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Apr 23rd 2023
Sexism in the Indian Judiciary
Dear Milord
Where are the real women in the judiciary?


#SupremeCourtofIndia #JusticeChandrachud #Womeninjudiciary #India #Indianlaw #WomensRights #female #highcourt… Image
1. Totaly misplaced priorities of the Supreme Court of India
One week ago Supreme Court of India announced that it will create 9 gender-neutral restrooms in its main building and additional buildings of the court.
I have a question here:
Do we have sufficient infrastructure for…… Image
2. How many Women Judges do we have in Indian Judiciary?
The Supreme Court has constituted an all-women bench to hear petitions involving matrimonial disputes and bail matters. This is only the third occasion in the history of the Supreme Court that an all-women bench has been…… Image
Read 14 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
⭐️The words “male” and “female” should be phased out in science because they reinforce ideas that sex is binary, scientists have suggested.
1. The terms were gathered as part of the EEB (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Language Project, founded by a collaboration of scientists in the US and Canada who claim some terminology is not inclusive, and could be harmful.
#Gender #culture
2. The initiative, the EEB Language Project was launched by like-minded scientists across the United States and Canada, including three University of British Columbia researchers—Dr. Kaitlyn Gaynor, Dr. Alex Moore and Dr. Danielle Ignace.
#Gender #Male #Female #Culture #Biology
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Jan 8th 2023
2/4 "Even after accounting for such factors, having #LongCovid was linked to higher risks of recent #unemployment, #financial #hardship, and #anxiety and #depressive #symptomatology, with evidence of dose-response relationships."
3/4 "Overall, an estimated 27.3 million US adults with #LongCovid were at risk of adverse #socioeconomic and #health outcomes including #anxiety and #depression."

#SDOH #social #determinants of #health
Read 4 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
🪡 1/8: #COP27 live from the #BlueZone | #Gender Day continues with a high-level panel: Voice of Women Leaders in Climate Debates, Policies, Implementation, & Beyond.

#JustAndAmtibious Image
2/8: HE Dr Yasmine Fouad welcomes the #female panel & attendees with a call to action. “We need to look at how to enable & empower #women in the fight in #climatechange. We need to do that now at this #COP for implementation.

#JustAndAmtibious Image
3/8: Ms Soipan Tuya, Kenya’s Minister of Environment says, “#Women know the issues & are the fastest responders. We are natural drivers. When we take the steering wheel, things will move.” Adding that women’s building women’s participation and capacity is needed.

#COP27Gender Image
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Sep 3rd 2022
#YoungGCWomenUnite 🧵
Hey everyone, I’m a mom. I work in an allied healthcare profession. I’m a so called #terf. I don’t have a singular #peaktrans experience, but rather a culmination of experiences. So here we go!
Almost a decade ago, I learned that terms #genderdysphoria and #transgender. There were some people who had extreme distress about their sex and they felt happier looking and presenting like the opposite sex. They worked closely with doctors and therapists.
I didn’t care. None of my business. But when hospital coworkers and staff started saying #TransWomenAreWomen , I started to question it. How could they literally be women? #whatisawoman ?
Read 15 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
New survey by @EwlGroup & partners about #Ukrainian #refugees in #Czechia, #Poland and #Romania highlights some interesting similarities and differences in demographic profile, intentions and integration. 🧵 1/…
Survey #demographics confirm what we know: refugees are overwhelmingly (>90%) #female, and half or more are at least 36 years old. Most (60%) have arrived with #children under the age of 18; yet also have members of immediate #family back home. 2/
#UkrainianRefugeeCrisis #gender Image
The three largest #concerns among Ukrainian refugees included "difficulty finding #employment" (25-50%), "concern for relatives staying in Ukraine" (31-40%) and "poor knowledge of the #language" (30-38%). 3/10
#UkrainianRefugeeCrisis Image
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Jun 8th 2022
In Session 2, we focused on networks in #cultural and #creative industries: Building on the relations between UK #theatre workers, @ManfredideBern1 from @KingsCollegeLon showed the process of #CoProduction of #networks in space and time. (1/4)
Dominic Power analysed rural #female #artists’ work and #creativity in #Sweden. He found out that being in the #periphery does not automatically mean #isolation from the center or lesser #creative possibilities: Their networks go far beyond a classic #CorePeriphery model. (2/4)
Alice Bobée elaborated on the entanglement between #BusinessSchools’ cultural economic #geography and cities’ reputation: Facing reduced public #funding, #French business schools have set up campus in European cities, dissociationg themselves from their #national origins. (3/4)
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May 25th 2022
The wait is over!🔥

