"I know that something is wrong but I'm not sure what it is"
"I think I'm just tired. I should be fine after a short holiday"
They continue through life on auto-pilot
"I know exactly what the problem is but I'm not going to see a psychiatrist/psychologist"
"I'm going to pray about it"
If the depression is very mild, then you'll probably be fine with a few sessions of counselling or psychotherapy. You'll bounce back. Your "happy hormone" bucket will fill up again
The medication takes about six weeks to start working. Most times you get worse before you get better. It is always best to take treatment for at least SIX months

It's like a wind-up toy. It scurries about for a while and then stops. My standstill was my mental breakdown in April 2013. I was admitted with #depression and got help

Many times when an alternative route is chosen, it's to escape the burden of the stigma. Sad truth is that once you've been labelled, your behaviour thereafter is viewed through "oh-the-one-with-depression" sunglasses
But to get help there has to be an HONEST assessment of one's life.
If the signs and symptoms of #depression are there, acknowledge that there could be a problem. Then find a clinical psychologist. Go for at least two sessions.
They are very familiar with the signs and symptoms of burn out, #depression, etc.
Your doctor may not be familiar with mental illness or actually willing to diagnose you. Doctors are human too, and they have their blind spots. I'm being honest