While the majority of feedback was constructive, abt 20% were just destructive.
The extremists R often the loudest,but the moderate voices should b heard,not bullied to silence
Are they organizd in their actions? Yes
Can they disseminate the secesionist propaganda? Yes.
Are they reprssing divergnt voices?Yes
Is their rhetoric toxic?Yes
Is our gov't:
Outdated? Yes
Out of touch? Yes
Repressive? Yes
To be changd? Yes
Has the govt lost its credibility to act on what it promises?Yes. Several times
Vision4's Obama shouldn't insult SC as rats,
And Mark Barretta shouldn't say there are no good Francophones.
We cannot silently observe our country & its ppl be devalued and denigrated, & keep quiet.
We must speak out: condemn extremism, propose constructive solutions, demand a #237dialogue !