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#Netaji #SubhasChandraBose and his #INA launched their struggle against the #British with the help of #Japan in #WorldWarII. But did you know that Indian #nationalists & #revolutionaries had deep ties with #Japan even earlier?
#history #LokmanyaTilak #Maharashtra #IndoJapanties
Indian revolutionaries were eager to go to #Japan and #America to gain knowledge in manufacturing arms and bombs to be used against the British rulers.
#freedommovement #nationaliststruggle
The rise of #Japan as a military and industrial power and the crushing defeat inflicted by it on #Russia in the Russo-Japanese war (1904-5) inspired Indian nationalists. The country was also seen as a counter-weight to the European powers.
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🧵 Is the American Dream dead? - a tweetstorm

This is a brain dump of .@RaoulGMI's 30+ years of knowledge, how the world works, and how his macro framework fits into it all ⤵️
1/ There's no denying that we're in a mess!

By the Law of Unintended Consequences, every time we try to fix A, we create problems B, C, D, E, etc.

We hardly understand these new problems unless there's hindsight to connect the dots...

So, how the hell did we get here?

Let's start by looking at the peak of the #British Empire:

It was the world's largest realm. But as with every empire, trying to control so many people across the globe has its price & #debt weakened its structure...
Read 81 tweets
1/ I #StandWithUkraine because I strongly believe that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. To truly follow that maxim, we must understand what #evil is. The purpose of this thread is to push our comprehension. Where do we start?
2/ Lets analyze our intuition. Evil has this you-know-when-you-see-it feature. The Russian invasion is a perfect example. People from all around the world (regardless of culture, background, or religion) has identified the Russian aggression as evil and is siding with #Ukraine.
3/ But what is this feature that we so easily recognize? What is the nature of evil? If we could distill evil, what would it look like? These are the kind of questions I have been pondering since the start of the #war. I don't have the answers, but here are some of my thoughts.
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I assigned films in my Migration in the Middle East class this semester. Here are some favorites in no particular order.👇👇👇
#migration #MiddleEast #refugees #migrants #twitterstorians Street scene; man in a white suit and hat, a child, a clarin
Turtles Can Fly (Bahman Ghobadi, 2004) Turtles can Fly film poster; girl carrying a toddler on her
My Grandfather’s People (Çağan Irmak, 2011)
#mübadele film poster
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On this #MemorialDay, please join me in remembering my uncle, Seymour Levine, who was killed in action during #WorldWarII. Image
2nd Lt. Levine was a platoon commander in Company F of the 182nd Regiment of the Americal Division. In March 1945, the division was assigned to take Cebu, an island in the Philippines held by the Japanese. #MemorialDay Image
Some 14,500 Japanese soldiers were hunkered down in caves and fortified positions high in the hills of Cebu. (Photo of
182nd in action on Cebu from…) Image
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@valtioneuvosto @TyttiTup #EUarchives The Legal Entity of ‘Greater #Germany’ - The first president of the #Brussels #EU
- Walter #Hallstein, #nazi-German lawyer, chief architect and first president of the Brussels EU from 1958 to 1967, gave this speech in January 1939.…
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🧵Today, #Putin's Nazi #Russia celebrates Victory Day in #WorldWarII. But who really won the war, whose victory Russia so wants to appropriate?
And who were the biggest victims of this war?
More on this, as well as about #Ukraine and Ukrainians in WWII in this thread⬇️
#Russia often speaks of its power based on a ‘fact’ that they won WWII, and often claim that Germany owes them something, because Russia was the biggest victim of the war.
But this is a manipulation.
France, UK, US & USSR (which consisted not only of🇷🇺but also🇺🇦& others) won WWII
#Russia always forgets the contributions made by US, UK & other allies who fought against Nazis.
They also forget that they gained all their military power thanks to Lend-Lease. Yep, US provided USSR with more than half of the weapons used by USSR. Hundreds of billions of $.
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"We can repeat" - a sacred phrase used by #Russians over the past few years, has now taken on a completely different meaning - not the one our grandfathers put in when they defeated #Nazism in #WorldWarII.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of #Ukraine, 🇷🇺 troops have repeated the crimes of the #Nazis, committing atrocities against #Ukrainian children, women and the elderly…

But the list of what modern 🇷🇺 inherited from #NaziGermany does not end there…

Read 4 tweets
Let's be honest: This man had a lot more dignity than we did:

We (the coalition of countries, led by America and Great Britain) murdered him and bombed the crap out of his country, ...

