7 years ago, 201 tweets, 49 min read Read on Twitter
#Yoonmin Text AU where Jimin runs a messaging service that provides daily pictures of cute animals, and Yoongi signs up to it.
✨Main ship; Yoonmin
✨Side ships; Taekook | Namjin

🔞 May be NSFW 🔞

✨Please don’t reply, just RT or quote.
✨ Love and support only, if you don’t like the ships mentioned above then leave while you’re ahead.
✨ Enjoy!
✨ Updates may be irregular. I get busy, your patience will be appreciated!
snow leaf
thank you for sharing
some kind of dating service
i’m reporting u to the police
a professional
Cats are cute!
a horrible roommate
✨The boy’s twitter profiles! (I will post the other’s another time)
✨DailyCute’s profile!
catch this block
some soulmate 🤧
don’t peer pressure me
taehyung’s sneaky plan: revealed
i just have a really really good feeling
feel free to opt out
the audacity!!!
bust a huge nut 🤧
jimin’s ***
(That’s it for tonight, sorry it’s so short but there’ll be more updates this weekend! Stay tuned 💙)
thank you dailycute
another reply
pray for seokjin 🤧
✨Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok’s twitter profiles!
jimin looks cute tonight
you have yoongi
just napped
the date!
i won’t even deny that
✨Btw it’s going to get more nsfw from here on out lol
trash panda
a big softie :(
match made in heaven
another daily dose of cuteness!
invite me to the wedding
you’re so pretty
no pretty picture today?
nice to meet you
(Thanks for reading~ Really appreciate the love and support this is getting. More soon 💙)
kim taehyung gets exposed but yoongi thinks he’s lucky
let jimin breathe 😪
when will yoongi realise
i’m gonna tell him
one sec 👀
are u his father now
what’s for dinner?
dessert is ready
jungkook needs someone to play monster hunter world with 😩
i like cats
poor yoongi got his hopes up 😔
✨Jimin and Yoongi end up talking for a few hours, learning about their interests and what it takes to make one another tick; from simple things such as favourite colours and foods to that which is more meaningful like childhood dreams and aspirations.
what are you trying to get away from?
hoseok being selfish for a change 🤧
not jungkook’s ass 😭
when can i have you for dinner?
i’d like to eventually but
jimins soft uwu and it’s a date!!
i can’t stop thinking about that picture you sent
(That’s all for tonight 🤧 I’m going to take some time to plan this out some more. Thank you all so much for being patient and keeping up with this. I really love you all.)
✨A lot more people voted for there to be warnings than I expected, so for any explicit imagery I’ll use 🔞 to let everyone know 💙 Thank you for your patience.
because you asked nicely
🔞 yoongi sends a pic 🔞
pretend it’s me
where did your manners go?
see you tomorrow
good morning 🙊
jimin is acting weird
talk to him about it
yoongi texts jimin uwu
call me jimmy one more time
i’ll be here
ugh your mind
jimmy no
the boys are back in town
i’d avoid you too
taekook’s biggest problems: a saga
jimin finally texts yoongi
do you think we can go on that date first?
park jimin in his natural habitat!
✨A few days before Friday~
yoongi can’t wait
what fourth wall 😪
the highlight of yoongi’s day
the sun is shining so brightly this morning uwu
he makes me really happy
maybe i am
only yoongi calls jimin ‘jiminie’
embarrassing 😩
yoonmin have their date
kiss him already
put your phone away
yoongi’s baby boy
🔞 a very lucky man 🔞
does yoongi like jimin?
he’s obviously into you
yoonmin have their date part 2
(That’s all for now 💙 Love y’all, stay tuned.)
you’re not an idiot
what if he isn’t into me
mind your own business :)
it will hurt less
yoongi is suffering 😩
maybe a little
🔞so needy🔞
🔞 so good to me 🔞
✨A few days go by~ 🔞 (kind of)
he hasn’t been texting you?
am i pushing all the right buttons?
i have to be insane
we’re fighting
✨ Yoongi texts Jimin after a few days
he won!
yoongi wants to talk
about us
jimin is busy
i’ll let you know when i’m home later
he’s probably busy
i wish he’d just be up front with me
don’t cuss
go big or go home
enjoy your time
this is fine
✨A few days pass - what happened?
how yoongi feels
how yoongi feels - extended
✨Later in the evening - taehyung reaches out, jimin doesn’t mention what happened
that’s a lot to like about someone
what do you dislike about him?
Jimin brings himself to look up from his phone. His eyes sting a little from crying. He’s in his apartment, the time reads 22:47 and it’s dark inside and out. The only light in his room is the soft glow emanating from his phone screen.

Yoongi. Min Yoongi.
He pictures the older boy in his mind. His disheveled, white hair, dry and straw-like at the ends from too much bleach. He can’t forget the detail of the tiny mole on his nose, or the way his eyes curve inward to resemble a cateye.

