This is also an intellectual property.
This will be written in series, spanning a few days to weeks. Please stay tuned. 😁😁😁
Grammatical/Spelling errors are regrettable.
"my name is Justice Nnamdi Chukwuka, one of the chief justices of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I'll be presiding over this team of 5 personnel"
"you know what?, let know ourselves first before we discuss our task"
"Starting from my immediate right"
Let get to the prestigious people on my left"
"and that's why she is on the panel, been a mother is a full time job, she has 40 years experience on. She is here to give us a maternal outlook to our task" justice interjected.
"we are not here to apportion blames, but to determine these factors and make recommendations to the FMOH for implementation"
"Yes!!!" other chorused
"no better place to start than from the beginning, so I will call the mother of the deceased child"
"call Mrs. Ajenifuja" justice said to the bailiff.
"I call for sensitivity in questioning this lady" Prof said
"........... we are not here to apportion blame but to determine what lead to your child's death and how we can prevent future occurrence. Accept our sincere condolences" justice said.
"did the cough start the same day you carried him to the hospital" Prof interrupted
"let me have him" a nurse said to me and ran with him into the Paed A&E
"as she was running, she was shouting Dr, Dr, Dr"
The doctor took about 7-8 mins to arrive, sauntering his way towards us
They took blood samples, plenty blood, like they wanted to finish his blood, also sent him for an X-ray of the chest.
"Yes, I did. When we got there, the X-ray machine was not working, they were working on the generator that feeds it power"
"we waited 40mins before we had the X-ray done and then have to come 30mins later for the films"
"when we got back, they started giving him drips and antibiotics. The drip was very slow in going, I kept complaining about it but they won't listen to me"
"we got to the hospital at 8:45am, my son died at 11:30am"
"no, they didn't tell me"
"Please continue madam, take your time, we are here for you" Prof said.
"they did that for about 30 mins, then they stopped. They declared him dead at 11:30am"
"the doctor was not trying to explain to us, after initially not acknowledging us"
"I slapped him immediately I heard that, screaming blue murder"
"but I have to ask you, in your opinion what is the most important factor that may have lead to your child's death"
"you may go now" he concluded.
"or better still, maybe we shouldn't discuss these issues yet until we have heard from everyone who maybe a factor in this case. Is that agree"
"Yes..." everyone chorused
"I bid you good day and good night... See you all tomorrow" justice concluded.