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Buster Hyde USMC/Ret @BusterUSMC
, 70 tweets, 14 min read Read on Twitter
1. This little Mother-Zuckerberg did everything the left asked him to do!
~He turned over his whole database to the Obama campaign.
~He did everything to get Hillary elected!

2. I suspect that Zuckerberg loves the cozy relationship of working behind the scenes, working behind the scenes w/Democrats.

But he doesn’t want a hands-on relationship w/bureaucrats.
He wants 2b above the bureaucratic level.
He doesn’t want to have 2b relegated to the plebes.
3. Emmer-Effin-Zucker-berg wanted to deal w/the top dog, a cozy relationship w/the people that run liberalism & the Democrat Party.

And I’m gonna tell you something.
Zuckerberg is gonna find himself regretting he ever tried to get in bed with politicians like Obama & Clinton.
4. A powerful centralized govt run by a bunch of libs believes it owns everything.
5. But now bc a @realDonaldTrump unit found a way to LEGALLY use Facebook data, Efferberg is considered a traitor to the Left bc where social media is concerned, the left owns it.
6. Social media, Silicon Valley, is the exclusive property, exclusive political property of Democrat Party & the Fake msMedia and the left.
7. And their rage over the fact that @realDonaldTrump ’s team, Cambridge Analytica, figured out a way to LEGALLY leverage Facebook data, into contributing to their election victory, has p*ssed them off, almost as much as losing their rigged election!
8. This constitutes in their minds, as one of the most outright, egregious thefts that has ever occurred, bc I’m telling you, Twttr, Facebk, Snapcht, instant chat and the rest of social media....
9. ...they are ALL owned by the left. (no, not w/just stocks which they ALL buy

(*See Yesterday's "Why Are Politicians & Allowed To Trade Stocks" Post)

I’m not talking abt corporate ownership.
I’m talking abt political involvement.

The left owns them exclusively.
10. Social media is used to advance liberal ideas & the Democrat Party, and it’s also used to stifle, to silence, to eliminate conservative voices.

See how many of posts are marked "Sensitive"
or Accounts that are "Shut-Down'
or "Shadow-Banned"
11. And I can’t tell you the degree, the anger that the left felt when they discovered that @realDonaldTrump ’s group & the Mercers found a way to use what they think is exclusively theirs, i.e., Facbk user data ...
12. ...and leverage that info, into helping their presidential victory, just got them so mad they can’t see straight.

In fact, they’ve ALMOST forgot abt the Russian collusion thingy for a a full 30 minutes.
13. There’s a headline on Drudge, “Feds Probe Facebk.”…
That’s a Federal Trade Commission investigation.
Facebk’s not a victim here.
14. The second headline: “Zuckerberg Hides.”…
A Facebook lawyer & somebody else is gonna participate in a mtg w/the staff at Facebk to try to explain what went on.
15. I don’t even know if leaning in Sheryl Sandberg is gonna show up. You know, she’s the CEO. She can do no wrong, by the way. As far as the left, Silicon Valley, high-techs, Sheryl Sandberg can do no wrong. She’s the CEO.
16. I Correct That Last Tweet..She is the COO, and I don’t even know if leaning in Sheryl Sandberg is gonna show up. As far as the left, Silicon Valley, high-techs, Sheryl Sandberg do no wrong.
Sheryl is also founder of
Sheryl Net Worth is $1.6 Billion
17. Zuckerberg’s the founder and he writes code & some stuff in there,buys property in Hawaii, builds walls around it.
He even went on a listening tour.
Remember that? Zuckerberg went on a listening tour to where cornstalks grow ’cause he’d never seen corn.
18. He wanted to go out & see what people who live among the corn do and he went out to introduce himself.
Everybody thought it was a prelude to seeking the presidency.
I doubt it now.

But here’s the thing about all this.
"Big Data & Big Government."
19. We don’t need any more regulation of Big Data.
We don’t need any more regulation of Big Data or any of that.

What we need is:
Big Data & Silicon Valley
Big Government.

