Mr. Integrity: The Legacy of Gamaliel Onosode
1. A Matter of Principle.
#TheLegacyOfGamalielOnosode #Gamaliel #MrIntegrity #GamalielOnosode #Series #First #AMatterOfPrinciple

Gently, he closed the General Manager’s door behind him and stood outside the door for what must have seemed an eternity. His young, under-thirtyish face revealed that he was indeed very pained.
The way he saw it, it was not only an obvious logical suggestion, it was very beneficial to the company and also to the customer base and therefore to society at large.
But he did. Once.
“I do promise to serve”, he replied.
Too late.
The word ‘serve’ had rolled out as ‘sarve’ when he pronounced it.
He resolved from then on to master the English Language, and perfect his diction. He would never, ever, make a mistake like this one again.