We have to change the way we teach people (and the way we think) about labor markets.
But more fundamentally, it's part of a larger pattern of evidence.
Economist's basic, workhorse model of labor markets is failing, failing, failing.
But that wasn't *too* hard to deal with. Just invoke general equilibrium effects.
It sure looks like there's some MARKET POWER in effect.
At least two new papers find direct, convincing evidence of market power in local labor markets. (shoutout to @mioana, @Econ_Marshall, and @joseazar here)
Or, if you prefer, the supply-and-demand model is proving to be less useful than an oligopsony model in fitting the data on how labor markets work.
Instead of supply-and-demand, we need to start with the monopsony model of labor markets.
Monopsony should be Econ 101 from now on.