Dear members; Please welcome Thais Akanne @thaisakanne - The talented #creator behind your monthly (3rd) #ElrondNFTs #Art airdrop!🐍 ⬇️ Image
Thais is a Brazilian #artist based in #SaoPaulo. She has drawn inspiration from her fascination with the #supernatural, #cinema & language and how those create connections & brings people together. She specialises in expressing the #female form as a #protagonist. ⬇️ ImageImage
Thais Akanne spent weeks working on unique 6 #Medusa themed #ElrondNFTs and named them Hera, Eva, Hydra, Asmodeus, Adelina and Apophis. ⬇️ ImageImage
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Apr 22nd 2022
My #FGM Heartbreak💔
"I Watched My Daughter Suffer!"
Mrs Amburo Recalls It:
"Jamilah was 7 years old when my husband's mom said it was time for her to be infibulated.
I tried to buy time for her to have it done when she was older but my mother-in-law refused.
I knew how torturous
it was to be infibulated because I had mine when I was 6 years old. I can't forget how I almost died from pain when my husband broke me up after I was wedded to him age 14.
I wept through the night before the day of my daughter's infibulation because I knew the pain she will face
and the poor me that couldn't save her.
The next day, I watched as her little hands and legs were pinned down by two women while the cutter began to cut.
Her first scream broke my heart and I ran out in tears as she looked at me and started crying, "Mummy, come! Mummy help me..."
Read 7 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
Does #gut #microbiota interact with #microglia in the #aging #brain? Are microglia metabolically affected (#mitochondria)? Does #diet take part? any #translational data?
Our paper made it last week in @NatureNeuro
so it's about time for a 🧵!… Image
1. Microglia from aged and young-adult #male & #female mice, under SPF or #germ_free conditions were profiled by bulk #RNAseq. We identified a gene-set, which depended on the housing condition regardless of #age & regulate central processes in microglia. "Microglial GF signature" Image
2. Utilizing #WGCNA, we found major differences between microglia of SPF and GF mice in the aged groups. But do we see any functional difference on a cellular level? Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
There was a time a freshly graduated urban student from #Karachi 🏙️ (#Pakistan 🇵🇰) upper urban middle class, with an expensive British education, had a real talent for writing fictions and for advertising an expertise...1/20
Photo: Casey Horner
...she did not have thru her re-formulation of trendy topics. Surfing the wave, she considered herself as a #Writer and as a #Consultant.
Unfortunately, nobody in “patriarchal #Pakistan 🇵🇰”, as she says, was ready to hire a young... 2/20
Photo: #BernardGrua @BernardGrua Ramla Akhtar, Postgrowth, @BarfeootRara at Baltit fort, Kari
a young professional #female with no experience for the jobs she was pretending to. Her career disillusions and her unsuccessful personal life caused her severe depressions with more and more frequent mental disorders. 3/20
Photo: #BernardGrua @BernardGrua Ramla Akhtar, Postgrowth, @BarfeootRara at Karakoram mountai
Read 21 tweets
Jan 17th 2021

A thread on papers that show the positive impact of having #women in #politics.


Women as #Policy Makers: Evidence from a randomized policy experiment in #India

Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, Esther Duflo

Are #Female Leaders Good for #Education? Evidence from #India.

