#swf18 #sydneywritersfestival
@sweatshopws @SydWritersFest

Buuut then a WW asked a question in the last 5 mins
WW (trying to interrupt): That’s not the point. That’s not the point.
@evelynaraluen: We didn’t ask you specifically to come. It’s offered for everyone.
Winnie Dunn: I said white people. She’s directing [the question] at me.
@evelynaraluen: I didn’t ask to be dispossessed from my country!
WW: Yeah and I feel for you—
EA: You’re in a privileged position to the State’s sovereignty that I don’t occupy by the nature of the race that you were born into.
@stpstpstpstpstp: We can discuss it later.
Monikka Ellah: Can I just say though—
@stpstpstpstpstp: Are you like, threatening to withdraw your support if we don’t behave in the ways that you want?
WW (patronizingly): It’s okay. I was 20 once.
Monikka Ellah:: Wooooow. Oh my gosh. Rebellious ethnics.