Why? Exactly. The reasons our leaders gave were bullshit!
We knew #Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. So did #DrDavidKelly, who was murdered for saying so!

What was the real reason for the #IraqWar? Money was one reason. What else? Don't say to liberate the Iraqis. I suspect they'd rather not have been liberated with ...
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BREAKING: 7,000-15,000 #Russia|n troops likely killed in #Ukraine, per a @NATO official briefing reporters on condition of anonymity

Total losses -including wounded, captured or missing- could be in the 30,000-40,000 range

Estimates based on #Ukraine intel, observations
"The estimate we have is based on what the #Ukrainians tell us, what the #Russia|ns let us know intentionally or by mistake" per the @NATO official
#Ukraine fighting #Russia almost to a stalemate, per a @NATO official

"I don't know if you can go as far [as to say] stalemate but its clear that after 1 months Russia has achieved almost none of their strategic objectives"
Read 12 tweets
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
New US #IndoPacific #Strategy!

Read full text here:…

"The #PRC..pursues a sphere of influence in the Indo-#Pacific & seeks to become the world’s most influential power. The PRC’s coercion & aggression spans the globe, most acute in..Indo-Pacific."
#INDOPACIFIC: The Region by the #s

#POPULATION: Over half the world’s people, including 58% of youth

#ECONOMY: 60% of global GDP

#GROWTH: 2/3 of global economic growth

#GEOGRAPHY: 65% of the world’s oceans &🌊 25% of its land

From the new U.S. #IndoPacific #Strategy:

"The United States is the leading international provider
of education to students from the Indo-#Pacific—nearly 68% of international students studying in the United States hail from the region..."

Read full text:…
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/04/2021…
A 45-year-old man declared 'dead' was found alive after 7 hours in a morgue freezer, reports say…

Magnetizable Concrete in Roads Could Charge Electric Cars While You Drive…

#ElectricVehicles #BatteryCharging #MagnetizableConcrete
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Gurkhas and the British

Men from the hillsides of Nepal began joining the British Army in 1815,right after the end of the 1st phase of the Anglo-Gurkha War of 1814-16.They have been serving the British Crown ever since.#Gurkha #Gurkhas #Nepal #ENGITA #Eng…
The Gurkhas played an essential role in establishing the British Raj in India and fought for the British in Afghanistan, what was then Burma, Tibet and in countless other conflicts.

#England #Britain #British #Army #BritishArmy #Eng #ENGITA #Euro2020Final #EuroFinal #EURO2020
In the first world war alone, tiny Nepal,with a population of around 5 million, sent over 200,000 Gurkhas to fight for the British. 1 in 10 never returned. In the second world war over 250,000 Gurkhas fought alongside the British and more than 33,000 never returned.

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Ten US military bases (Fort Hood, Fort Bragg, etc.), are named for pro-slavery #Confederate Army Generals who fought to destroy America. Let's rename them. Here's a thread with worthy candidates to honor. @AP @JeffreyGoldberg @ClintSmithIII @atrupar @john_sipher #BlackLivesMatter ImageImageImageImage
African American Crispus Attucks was the first American to die for the #AmericanRevolution:
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#USA 🇺🇸💉🦠

As the #US rolls out the #Pfizer#BioNTech vaccine, let’s have a look... how’s your state doing? Share a 📷 or a thought/perspective as we battle back against the #coronavirus / #covid19? Thread.

First up. New York. Image
#USA 🇺🇸💉🦠 #Illinois

Doug Meyer, 38 respiratory therapist, airway manager @OSFHealthCare @PeoriaIllinois is among the 1st #Illinois healthcare workers to receive the #COVID19Vaccine. Ht @BlueRoomStream

#USA 🇺🇸💉🦠 #RhodeIsland

A Latino doctor, Dr. Christian Arbelaez, was the 1st person in Rhode Island to get the #COVID19 vaccine. Now he wants to be an example for his community.… @DanMcGowan reports. Image
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#November 11th-