Irma Clots-Figueras (@irmaclots)…

#Health and the Political Agency of #Women

Sonia Bhalotra (@SoniaBhalotra), Irma Clots-Figueras (@irmaclots)…
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Dec 16th 2020
12182020 will probably be our last days scrolling the feeds.
Inbetween now + then will be sharing @onedrive pdfs of conversations and information I have shared on here the past 7years.
95% of the content is original + mine, minus pictures + other documents4Explainations.
We have reached out to all of u for over 7years now, and as this year comes to an end, so does our open door policy.
If u have any questions u can always tag us by our 3 accounts, this one @Kaidone2 + @Karbonkoppi and ask those questions.
If u ask after 12312020 we may b
On another platform by then.
If u are one of the people who we blessed, but u denied our blessing through a lack of faith, a simple apology will remedy the situation and a true act faith will restore the blessing.
We will list those we blessed + lost in their own pdf.
Read 31 tweets
Nov 29th 2020
yesterday was an important day for all females, and nobody knows how or why yet.
if u happened to be paying attention, there is a way for me to show u, how everything works.
Iam censored + isolated on Twitter, so iam waiting on other things.
problem is, I have2duet2day
People think they know what iam up to, but that is actually not possible, because I do knot pre plan anything, and just work with the flow.
that doesn't mean iam not affecting things, but I never challenge who is, + if u have been paying attention, u know:
If I wait any longer2give u this gift, I risk missing this deadline, and won't ever be able to use this way again.
Today is special because:
#Numerology Is the most prominent #Religion existing.
#Numerology dictates what is #Universal #Law because so many accept it.
Read 32 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
ATTN #CBD stakeholders: @US_FDA today holding scientific conf. on CBD/other #cannabinoids. I'll be live tweeting throughout. Not sure we'll get much insight on immediate path forward for consumer products but I'll share noteworthy observations. Agenda:
I'll be paying particular attention to @DrAbernethyFDA's remarks at 9:05a (head of #FDA's #CBD Policy Working Group) and @DThrockmortonMD's keynote at 9:15a (one of Agency's principals for regulating R&D, manufacture & marketing of #cannabis & cannabis-derived #drug products).
And we're underway! First up is Kaveeta Vasisht, MD, PharmD. Associate Commissioner for Women’s
Health and Director, Office of Women’s Health, FDA. She's noting ubiquity of #CBD products in marketplace, many of which are targeted to #women.
Read 56 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
اسی لیئے شعراء کی قرآن و حدیث میں مذمت کی گئ ہے کہ ان میں مبالغہ آرائ، جھوٹ اور غلو ہوتا ہے ۔ #علامہ_اقبال تو رہے ایک طرف کسی کو بھی حق حاصل نہیں کہ تمام قوم کو ایک ہی لکڑی سے ہانک دے (کلیات اقبال قدیمی) #پنجاب #پنجابی

@omarali50 @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad… ImageImage
اب اگر #علامہ_اقبال سے یہی پوچھ لیا جاوے کہ حضور آپ نے تو تمام #پنجاب کے #پنجابی مسلمانوں کو ایک ہی لکڑی سے ہانک دیا تو پھر کیا فرماتے ہیں مولانا ثناء اللہ امرتسری (اہلحدیث عالم) مولانا ابراہیم سیالکوٹی (اہلحدیث عالم) غزنوی خاندان (پنجاب کا اہلحدیث خانوادہ) اور عبیداللہ سندھی پر
#علامہ_اقبال کو فسطائ مسولینی بہت پسند تھے اور ملاقات بھی تھی (ذکر اقبال از عبدالمجید سالک) اب علامہ اقبال کو مسولینی اور کارل مارکس پر ملاحظہ فرمائیں ۔ ( کلیات اقبال قدیمی)

@Rafi_AAA @omarali50 @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad… ImageImageImage
Read 78 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
1/ A very compelling story about how #Women's #Pain & especially #Black women's pain is dismissed and disregarded by the healthcare system.…
2/ The story begins with a woman with sickle cell & her horrifying experience in the hospital. It also discusses pain from syndrome's unique to women, like endometriosis or fibroids.
3/ Pain is a feminist issue. #PainToo must be believed. First, there is the dismissal of women's accounts of their own bodies, tracing to a history of dismissal of symptoms due to absurd misconceived views of #Hysteria in women. Trans folks get the same treatment, or worse.
Read 9 tweets
May 28th 2020
1] A few things stood out for me as i was going through Pres Adv Chamisa's changes to his tool box.

Tools tell a lot about the carpenter.
More so when he was previously working with some rusty tools that belonged to the former carpenter.

I hope they will be useful to him.
2] In the appointments, Chamisa made some strong political statements.

Councilor #IanMakoni, MRT's Best Friend, husband to former #MDCTreasurer, & party stalwart Madam TM is now #Sec4Election.

Those who've followed the #Mwonzora fights understand my point.

