(End of thread)
"No dating till you're 30."
In this clip, he asks a little girl if she remembers what he told her the last time they interacted together. What do you think he said?
"You're turning 11. You're beautiful. Just remember: No dates till you're 30."
Is it a joke? A rule. A requirement. A demand?
Why shouldn't a young women be able to date until she's well-past maturity?
Former VP Biden has said it so much, a montage exists.
"Who's that beautiful child?"
You decide.
Even with a headline like "America Shouldn't Tolerate 'Biden Being Biden'..." 🙃

(End of thread)


(He clearly didn't listen to his dad.)

In this clip, he says his infamous line, "no dates till you're 30." Then he proceeds to make all of the women in the family uncomfortable with unnecessary touches and grabs.
Biden seems familiar with this Colorado politician's younger daughters. Something's not right.
Biden tells an "almost 11" year old girl "no dates till you're 30" twice. The girl's relative, a senator, looks at Biden & says "it might even be too late." Biden laughs & says "I know."
About a 10 year old?
It's still not enough.

✔️He inappropriately touches women/kids
✔️He tells pre-pubescent kids not to date
✔️He only cares about the age of girls
✔️His behavior is reminiscent of grooming
✔️He makes folks visibly uncomfortable
✔️He lacks restraint

Asks pair of teen siblings how old they are. Boy says 15, Biden replies "you're getting old."
Looks at 15 year old girl and says "remember, no serious guys till you're 30."
"All of you women under the age of 30, no dates till you're 30."
"You're beautiful. And so are you, child. Where'd you get those eyes?"
"I'll tell you wherever you got them, I think I know where you got them. You've got to send a thank you note."
✔️Inappropriate grabbing/touching
✔️Joking about kids dating
✔️Smelling hair of girls & women
✔️Forceful handling of others
✔️Interacting with young women
✔️Whispering naughty things
✔️His behavior around kids

C-SPAN clips source:
Jan 5 '11: c-span.org/video/?297335-…
Jan 3 '13: c-span.org/video/?310193-…
Jan 6 '15: c-span.org/video/?323601-…
Jan 3 '17: c-span.org/video/?420825-…
Clip of Biden telling "snake in the bed" story:
Clip of Biden talking to elementary school about granddaughter:
C-SPAN clip of former VP Biden appearing to exchange info with a teen girl:
Joe Biden Kissed Her: nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/it…
[What] to do about Creepy Uncle Joe Biden?: washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/…
'Creepy!' Joe Biden: Hands-on: insideedition.com/headlines/9746…
9 Times Joe Biden Creepily Whispered: nymag.com/daily/intellig…
Biden's Skinny Dipping Grosses: mtv.com/news/1886131/b…
Female SS agents hate being assigned to Joe Biden: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2…
Biden Likes To Swim Nude: townhall.com/tipsheet/katie…
Biden, Tale of the Naked Senators: adweek.com/digital/joe-bi…
Biden 2020, A Terrible Idea: huffingtonpost.com/entry/joe-bide…
[Democrats] need to call out Joe Biden: washingtonexaminer.com/if-democrats-w…
Left turns on Bill Clinton, Biden: foxnews.com/politics/2017/…
[Biden's] past would haunt him: foxnews.com/politics/2017/…
16 photographs.
Over a dozen articles shared from reputable news outlets/sources, citing inappropriateness.
The #BidenGropeTapes are real, how Biden behaved in office is inexcusable, & the former Vice President should be held accountable for his actions.