That’s what’s needed here.
20. Right now social media at the corp level, the ppl that run it &the assoc companies that feed into it, u know, is as big as it is bc Apple makes & sells so many iPhones - Samsung comes in 2nd place, but without those devices, social media wouldn’t have nearly the usage does.
21. So back in 2008-2016 most of Silicon Valley was involved here, &all tied at the hip to Obama & Hillary...& Never @realDonaldTrump ers & today, are still tied to Obama & Hillary, bc they are BITTER & they'll b tied again to Kamala Harris or whoever is Dems’ nominee is in 2020.
22. And that’s precisely why & where we need separation. Zuckerberg is a proud liberal. He has to be. He went to Harvard. He dropped out to further develop Facebk. It’s become the largest social media platform in the world.
23. To make it work, to be accepted by those he admires, he must be a proud and public lib.

Why isn’t he demanding massive regulation of his business?
He demands massive regulation of everybody else’s business.
That’s what libs do, is it not?
24. Liberals want the govt regulating everything.
And especially things they don’t control, they want more massive regulation.

When it comes to things they own, u don’t hear a peep demanding regulation. (like their stocks...cough I mean spouse's impeccable investing skills)
25. As far as Zuckerberg is concerned, whoever runs instant chat, Snapchat, Instagram, all virtue lies in govt.

No virtue lies in the general public.
All virtue lies in the govt, right?

That’s what leftists say.
That’s what they believe when it suits them.
26. Acc to good liberals like EFerberg, gov shld regulate entire health care sector. Zuckerberg’s was right in there w/Obama helping him.
And so was Apple.
Everybody was 'all-hands-on-deck' in helping Obama regulate, administer & run the entire American health care sector.
27. Well, because they think all virtue resides in liberal controlled govt.
All virtue relies in liberalism & individual liberals.
And so they are happy, proud & eager to have govt regulate the entire healthcare sector.

And want the govt to regulate banking, consumer finance.
28. They want govt 2regulate student loans.
They want govt 2regulate cableTV.
They want govt 2regulate satellite TV.
They want govt 2regulate utilities.
They want govt 2regulate internet-called net neutrality, ironically enough.

They want govt regulating EVERYTHING & EVERYONE.
29. Well, somebody should ask Efferberg why he hasn’t invited govt to tightly regulate Facbk. I mean, after all, if it’s okay for the govt to regulate internet & health care; student loans &banking, wldn't Facbk be all that much better if the govt, run by libs, was regulating it?
30. Somebody should ask Efferberg why he hasn’t invited the govt to tightly regulate not just Facbk, but Twtr, since govt regulation is the answer to everything.

I suspect that Zrberg loves the cozy relatnshp of working behind the scenes, w/his shareholding Democrats.
31. But he doesn’t want a "hands-on" reltnshp w/bureaucrats.
He wants 2be above the bureaucratic level.
He doesn’t want 2have 2b relegated 2US little ppl.
He wants 2deal w/top dogs, w/people that run liberalism & the Democrat Party.
(Soros/Clinton/Obama Level)
32. Well up ’til now, Efferberg’s been exempted fr “u didn’t build that”
Why?bc he was a loyal soldier who helped Obama get elected, helping Obama’s community org do wht it wanted to, 4Hillary:
Promote Democrats & leftists while he screwing Republicans & Conservatives.
(like IRS)
33. And Efferberg was a loyal soldier, and still look what they’re doing to him. After all of this loyalty, after everything Efferberg did to help Obama & Hillary,

now look.
34. Bec Cambridge Analytica found the way to access to 50m of Facbk’s near 1billion users, (what the Left was doing w/Zberg all along secretly)...
Zuckerberg is toast.

Zuckerberg is now becoming an endless, wandering shred of human dung who’s no longer the left's useful idiot.
35. Look at how the left turns on its own - w/just 1-perceived act of disloyalty.

