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DoubleLine is an investment management firm and investment adviser. @DLineETFs @DLineChannel11 @DLineMinutes @DLineFunds
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Mar 10 52 tweets 12 min read
DoubleLine CEO-CIO Jeffrey Gundlach presents "Not in My Neighborhood," Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2025 at 1:15pm PT.

Register on .

#economy #Fed #rates #inflation #growth #Trump #DOGE #bonds DoubleLine.comImage Jeffrey Gundlach: Thanks for joining today's webcast.

We will discuss diversification away from all-U.S.-based assets, something I've been advising for years. Now the need seems more imminent.
Jan 10 86 tweets 8 min read
DoubleLine CEO-CIO Jeffrey Gundlach shares insights into the economy and financial markets in his annual Just Markets webcast, Tuesday, January 14, 2024. Register now!

#stocks #bonds #inflation #macro #Fed #jobs…Image Jeffrey Gundlach begins Just Markets, titled "Man Leaving a Bus: What Does It Mean?"
Mar 12, 2024 40 tweets 5 min read
DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents "Cave People" today at 1:15pm PT.

To watch live, register on .

Stay tuned here for updates.

#macro #bonds #stocks #Fed #FOMC #rates #inflation #recession #debt
Image Jeffrey Gundlach starts his webcast "Cave People" in reference to Plato's cave metaphor.
Jan 5, 2024 69 tweets 7 min read
Just Markets 2024

DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach discusses the economy, the markets and his outlook for what he believes may be the best investment strategies and sector allocations for 2024.

Tuesday Jan. 9, 2024, 1:15 pm PT.

Register here:…Image DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach: Outside the commodity and currencies complexes, assets ended up positive, across stock and bond markets, of the latter especially in credit.
Jun 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
In the latest installment of this monthly series, Product Specialists Phil Gioia, CFA and Sam Nussbaum discuss the Agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) market.

Taking focus in this episode: the sector's attractive relative value brought about by widening spreads relative to Treasuries. Based on a favorable outlook, the DoubleLine team has been increasing exposure to Agency MBS across portfolios.
Agency MBS current coupon spread, which is the spread for a par-priced bond over Treasuries, is near the widest level since the GFC.

Current levels have historically represented an attractive entry point, as spreads rarely remain elevated at these levels for prolonged periods.

Watch here:
Jun 9, 2023 28 tweets 11 min read
In webcast “Dust in the Crevices,” Jeffrey Gundlach shares his macro and market views and makes the case for an imminent dust-up, “in the next few years,” in Washington’s decades-long use of debt finance to skirt hard fiscal decisions.

#macro #markets #Fed #inflation #rates “Here we are in an economy that is supposedly growing, and yet we have 7.3% budget deficit as a % of GDP,” DoubleLine CEO and founder Jeffrey Gundlach says.

That figure is probably headed much higher, especially if the U.S. enters recession. Image
Jun 6, 2023 31 tweets 3 min read
Jeffrey Gundlach: These are reasons why perhaps bond yields have stopped going up.

10-year Treasury can't even get up to 3.90 these days. Gundlach: My favorite inflation measures: export and important prices because they are not altered with hedonics.

These prices have certainly come down -- in fact in deflationary mode.
Jun 6, 2023 38 tweets 5 min read
DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents Total Return webcast "Dust in the Crevices" today at 1:15pm PT.

Stay tuned here for more.

#markets #macro #bonds Image Jeffrey Gundlach: There is dust in the crevices of our financial institutions.

The debt ceiling has been raised 99 times since it started in 1913.

This method of getting along is getting pretty dusty.
Mar 13, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
With regional banks on their back foot, yield curve suggesting imminent recession and a Fed facing both a fragilized financial system and inflation, DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach shares his views with @ScottWapnerCNBC 12 pm PT/3 pm ET today on CNBC.