What is there to dislike about Min Yoongi?
Jimin doesn’t notice himself smiling at the mere thought of him.
Sighing in defeat, he unlocks his phone, which had locked automatically from lack of activity, and pulls up his messages with his best friend.
he lied to me
i lived with you for 7 years
you were right
all because of dailycute
jimin makes a decision
trust tae, he has a plan
after a long talk, jimin rethinks his decision
your calico cat
can i call you
When Jimin hears Yoongi’s voice again, he doesn’t notice the wave of relief that washes over him, and Yoongi can’t help but coo at the younger boy despite the frustration that he felt before.
He takes his time explaining the reasoning behind his actions. Although it was unfair, Yoongi understands.
“I had no idea those people had treated you that way. You’re not an object, and I’m sorry if it seemed that I was treating you like one, Jiminie.”
Jimin’s heart flutters at the nickname that he didn’t realise he missed so much.
“No, I’m sorry for being so immature. I-I shouldn’t.. I shouldn’t have used you to try and make me feel better about my insecurities. I’m so sorry, hyung. I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you. It’s okay.”


“Yes, baby.”

Jimin doesn’t know why he feels like crying.
“We all have insecurities, Jiminie, and I hope I can help you overcome yours someday. I hope you know that I mean it when I say that you’re beautiful.”
There’s something inside Jimin that breaks, as if the walls of the dam he built inside of himself are collapsing, and suddenly his cheeks are tear stained and his nose is runny and he has to leave his phone on his bed while he runs off to grab tissues.
Yoongi sighs on the other end of the call, albeit a small smile on his face. Jimin really is the most beautiful person in his world.
would you do me the honour
see you soon
It’s around eleven o’clock by the time Jimin is at Yoongi’s apartment. He would be lying if he said he didn’t try to make himself look somewhat pretty, despite the fact he was in his pyjamas.
Three light knocks on Yoongi’s door is all it takes for the silver haired boy to scramble to his feet and let Jimin in.
He’s greeted by the younger donned in soft pink shorts and a white button down silk shirt, big enough to give him sweater paws. A tote bag is slung over his shoulder and fluffy pink slippers cover his feet.
“Those are your pyjamas?” Yoongi quirks a brow after looking him up and down.

“Yes,” he huffs, folding his arms over his chest, “is there a problem?” and he almost looks like a small child.
Yoongi shakes his head and steps aside for him, closing and locking his door once he’s stepped inside.

“It’s so warm in here.” Jimin hums, letting his bag fall onto the couch before plopping himself down next to it. He makes himself at home easily, which Yoongi is grateful for.
“If you’re cold, why did you wear shorts?”

“B-Because.. because they’re cute.” Yoongi scoffs at his reasoning.

“You look cute no matter what you wear, Jimin.”
Yoongi wastes no time in fetching a blanket for his boyfriend. While searching through the linen for the perfect one, it dawns on him and he and Jimin are now dating and he can’t help the heat that rises to his cheeks
He’s flustered, and it takes him longer than expected to find something as simple as a blanket. He panics when Jimin is calling out to him.

“I-I’m coming, sorry Jiminie!”
Once his boyfriend is settled on his couch, he takes a seat across from him and switches the tv on. “Do you wanna watch something on Netflix or..?”
When he looks over, his boyfriend is pouting at him. “Hyungie. Why are you sitting so far away?” Jimin whines and Yoongi coos at him.

“Come. Sit.” Yoongi can’t say no and quickly gets settled beneath the blanket with him.
“If you’re still cold, you can borrow a pair of my pyjamas.”

“No, I’m fine. You make a good comforter.” Jimin giggles and it’s so endearing, Yoongi feels his heart doing backflips in his ribcage.
He quickly finds a comfortable spot with his chin nestled on top of his boyfriend’s head, allowing him to breathe in the fresh scent of berries, while his arms stay fastened loosely around the other’s chest.

He’s happy, and he hasn’t felt this way in a long time.
“Thank you, Jiminie.”

“For what? Saying you’re a good comforter?” He’s giggling again and Yoongi can feel himself smiling.
“For..exisiting. For being here.. you know?”
There’s some shuffling around and Yoongi feels Jimin peck his lips; short and sweet, but enough to bring back the butterflies in his stomach.
“Yeah, I know.”
daily dose of cuteness
the fourth day in a row
i love you too
✨ END ✨
( Thank you EVERYONE for following me on this long ass journey, I appreciate it so much! The amount of love this AU has received is beyond what I ever imagined, I’m really so grateful. I love you ALL 💙 +
+ please look forward to more content that I share with you all in the future, and I hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening whereever you are in the world uwu )
( Also, if you have any questions or queries about DailyCute, send them here: curiouscat.me/_honeyblue_
And if you’d like, check out my very first AU here

Until next time 💙 )
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