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dcpetterson @dcpetterson
7 years ago, 17 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
Here's a bunch of reasons why we have to elected Democrats to every possible seat, regardless of the seat, and regardless of the Democrat.

Republicans have become the party of fascism. Republicans are now fascists.

In order to undo the fascist coup that has seized America, we must unseat fascists from elected positions at all levels of government, from school boards to President, and everything in between.

In America, in roughly 99.7% of elected positions, either a Democrat or a Republican will be elected, no matter how many names are on the ballot.

Every vote that doesn't go to the Democrat is a vote that doesn't increase the Democrat's chances to win,

Voting against the Democrat--even a third party vote--means you are voting for fascism.

Not voting at all is the same as voting for a useless third-party candidate. It's a vote for fascism.

What about if the Democrat holds some policy position you don't like? For instance, there are some pro-life Democrats. Do we allow them to get elected?

Yes. A thousand times yes. Here's why.

With a Democratic majority in Congress, we get a Democratic Speaker and a Democratic Senate Majority Leader. In that situation, and anti-abortion bill will never get voted on in either chamber. It'll never even get debated.

The policies you want will never even be discussed in any committees if Republicans remain in the majority. They'll never be heard, never spoken of. If you want to even talk about your issues, you need a Democratic majority.

What WILL be debated if Democrats re-take the House and Senate?

There are vast differences between the parties. Here's a partial list.

No, not every Democrat will agree with you on every issue. Not every Democrat will live up to your standards. In ALL cases, the Republican is far worse. My brother likes to say, "We're not perfect. They're not sane."

Will a Dem majority guarantee you get 100% of your issues enacted precisely the way you want them, and in the first month they take control of the government?

Of course not.

But a continued GOP majority guarantees you get ZERO percent of what you want.

Which is better?

It gets worse, of course--every day Republicans are in charge, it gets worse. You not only don't get what you want--we actively go BACKWARDS.

Fascism isn't merely the absence of good things. It is the death of democracy, the death of the American dream, the death of human rights, and the death of millions of people.

A Democratic majority isn't merely the absence of fascism--although, to be fair, in the name of God, that should be enough!

A Democratic majority is positive movement in the directions you want and need to go.

We most win, not only at the national level, but at state and local levels too. Fascism starts on the street corner. We have to win state legislatures,

Don't whine to me that THIS candidate said something wrong four years ago, or THAT one doesn't want to raise minimum wage "enough". Those excuses don't stand up. There is no perfect candidate, for any office, and there never will be.

We can't afford to let democracy die. We can't afford to allow Republicans to remain in power. We have only one way to save America.We must elect Democrats.

PS By the way, I practice what I preach. I'm pissed as hell at Gillibrand being a big part of why my senator, Al Franken, had to resign (and don't fucking @ me that he needed to). But if by some freak of fate she gets nominated for President, she gets my enthusiastic support.
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