Interesting pick.
3] Then there's #DavidChimhinhi, the past immediate #MDC-T 2014 #Manicaland Provincial Chair.

Mr Chimhini has replaced @JamesonTimba as Deputy SG.

In light of the #Mwonzora fights, and all the theories that followed, this is a interesting political statement by #Chamisa.
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Apr 18th 2020
Since we're all still here ... how about a little tour through the #Neolithic exhibition of Urfa's new archaeological museum?

Well, at least the part I'm somehow familiar with ... which means the Pre-Pottery Neolithic #GobekliTepe finds on display there.
Before we start with the tour, let's just have a look at this sculpture right over here: It's so-called #UrfaMan (from Yeni Mahalle / Yeni Yol) - one of the oldest examples of a life-sized human statue, dating back to the Pre-Pottery #Neolithic as well.…
Starting with what still can be considered the only clear #female depiction at #GobekliTepe (which otherwise seems strongly dominated by a rather masculine iconography):

The (later?) carving of a woman on a stone slab found in one of the younger rectangular buildings there.
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Apr 3rd 2020
Does the #Bible teach that there will be no #romantic #love or #future #children in the #Resurrection?

Um, #NO, and here is why.
To say that Jesus had many enemies during his earthly ministry is a huge understatement. Though some pharisees were friendly to him (John 3:1-21), most despised him, challenging him and even plotted to kill him (Matt 12:14). One of their main issues with Christ was his refusal to
follow their oral tradition (Matt 15:1-9, Mark 7:1-13). Indeed, Jesus criticized the Pharisees’ over this very tradition. He pointed out their real problem; making the oral law on par with scripture. They had basically added to the Word of God.
The Sadducees had the opposite
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Apr 3rd 2020
The years 2015-2020 have revealed an insidious disregard for the #female category by #OlympicGames @olympics executives and their corporate sponsors.
Male (XY) 🧬athletes now allowed into XX events.
Time to take stock re #women’s #sports.
Where did we begin?
Where are we going?
Our story begins in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom (2000 B.C.)
Forms of women’s competition were somewhat different than we experience in 2020 A.D.
Contests revolved around two key aspects of #Egyptian life:
1. Food acquisition- #hunting & #fishing
2. Entertaining - #acrobatics
True #sports for women really began in Ancient Greece during the Classical period (400 B.C.). Unmarried girls had their own private competitions - also at Olympia every 4years.
These were separate from the men’s games.
The festivals were held in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus.
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Mar 22nd 2020
@Muttmere1 @BillieJeanKing @GovernorLittle @Martina @sharrond62 Two points
1. It’s not ethical.
2. It’s not #sports

See elaboration in tweets below⬇️
@Muttmere1 @BillieJeanKing @GovernorLittle @Martina @sharrond62 1/ I use “ethical” rather than invoking “fairness”, because of the predictable retort “who said life would be fair”. Having males in female sports goes beyond natural unfairness (typical skill variation)- it is a purposeful decision to disadvantage 50% of #Athlete population
@Muttmere1 @BillieJeanKing @GovernorLittle @Martina @sharrond62 2/ It’s not #sports.
In sports we have distinct categories based upon clearly defined boundaries so that the outcome has a specific meaning.
Example: Automobile racing.
👉🏼There would be no meaning to a race if a F1 🏎 would be allowed into #NASCAR race.
Different structures.
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Oct 23rd 2019
@SimonFanshawe Fairly shocking to find eradication of "mixed wards" By @NHSEngland @NHSImprovmeent was only rebranding exercise & that now they just lie about #male genitalia to #female patients so they have no way to protect themselves. @CMO_England @CNOEngland
@SimonFanshawe @NHSEngland @CMO_England @CNOEngland @Jochurchill4 NHS guidelines:
Grade #1 woman: transwomen with #ladydique
Grade #2 woman: biological female #unraped (of course)
Grade #3 woman: Biological female - rape survivors, it doesnt matter that they can't sleep or scared out of their wits. @Baroness_Nichol
@SimonFanshawe @NHSEngland @CMO_England @CNOEngland @Jochurchill4 @Baroness_Nichol Ideally, of course #Female #Rape survivors (or victims) dont actually show up for medical treatment they need & deserve, freeing up #NHS resources for patients who are not damaged goods & who deserve actual health care.
Read 16 tweets

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