of greed, materialism, ruthless pragmatism, ego above all, & even me-spiritedness.” []
[] “Also, [this lie that hippies became Yuppies] validated, even glorified their personal traits of conformity, hard-headedness, cynicism, compliance, & even mean-spiritedness.” []
[] “Then [the 1%] can point to that grasping to survive as proof that their values of money above all else are legitimate & that it is not possible for humans to have any other values higher than that.” []
[] ““Yippie Versus Yuppie” was a Leftist debate about tactics. Today it would be considered a discussion of liberal versus progressive views...hardly conservative, Yuppie, or Republican views.” []
[] “& Jerry Rubin’s putting on a suit made him about as conservative as it made Bob Dylan a conservative when he picked up an electric guitar at the Newport Festival of 1965.” []
[] “It helps to have lived in different times & places & to have seen things with your own eyes to be able to see through these inane ‘obvious truths’ that people take as absolute truths.” []
[] “…the Gen X/Yuppie—Fifties Generation alliance was responsible for getting Reagan, Bush I, & Bush II elected. Boomers voted against Republicans, especially these; it’s all in the public record.” []
[] “Reagan, Bush I, & Bush II are the ones who did the tax cuts. Whereas Clinton—a Boomer & a Democrat—raised taxes on the 1% & balanced a budget for the first time.” []
[] “We, Boomers...I was born in 1950...supported Democrats who fought for environmental legislation, alternative energies, & reduced dependence on dirty energies against Republicans, supported by the Fifties-Gen X alliance,..” []
[] .”…[ Republicans, supported by the Fifties-Gen X alliance,] who watered down those policies & legislated a rape of our natural resources & our environment to benefit big business, Big Oil, Big Nuke, Big Coal, & the 1%.” []
[] “…it was the WWII Generation who had the greatest retirement wealth per person & who instituted Social Security & other benefit programs for themselves...making themselves the wealthiest as well as the ‘Greatest Generation.’” []
[] “Probably with the tax cuts, the current Fifties Generation who in their retirement years are ransacking the wealth of the country to fatten themselves, are bettering them.” []
[] “Whereas the 60s Generation, scapegoated again, is facing cuts in Social Security, Medicare, & other benefits at the exact time as they need it & are beginning their retirement….” []
[] “Lies & toxic misinformation are not healthy, at all, for a movement that is predominantly an alliance of Millennials & Boomers, with some Gen Xers (notably, few Fifties Generation folks).” []
[] “After all, how do you think a progressive Boomer feels, after fighting his entire life with his generational cohort for the changes that we are still fighting for with the OWS & Wisconsin union movements,..” []
[] “…& with resistance to MAGAtism & Trumpikin fascism, & after hearing his entire life the made up lies, the slander, the scapegoating about himself, his generation, & his beliefs?” []
[] “How do you think she feels seeing those same lies being pulled out again & thrown against BLM, Antifa, & OWS supporters, for example, continuing therefore to throw salt into old wounds?” []
[] “In this antagonism against Boomers, the other side—the WWII-Fifties Gen alliance, supportive of the 1% & their MAGAt & Tea Party sycophants—have won again.” []
[] “& [the WWII-Fifties Gen alliance] have thrown off the aim of our movements as to who the perpetrators are, giving the 1% a convenient fog of confusion behind which they can continue unfettered their actions against us.” []
[] “…in understanding what might be the truth & what are obviously lies, it helps to be older, for you can know that it wasn’t always the way they tell you it is or has to be.” []
[] “It helps to have lived in different times & places & to have seen things with your own eyes to be able to see through these inane ‘obvious truths’ that people take as absolute truths.” []
[] “It helps to have had experience with the issues talked about to know what is truth & what are diabolical lies, intended to stir hatred, create conflict, and, once again, cover for actual perpetrators.” []
[] “And with that seeing comes the knowledge that over the course of the last fifty years America descended into a deep slumber of untruth from which it could not awaken...” []
[] “…[over the last 50 years America descended into a deep slumber of untruth from which it could not awaken...] regardless of all the righteous efforts of many true-seeing progressive activists who did their best to sound alarms.” []
I guarantee you. If Democrats don't win MASSIVELY the Ukraine war will not be limited there, for we will be fighting Putin here, in a civil war, when the party working for him, Republicans, get power.
[*Chapter 17 text begins:*] “With corporations firmly backing Republicans, the Democrats in every election that I can recall—especially in the presidential elections—always were way underfunded.”
“*The Money Changing Everything—The Planting of Lies*
“Meanwhile the GOP is consistently overfunded because the Rich-publicans are carrying the wishes of those corporations into the board rooms of Congress along w their huge amounts of money.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “It’s just natural that if you don’t hear anything to counter something, you’re going to believe that the only thing being said is the truth.
“& that certainly has increased over time...through the years.” []
“[*Chapter 16 text begins:*] In the last sixty years, Americans have experienced unprecedented changes in their lives, their lifestyles, in what it means to be alive & human in America in these times.”
“Rarely have societies experienced this kind of change. What is even more astounding is the way the changes send us shooting dramatically in one way & then in the other direction.”
“[*Chapter 15 text begins:*] “The Rise & Fall of ‘Obvious Truths’” discusses the history of the American Republicans’ incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, & amazingly cohesive, seemingly coordinated fifty-year campaign…”
“We delve more deeply into the Class War that has been behind the Culture War as laid out in Parts 1, 2, & 3. We see the 50-year invisible “family” revealed—the “community” that surrounded all Americans & affected every aspect of their lives..”