Efferberg's gonna wish he never got in bed (figuratively spkng, of course) with Obama, bec Obama’s govt, Hillary’s govt, the left, they believe they own least they owned him.
36. Zuckerberg sold $900m of Fcbk stock so far this yr.
That was fortuitous, he’s down $5 billion & FB is down $24b in this plunge.…
I wonder How Many Politicians Sold Their FB Stock, Knowing In Advance of the Public That This Was All About to Hit The Fan?
37. Facbk; Gggle; Twtr; Snpcht; Obama; Hillary; the msm & Democrat Party was in a purposeful strategic alignment 2promote perpetual power of Dem Party&Left & by using social media 2promulgate fake news & lie abt Conservative & Repblcn opponents & any group associated to them.
38. I’m telling you, the fact that Cambridge Analytica, a company assoc w/the Mercer family that had worked w/@realDonaldTrump coming in & literally hijacking what the left has thought was an exclusive province has enraged them, & they're livid at Zuckerberg 4letting it happen.
39. Zuckerberg is noe Efferberg and he is on the outs.
Facbk is now Face-planted under assault, $ Tens of Billions of Dollars in Stock Losses

(*Just not for anyone w/Insider Secrets Like Say..Politicians Who Already Knew Months Ago What THEY Were Abt To Make Happen 2 FB Stocks)
40. Now, to protect themselves from fellow leftists, let’s talk a little bit abt Zuckerberg & Jack Dorsey at Twtr & all of their obedient officers- the CEOs at Apple, the executives at some of these other Silicon Valley companies.
41. Even though they're in bed w/ppl like Obama & Hillary, they're still capitalists. They have 2publicly profess their support 4socialism &dominant liberalism &the ppl leading it like Obama; Hillary & Soros, but what made them rich is capitalism, "entrepreneurial capitalism."
42. Instgrm, Snapcht, Facebk, Twitr, you name it. So in order to protect themselves from ppl like Obama & other ELITISTS & Leftists who are not crazy abt capitalism.

These young moguls have publicly professed their love for high taxes.
43. They support massive govt regulation of everything
(but them) we are seeing now.
They are all on board with this climate change, global warming hoax.
Whatever they have to do to stay up close & personal &in bed w/the liberal ELITES they will publicly do.
44. &all the while, they hope they will never become ensnared in the kind of govt control they claim to love. They don’t want to be regulated.

Facbk literally does NOT want to be regulated but now he’s caught btwn rock&a hard place bc he’s advocating regulation everywhere else.
45. Now w/this so-called breach, whch it wsn’t (all that happened is a Republican grp found a way to leverage Facbk data)
So now Efferberg is on the outs & the left does NOT want this happening again. And they want TOTAL control over social media outlets via regulation.
46. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing Efferberg did NOT want to happen.
This is exactly why he cozied up to all these people.
This is a great example of corporate cronyism, corporate socialism, crony liberalism.
47. You get close to the big dogs so that they’ll leave alone when they start regulating (everybody else).

As long as you stay loyal & advance 'their cause', you’re gonna be protected, but Efferberg at the moment is NOT protected.
48. Jack Dorsey, Efferberg, all these other ppl hoping they wld NEVER become ensnared in the kind of govt control that they vote for, that they publicly support & claim to love.
49. These Billionaire Silicone Valley Turds had a ready friend in Obama.
Obama cld give them political cover.
They, in return, provided Obama w/ANY & ALL info to control election results, to control public opinion, to stifle opposing news.

They did all of that..For Each Other.
50. Then they turned over their entire user database, Twitr, Facbk, to Barack Hussein Obama, As the DNC; MSM; Obama; Hillary & Elites ALL prepared their respective "Teams" to do the exact same thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton.
51. But bc Republicans found a way to also use Facbk data, this incestuous relatnshp is going to end in massive regulation.
It’s in the cards.
FTC, Congress they can’t wait.
There’s a race now to regulate Facbk bc the MSM have blown this up into something that it isn’t.
52. So your average, ordinary low-info voter thinks social media is out of control, everybody hacking it, data isn’t safe, they have no idea what’s really happened here....So I'll tell you.
53. The msm is trying to say it was "hacking" there wasn’t any hacking.
Efferberg will say "hacking" Why? (Think Russia + MSM + Destroy Trump)

The FACT is:
Facbk WILLINGLY provided avenues to ALL their user data
IF & ONLY IF You paid a price, which Cambridge Analytica did.
54. Cambridge Analytica is NOT a protected leftist organization.
They are the enemy.
So now they ARE gonna end up w/MASSIVE regulation, which is gonna be the end of rapid growth & innovation, when the govt’s regulating everything they do,

So why wld govt want 2regulate Facbk?
55. To deny access by Conservatives & Republicans & any other opposition.
And that’s gonna be the beginning of the end bc Facbk needs Republican mbrs.

