Let's look at the five, plain claims on the front page of the official Vote Leave website under "If we vote stay in the EU":
Not only was Turkey not about to join the EU, but since the Brexit vote it has withdrawn its application, having lost the main big player pushing for it to get membership (which was, of course, the UK).
Everyone now accepts this was a great big porkie. The same Leavers who spent months defending this figure, are currently touring studios defending the divorce settlement bill, by saying we currently pay £10bn a year. That's £180m a week. Which is also a lie.
The European Court has never been "in charge of our laws" in any way. It is the ultimate arbiter on questions of legal interpretation at the EU level, with our full consent and participation: laws, incidentally, that we co-author, co-vote on and co-approve.
The UK contributed a total of £5bn to bailouts for Ireland (2010) and Portugal (2011). Both countries have paid these loans back. In 2011 the UK secured an exemption from any further bailouts of Eurozone countries. This was further strengthened in Feb 2016.
The UK has always been in absolute control of its borders. It is not a member of Shengen. To suggest, as the pictorial does, that swarthy refugees sneaking under razor wire will just walk in is an absolutely pernicious falsehood.
Please share this thread. Please send it to Leave Leaders. Ask them to explain; to be specific. Hold them to account.