DD: Forum will depend on where situation arises. Ie here if that's where the data is gathered.
DD says he wants to stay in Easa. Cites Swiss assoc. membership. Tested in Swiss court. Admits we'll struggle to negotiate that.
Pointless question really. If someone tried to build a space ship with 23 bricks, the fact they didn't have 40 would be immaterial.
'No but THIS LIE we intend to keep!'
He still doesn't seem to understand how the EU works.
Reminder, before he goes on: Every lorry on that border is stopped.
DD completely unaffected by any of this. Like a wall of contented whisky-soaked befuddlement.

DD: "No. Firstly we;re not going allow differences in Irish Sea. But reference was to North-South strand."
The two things he just said cannot be put together.
Well maybe these guys would. Their definition of national interest leaves a lot to be desired.
DD: "By getting a good deal."
He's going to lose.