I'll write up a short piece for @ConversationUK and then annotate each of the various parts over the next few days. Some initial comments coming soon - ec.europa.eu/commission/pub…
*punches nearby object*
May said she'd extend rules to EU27 citizens coming during the transitional period under UK law, which wouldn't cover UK citizens going to the EU27.
Will annoy current UK government, although not a Labour one much
Conversion of EU27 citizens' status in the UK goes ahead, with a list of safeguards (there's more of them)
Unless a replacement post-Brexit security agreement covers this - some suggestions here (there's no charge, @DExEUgov) - eulawanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2018/02/lions-…
Mostly as agreed in December and discussed here: eulawanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/the-da…
Anyway here's the ECJ parts. Eight years of jurisdiction on EU citizens' rights, as previously agreed.
Would be useful to have a parallel clause on UK citizens in the EU27.
ECJ jurisdiction is unavoidable where the dispute concerns EU legislation but should be avoided otherwise.
No need for this on top of the dispute settlement clause. Rather arrogantly one sided too.
Oh, yeah. The Irish border.