#VeteransDay Was Originally #ArmisticeDay

#ArmisticeDay began in 1918 to celebrate The Day World Leaders Came Together To End #WWI- The 'War To End All Wars'- And The Idea Of Ending All #War…
"Over one hundred years ago the world celebrated #peace as a universal principle. #WWI had just ended and nations mourning their dead collectively called for an end to all #wars#ArmisticeDay was born and was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause...
... of world #peace and to be thereafter celebrated." After #WorldWarII, the U.S. Congress decided to rebrand #November11 as #VeteransDay. Honoring the warrior quickly morphed into honoring the #military and glorifying #war. #ArmisticeDay was flipped from a day for #peace into...
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This is sickening. Waiting for #trump supporters who claim to support #USMilitary to explain how they can continue to support a man who hates our #troops. @JoeBiden’s son #Beau served in #Iraq. @DrBiden has supported #militaryfamilies for years. #USMC #USN #USAF #BidenHarris2020
#Trump referred to former President #GeorgeHWBush as a “loser” for being shot down by the Japanese as a Navy pilot in #WorldWarII. #Bush flew 58 combat missions in the Pacific. He enlisted at 18. Trump enlisted never.… #SupportOurTroops #VoteBidenHarris
When #JohnMcCain died in 2018, #Trump became furious when he saw flags lowered to half-staff. “What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser.” McCain was taken prisoner after flying his 23rd bombing mission over N.Vietnam. #Trump has flown a mission never.
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Today, we look back at a historic unit: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion.

The 6888th also known as the “Six-Triple Eight" was the first and only all-Black Female Women Army Corps unit to be deployed overseas during #WWII.

#servedWithHonor Image
“No Mail, Low Morale.”

The 6888th were assigned to Birmingham England, Rouen, France, and Paris, France during #WorldWarII.

Their mission was to clear several years of backlogged mail in the European Theater of Operations.

#ServedWithHonor Image
The women of the 6888th worked with male and female French civilians and with German POWs.

They encountered a backlog of undelivered mail dating back as far as two to three years which again would take an estimated six months to process.

#ServedWithHonor Image
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Happy #VictoryDay from SSI! ✌️

On this date 75 years ago, we are celebrating the formal acceptance by the #Allies of #WorldWarII of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces marking the end of World War II in #Europe. ImageImageImage
Approximately 1.5 million Jews fought in the regular Allied armies. In many cases, the percentage of Jews fighting was greater than the percentage of Jews in the population.

About 500,000 Jewish soldiers fought in the Red Army during World War II.
120,000 were killed in #combat and in the line of duty; the Germans murdered 80,000 as #prisonersofwar. More than 160,000, at all levels of command, earned citations, with over 150 designated “#Heroes of the #SovietUnion”— the highest honor awarded to soldiers in the #RedArmy
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"Under a secretive deal signed last month with a provincial government in the [#SolomonIslands], a Beijing-based company with close ties to the CCP has secured exclusive development rights for the entire island [of #Tulagi] & its surroundings."…
"The island of #Tulagi served as a South Pacific headquarters for Britain then Japan, and during #WorldWarII, its natural deepwater harbor made it a military gem. Now, #China is moving in with plans to effectively take control."…
"Even compared to previous #Chinese development deals in nearby countries — including a wharf in #Vanuatu, whose terms were not publicly released for years — the #Tulagi agreement is remarkable for both its scope and lack of public input."…
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and off we go #EnergyTwitter! May the thread start! 💡

Did You Know: To provide vital #oil across the English Channel after the #DDay landings, within months secret #pipelines were unwound from massive spools to reach French ports.
Following the #DDay invasion– June 6, 1944 – Allied forces would need vast quantities of #petroleum to continue the advance into #Europe. Allied leaders also knew that petroleum tankers trying to reach French ports would be vulnerable to #Luftwaffe attacks...
A top-secret “Operation #PLUTO” – Pipe Line Under The Ocean – became the Allied strategy. It would fuel victory with #oil production from the #USA petroleum industry. The secret pipeline mission used a popular #WaltDisney character for its logo. #OOTT
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He wanted to join the @USMC, but he was too short.

The paratroopers wouldn't have him either.

Reluctantly, he settled on the infantry, enlisting to become nothing less than one of the most-decorated heroes of #WorldWarII.

(#USArmy photo)
He was Audie Murphy, the baby-faced Texas farmboy who was born #OnThisDay in 1924. He became a U.S. legend.

Murphy grew up on a sharecropper's farm in Hunt County, Texas.
Left at a very young age to help raise 10 brothers and sisters when his father deserted their mother, Audie was 16 when his mother died. He watched as his siblings were doled out to an orphanage or relatives.

Seeking an escape from that life in 1942, he looked to the #Marines.
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