They need conservative members.
56. Ppl like Efferberg, when Facbk was growing & becoming big, espc atwhat it does, collecting info on ppl, which is the primary objective of political orgs & parties, then of course Zckrberg has to set aside whatever he might really think &jump in bed w/ these ppl publicly.
57. And he has 2end up endorsing everything they’re for, like massive regulation of the health care industry & the takeover of it &massive regulation of energy ’cause of climate change & all, which means massive regulation of his business, if he’s 2b intellectually honest & pure.
58. But he doesn’t really want them regulating "his business."
But now that’s what’s gonna happen, all because of a perceived act of disloyalty.
Its really is no more complicated than that. & make no mistake Obama is the king of this dung-hill.
59. There isn’t anybody else.
Biden’s doesn't have the pwer 2enforce all this stuff.
&Hillary,Dems are running fr her like she’s a blue stained dress fr 1990's.

It’s Obama & ppl that wrkd 4him who are the enforcers.
And as long as Facbk & Twtr r loyal to Dem cause, that’s fine.
60. Remember, Obama is currently living in Washington DC with Valerie Jarrett as His Room Mate & The @realDonaldTrump Admin, and all the Departments Within DC Are Literally Filled With 8 Years Worth of Obama Leftovers & Hillary Snowflakes Hell-Bent On Destroying @POTUS From w/in.
61. @realDonaldTrump Has US-The People
He Is Fighting:

The Liberals
The Democrats
The Socialists
The Media
The Special Interest Leftist Groups
The Clintons
The Obamas
The Bush's
The Snowflakes
The Lobbyists
The Tech Industry

And He's Winning -While Working FOR FREE!
62. But once something like this happens w/the @realDonaldTrump org coming in & utilizing the same database for the same purposes, i.e.,electing Trump & doing damage to Democrats,

They JUMP IN & Say "Uo No ..We Own This Stuff."
63. You See In Their minds,(Obama, V Jarrett, the whole Dem Cabal) they own ALL Social Media.

They own Facbk.
They own Twtr its Theirs!
And interestingly, Fcbk &Twtr are now in the process of ELIMINATING as much participation by conservatives on their websites as they can
64. Conservative posts are -HATE SPEECH & Twtr is canceling them.
Facbk’s doing the same thing.
Obama & Dems, Own Silicon Valley-Twtr; Facbk; Instgrm; Snpcht; Hollyweird; MTV; Aple; Googl; the MSM;
You Know Who Else Does That?
South Korea.

This is a massive breach of protocol.
65. So whereas Obama & his team are praised as geniuses, now all of a sudden exactly what they did is being said to be CRIMINAL
Why? Well, bc Republicans engaged in it.
So we’re witnessing the ongoing criminalization of conservatism.
66. Now, rmbr something abt the Weinstein business.
They knew abt Weinstein for years.
The New York Times was working a story.
NBC had a story on Weinstein (Rmbr Ronan Farrow’s?) & they spiked it.
They didn’t unload on Weinstein until Hillary was no longer a viable candidate, ..
67. ..and they dumped Weinstein so as to be able to use sexual misconduct on @realDonaldTrump .
68. Now, another interesting item of distinction here.
Cambridge Analytica had to kind of fudge things w/Facbk, bc Facbk wld never give data to a Republican candidate or 1 of his orgs like they happily did for Obama. ...
69. And that’s why Cambridge Analytica had to construct this,
“We want you to take a test -a psychological test- & have your friends take it,” & that opened up Facebook’s data via the users that Cambridge Analytica used...
70. But when it came 2Obama, Facbk happily gave them EVERYTHING!
Now Facbk's screaming:
“They lied to us!
Cambridge Analytica lied to us!”

But you can bet your sweet-apple-shaped arxse-buns, they gave Obama; Hillary & any Democrat who asked, WHATEVER data they wanted.

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