After reading this article (Please read it gives the timeline of this kid since 6th grade), Nik Cruz behavior raised flags since 6th grade to the teachers, kids, schools and the boards. That was at least 5 years ago!
Due to lack of funding in our public schools, they do not have enough counselors & R ill equipped to help. They just kept moving him from school to school. This incident, unfortunately, ultimately is on the Parkland School District and any other local law enforcement agency.
I know this is not PC but when I was growing up we had what was call "Special Ed" Back then everyone with a handicap went in. I disagree with the practice as a whole,
but for kids that A) Can't learn the same way as their peers, and B) ARE VIOLENT, should not be in the regular classrooms. In the integrated classroom, both the disabled and the not lose. The disabled lose, because not enough time is spent to really assist them, and for the
abled, get bored because things are going too slow. (Boredom is what leads to trouble). My 16 year old until HS, was disadvantaged in the integrated environment as she was slowed down by at least 1 child in every class.
in 2004, federal law leaves several questions unanswered, including three significant ones: How far must schools go? How important is potential academic achievement/social growth in making placement decisions? What are the rights of the other children?