I have always told people that they should never under-estimate the intellectual prowess Mnangagwa has. That guy is a great visionary who can plan today for something that will take place 10 years later. Mnangagwa faked sour grapes between him and Kasukuwere to mislead G40.
On 4 June 2015, While Kasukuwere, then-Political Commissar, was introducing Mnangagwa to party supporters in Headlands, he narrated every detail of Mnangagwa's credentials from 1964 to that day in question, praising him all the way and declaring him Mugabe's most trusted man.
Then a few months later in the same 2015, both G40 and Lacoste were birthed. Mnangagwa has always been knowing every move G40 was making. He even knew all times, agendas & meetings Jonathon Moyo, Zhuwao, Kasukuwere and Mboko were regularly having at Mboko's house at midnight.
If these guys were all true G40s, then who was leaking all these details to Mnangagwa? Remember Kasukuwere got into Zanu PF through CIO. He was once a driver of a senior CIO boss in Manicaland and Mnangagwa was the first CIO boss after Independence. (Auxillia was CIO as well).
Reports also say for Kasukuwere to be made Youth Minister by Mugabe, it was at the recommendation of Mnangagwa, hence according to this clip below, Kasukuwere knows every detail about Mnangagwa's pre-and-post war credentials.
This also confirms what I've said previously that Mnangagwa planned his ascendancy to presidency years back, over a decade ago. Thats why he made sure Tsvangirai wldnt be sworn in as President in 2008. In 2014 Mnangagwa asked Oppah to hand over her Women's league post to Grace
Grace never wanted to be a politician. It was Mnangagwa who convinced her to become a Woman's league boss. This he did so that she would help fire Joice who ws VP then. Last year Mnangagwa then thanked Oppah by making her Zanu PF Chairperson, a post held by Zapu members always
Mnangagwa is not yet done with thanking Oppah Muchinguri. within the next 12 months, She will become a Vice President. Mnangagwa also owes Kasukuwere bigtime. He has always been a lacoste member but was 'donated' to G40 and he executed his duties very well, as per plan.
In February this year, Mujuru, Kasukuwere, Jonathan Moyo & Zhuwao reportedly met in CapeTown. This was a month after Mujuru had met Mugabe at Blue roof. Mnangagwa told Zanu PF supporters about the G40-Mujuru meeting in Cape Town and who was attending. Who told him all that?
Claims are Kasukuwere & Jonso were helped by Mugabe to flee. How come Chombo didnt manage to flee? Coz Mnangagwa didnt want Chombo out of Zim. If Ngwena wanted Jonso to remain, he wldnt hv managed to go anywhere. After all, Jonso went to hide at Kasukuwere's house during coup
Jonathan Moyo was planning with Kasukuwere, not knowing that he was planning with a Mnangagwa's boy. It's only until now that Jonso & Zhuwao have realised it, and are no longer sharing any secrets with Kasukuwere, hence its time for Kasukuwere to return home.
What most people dont know is if Mnangagwa wants u to be in SA at any given time, wen the time comes u'll find yoself in SA, and u'ld think it was yo own decision to be there. Khupe is where she is bcoz Mnangagwa wants it that way. Even Chamisa is where he is coz of Mnangagwa
Mnangagwa has always wanted Chamisa to take over from Tsvangirai. Before Chamisa even thought of leading MDC, Mnangagwa had already chosen him. Thats why I predicted that Tsvangirai wld be succeeded by Chamisa wen most of u thought it was impossible back then.
But, to cut short Chamisa's tail, soon after helping him take over MDC presidency, Ngwena also helped Khupe to fight Chamisa. This wil split Chamisa's votes. However Mnangagwa knows the future of this country is in Chamisa's hands, hence i always say there's a GNU coming soon
To wind up,now Grace has realised she was used by Mnangagwa to help fire her own husband. Jonso has realised he was given a 'best friend' by Mnangagwa to spy his plans. Lastly, wen Mnangagwa says by 2030 Zim will be a middle-class country, he is telling u 2018 election winner
"You and your cohorts will instead leave Zanu-PF by the will of the people and this We will do in the coming few weeks as Zimbabweans in general now require new and progressive leadership"