#VaccineMandates#university#SouthAfrica ”Universities Alliance South Africa – Legal Update on University of Free State @UFSweb
“The policy’s questionable legality is another highly relevant, yet unresolved, point of contention.
The UFS appears determined altogether to sidestep any debate regarding the lack of merit in its policy and the implementation thereof
and dismiss the irrevocable harm inflicted upon students and staff as if it never happened.
Universities Alliance South Africa maintains the stance that policies such as that of the UFS are not promulgated lawfully, run contrary to available scientific evidence, and entail severe violations of rights and material harm to stakeholders ( already occurred on a large scale)
Why is @UFSweb involved in Big Tech take downs in South Africa? @elonmusk Who is funding this University? And what conflicts of Interest do they have regarding #VaccineMandates ?
Given the latest scientific evidence, thelancet.com/journals/lance… How is it that the University of the Free State is so misinformed? And is willing to put students at risk? What is going on here?
January 2022: The RAND Corporation is a think tank that advises the U.S. government.
This "internal document", suggests escalating tensions so that Putin "invades" Ukraine followed by weakening #Germany. #UkraineRussianWar nyadagbladet.se/wp-content/upl…
2016: "The purpose of U.S. policy in Ukraine is nether protection of its interests, nor its social & economic development. This goal is to use of the people duped by Nazi propaganda as cannon fodder, unleashing a war against Russia, in the hope of dragging EU NATO partners in."
An interesting perspective from Sergei Glazyev. Russian yes. But everything he is saying, correlates with what retired US Colonel Douglas Macgregor says. More importantly, correlates with the "unofficial yet coincidental" (Same as #DiedSuddenly) RANDCorp doc. from Jan22
Anglo-Boer War Concentration Camps. Bladey horrific. They speak of the British propaganda campaigns, the British Press...The Daily Mail as usual obliges. All the way back then. Making the Boers less of individuals and more of a collectively despised group.
Nothing has changed! "100 Years ago the British Government was involved in a MASSIVE #propaganda ploy." "Propaganda was rife & under NO circumstances were they going to tell the British Public what they were doing." Displayed the camps as "refugee camps"
Just part of the new style of warfare. They made out the Boer people to be tremendously primitive. The propaganda machine was powerful, aided by moving film. MORE Theatre. #Ukraine
The world seems to have misjudged the Russians. They have a history of suffering. And if anything, suffering makes you tougher, more resilient, less fearful, and more faithful. ‘To suffer is to suffer’: Analyzing the Russian national character psychologicalscience.org/news/were-only…
Russians GRIND on. And they will grind on, until there is not a single man standing. Because that is what Russians do. This war is the end. When it does end, our world will be forever changed. But one thing is for certain, the Russians will NEVER give up.
The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war, including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilian deaths. And these war monger's think that Russians will surrender and head to the Hague. What absolute idiots they are. Putin and Russia WILL NEVER GIVE UP.
"Ukraine must “prevail as a sovereign, independent state” before it can formally join NATO- Secretary General @jensstoltenberg , despite Kiev already considering itself a de-facto member of the Western bloc."..... Sovereign?
Victoria Nuland doesn't help the Sovereign Statement.
🧵PANDA's Dr David Bell uses his working experience with WHO to provide an in-depth analysis of proposed IHR amendments. The article includes full annotations on the proposed amendments to the IHR. Key points from his article in 🧵 pandata.org/proposed-amend…
WHO is working on two agreements that will expand its powers and role in declared health emergencies and pandemics. These include widening the definition of ‘health emergencies’ within which such powers may be used.
The IHR amendment process in WHO is relatively transparent. Amendments are proposed by national bureaucracies and collated by WHO. WHO has gone to unusual lengths to open hearings to public submissions.