To understand diabetes, one need understand how the body process glucose derived from things we eat and drink.
Let create a picture.
So you get some nice meal.
Eba, Amala, Akpu, Pizza, Ice-cream, Cola drink etc

The intestine absorbs these smaller particles from the mixture. Since we are talking diabetes, we will focus on glucose.
Once in the blood, the PANCREAS senses the glucose and releases a hormone called INSULIN.
Insulin is like a key, it goes to all the cell in the body and opens the door for glucose to enter.

1) CO2 - released into the blood, transported to the lungs
2) Water - eliminated by the kidneys
3) ATP - this is the direct FUEL of the body.
If the cells cannot take up all the glucose in the blood. The remaining is taken to the liver cells to be stored for future use.
Diabetes is the presence of EXCESS glucose in the BLOOD STREAM as a result of either
2. The pancreas produces insulin but it's not enough to move all glucose into the target cells.
3. The target cells are not responding to the insulin.
Number 2 or/and 3, that is Type 2 diabetes.
I'll focus on type 2 diabetes because it make 98% of all diabetes.
Let create the usual profile of someone who is likely to be diabetic.
At this junction, let's have some fun. 😁
I want you to set aside one for the following.
If any of these applies to you, just set one aside.
2) Black African, African-American, Asian, African-Caribbean
3) OVERWEIGHT defined as BMI> 24.5.. Take 2 gogo😁😁
4) If you store more fat in your abdomen, that is if you are Apple/Android Shaped instead of Pear/Gynoid Shaped
Cc: #Medmadeeasy

6) For females; during antenatal, your doctor had to keep an eye on your sugar control. Take one gogo
8) For females, you have been diagnosed of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Please take another gogo.
>3, you have 75% of developing Diabetes in your lifetime
Let compare what is ment to happen to what happens in diabetics.
Sugar is needed in the cell to help generate energy. So diabetics are usually ALWAYS TIRED because their sugar/glucose is in the blood.
"Dr I'm eating a lot and I'm still losing weight"
Sugar DON'T CAUSE diabetes, problem with the pancreas does.
Symptoms of diabetes are caused by the presence of sugar in the blood stream. Sugar should be in the cell for it to be useful.
In the blood stream, sugar is USELESS, TOXIC AND DANGEROUS..
How do we take care of it.
To help diabetics, we need to look at two different things.
1) Treating the disease (if possible "cure")
2) Help the patient manage the disease burden.
A double prong approach is best way to manage diabetes.
Lifestyle Changes:
A) Increase fiber intake.
B) Increase low glycemic index carbohydrates (wholegrain, fruits, vegetables)
C) Healthcare provider should make use of dietician.
E) Weight loss; achieving an ideal weight is vital to a successful management plan for diabetes. It's also important loss the "tommy" fat.
There are different class of drugs used in managing diabetes... Lets look the Mechanism of Action (MOA, Advantages and Disadvantages.
Let start with the most popular one.
MOA: It increase the sensitivity of the cells to Insulin. It also tells the liver cell not to release the ones they stored.
ADV: It is very cheap to purchase. It doesn't cause
Ds'ADV: Metformin can literally make you shit in your pants. It causes diarrhoea.
MOA: They FORCE the pancreas to more insulin. They also help the cell make better use of the insulin.
ADV: Combined with Metformin, they create an additional effect.
Ds'ADV: they can cause hypoglycaemia. They also cause weight gain; which is against what we want
MOA: They increase the kidney excretion of the sugar.
Ds'ADV: it make your urinary tract, a walking petri dish. Because it cause the kidney to pass out more sugar, there is a high chance of RECURRENT URINARY TRACT INFECTION.
MOA: They increase the uptake of glucose by the cells. They tell the liver cells to to release it storage.
ADV: They help with weight loss. They are useful in people who have a heart disease.
Ds'ADV: They are crazily expensive.
MOA: They increase the cell uptake of glucose. They also force the pancreas to produce more insulin.
ADV: They have a rapid onset of action and short duration of activity. They can be useful in people who don't have a set feeding time
Ds'ADV: Hypoglycaemia.
Whatever class is used, the general consensus is that METFORMIN is the first line of treatment.
Healthcare Providers(HCP) must endeavour to look beyond the disease and look at the patient.
Being a chronic disease, diabetes come with more than just sugar control.
In the face of depression, groups such as @MentallyAwareNG will be a add-on advantage.
As diabetes is a chronic disease and Nigeria where most health payment are out of pocket,
Have a look at
A preventive approach should be the focus.
Drink water and lots of it... Adopt it as your primary beverage.
LOSS WEIGHT if you're Overweight or Obese
Follow a Low Carbohydrates diet.
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
Avoid large portion of food... Don't be an ijewuru.