#rates #banks #Powell Gundlach: All of us have experienced nothing but systematically declining interest rates over the last 40 years. We all think we know things based on our past experience. But we've no experience for a climate of rapidly rising interest rates.
Jan 11, 2023 50 tweets 15 min read
Just Markets, Jan. 10, 2023, “What’s Going On”: In his 13th annual “Just Markets,” @DLineCap CEO Jeffrey Gundlach gives his view on “What’s Going On” across the market, monetary and macro landscapes. Image The webcast title is in homage to the great singer/songwriter Marvin Gaye, whose song “What’s Going On?” topped the R&B charts and whose album by the same name was ranked in 2020 by Rolling Stone as No. 1 of the 500 greatest albums of all time.

Dec 7, 2022 49 tweets 11 min read
DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents in a webcast titled "Up, Up and Away." Image Gundlach: There have been four QE’s, going back to 2008-2010. 201 billion of quantitative easing. A short while later, QE2 started November 2010, $565 billlion. QE 2012-2014, nearly $1.7 trillion. And then 2020-22 QE4 $4.6 trillion Image
Sep 27, 2022 49 tweets 4 min read
Jeffrey Sherman, @DLineCap Deputy Chief Investment Officer, beginning "The Great Rotation" webcast. Jeffrey Sherman: From what we see, Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index down 15% on a year to date basis.

It is time to be rotating in various parts of the markets.
Sep 14, 2022 65 tweets 8 min read
DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents "Rehab."

Tune in Thursday, 9/15/2022 at 1:15 pm PT | 4:15 pm ET.

#macro #markets #commodities #Fed #inflation #growth #rates #stocks #bonds #EM #Europe #USD #FOMC #Powell #recession Image .@DLineCap CEO Jeffrey Gundlach: I think the U.S. needs to go into rehab
Mar 7, 2022 61 tweets 7 min read
DoubleLine founder and CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents "Convoy" Tuesday at 1:15pm PT.

Stay tuned here for live updates!

#macro #markets #inflation #geopolitics #Fed #Canada #RussiaUkraine #rates #recession #stocks #bonds #commodities Jeffrey Gundlach: "Convoy" has two meanings. Inspired by Canadian truckers go angry enough to take things in their own hands.
Jan 11, 2022 48 tweets 59 min read
DoubleLine founder and CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents:

Just Markets 2022 - I Feel Young Again

Today at 1:15pm PT, register here:…

#macro #markets #stocks #FX #bonds #commodities #rates #inflation #Fed #QE #bitcoin

Live recap thread⬇️ Jeffrey Gundlach: 2021 might end up running 7% year on the CPI

#inflation #QE #Powell #fed #hikes #rates
Jan 8, 2020 17 tweets 27 min read
On Monday, we hosted our Inaugural Round Table Prime ft @DlineCap CEO Jeff Gundlach, FPA Advisors managing partner Steve Romick, @Quillintel CEO @DimartinoBooth, Rosenberg Research chief economist @EconGuyRosie, @Biancoresearch’s Jim Bianco, and Evercore ISI chairman Ed Hyman. @Quillintel @DiMartinoBooth @EconguyRosie @biancoresearch Moderating the event was our very own Jeff Sherman, @DlineCap Deputy CIO and @ShermanShowPod host, who got DoubleLine’s Inaugural Round Table Prime underway by posing the question:

“What do you think is in the cards from the central banks in 2020”?
Jan 7, 2020 84 tweets 26 min read
DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents his 2020 "Just Markets" webcast.

Follow along here for live updates!

#JustMarkets2020 Jeffrey Gundlach announces "our own Round Table" bringing together Jeffrey as host, Jeffrey Sherman as moderator and special guests @DiMartinoBooth @biancoresearch @EconguyRosie, Ed Hyman & Steve Romick.

First Video goes live Thursday!

Dec 6, 2019 14 tweets 10 min read
Tune in this Tuesday, December 10, as DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach and portfolio manager Andrew Hsu present "A Rolling Loan Gathers no Loss". Image Follow along here for some highlights of @DLineCap CEO Jeffrey Gundlach’s presentation, “A Rolling Loan Gathers No Loss”, a title he credited to @Jkylebass and a metaphor for the corporate bond market.

#arollingloangathersnoloss #yieldstarvation