Tough one to start as I got a second-hand Commadore 64 with a pile of games together. But a couple of notable ones that stick out were Paperboy, Dizzy and Postman Pat. Used to love loading the cassette in before school to find it loaded when I got home!
Guybrush Threepwood from the Monkey Island series... got a feeling that series may show up a few times on this list, I was a fan! ‘That’s the second biggest monkey head I’ve ever seen!’
Starfox Adventures on GameCube. I LOVED it! The animation and character design was slick and the music was stunning... I still hum the main hub tune now.
I kinda feel like all gaming is a guilty pleasure in some way. But the one game I enjoy that may surprise people, seeing as I almost exclusively play creative/sim games is GTA. A great way to blow off some steam!
Yunno in Mario? When shit is going down and there’s always a few toads just running around screaming? One of those dudes.
Hey, Listen. It’s gotta be Navi from Ocarina Of Tine. Pretty obvious reasons why.
These guys...

Trying to stay spoiler free. The end of Red Dead Redemption. Ooft, the feels.
Tetris. It’s perfect mix of ‘easy to learn, difficult to master’ has never been beat.
These days, PC.
Super Mario. It has everything you need to ‘get’ what’s good about gaming. World building, challenge, progression. Perfect!
Tough one, as most my games are non linear so I’ve ‘played’ them hundreds of times (each time they load up). But a linear game I’ve STARTED more than 5 times? Link To The Past. Only completed it twice, though.
Haven’t had one for a while! When I got dual monitors I had a cool Portal one for a while, portalling from one screen to the other. Neat!
Pretty much everything I play at home goes on the channel, but I’m loving RCT Classic on my phone!

Tough one, I remember looking forward to the cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid 2, so I’ll say that

Obviously Simulation, creative management, etc... I also have a huge soft spot for point and clicks
Grim Fandango!
Urgh, where to start?! Fable 3, Black & White 2... the first one that came to mind was Arkham City, they took all the best bits from Asylum, the close quarters and linear narrative and made a floppy open world collect-em-up.
This is almost impossible to answer... there are so many gorgeous games. The only one who’s art style really sticks with me, due to it being so fresh and so well done, is Limbo.
What does ‘classic’ mean? I’ve mentioned some older titles already, but how about Marble Madness, used to love that.
For a while that’s been Sims 4, but I’ve started playing that now. I reeeeeally wanna get back to Parkitect at some point too!
Ellen McLain as Glados in Portal.
Random one this, but in an otherwise weak game, the end of the opening sequence with Haytham Kenway in Assassin’s Creed, that twisty blew my mind... seriously!
Fast becoming Frontier, but I’ve always really admired Blizzard. The polish they put on their stuff is second to none.
Not sure about this one tbh... I try and like everything, or at least find something a game has done well! Maybe
Lights down, popcorn, soda, 3 friends. Goldeneye.
Nuff said.