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After giving several presentations right from bachelor's to master's to PhD currently and at various conferences. Here are some points that I keep in mind.

A 🧡

@PhDVoice @ThePhDPlace @PhD_Genie @OpenAcademics #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter #scicomm #STEM
Even I develop my presentation skills through feedback that I receive from my supervisors, audience/readers etc. I hope these points are helpful to you. Also, you may already know some of them if so, thank you for your time. Thank you for reading!
1. The first slide: I now stick to one image which looks neat and simple for my research presentations. I add 2-3 images if it's something about creativity or something else.

Sample 1:
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The Science of Scientific Writing!

I don't have to stress about how much a PhD student has to write. Yet, sometimes we find ourselves in such an apprehensive situation that it becomes difficult to write.

A 🧡

@PhDVoice @OpenAcademics @AcademicChatter @ThePhDPlace @PhD_Genie
These points are helping me in a way to become a better scientific writer day by day. I hope it will help you too.

My major inspiration to write these points is from this article:… which my supervisor suggested.
And I wish, I should have read this many years back. Anyways, you're never too late to learn anything.

Note: If you know these points already, I hope it turns out to be a reminder for you. Happy reading!
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THREAD - Today’s THE day.
With no graduation ceremonies in sight, I’m getting Mr8 & Mr9 to help me celebrate my #PhD conferral today!
We made a #TwitterMind themed #SLPhD bonnet (featuring brain & blue bird), a ceremonial mace & the boys made me a certificate #FirstGenPhD PhD bonnet made of black velvet, with gold tassels and featuBrain made from brown fabric and ropeYellow certificate with red tassle saying 'congrats mum'Gold upcycled craft mace
And we all dressed the part πŸŽ“πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸŽ“πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸŽ“
Mr8 felt it was imperative I wear the bonnet to drop them off at school… 🀣πŸ₯°πŸ€˜πŸ½ Smiling woman wearing PhD bonnet (featuring a brain and birdMr9 and Mr8 wearing black gowns, mortar board hats and holdiA woman and two boys smiling at the camera wearing their PhD
A huge shout out to my epic #SLPhD supervisory team @BronwynHemsley @LeanneTogher @s_palm @stephendann, my @UTS_GSH colleagues, and my wonderful thesis examiners πŸ€—
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We are excited to share our pub in #EvolutionaryApplications comparing relatedness estimates for pairing recommendations in critically #endangered #birds from #Aotearoa #NZ πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ. See this #SciComm 🧡 for more! #Conservation #Genomics #ConGen #ConSERTeam 1/13
Around the 🌏, #conservation breeding programmes strategically pair the least related individuals to enhance recovery. This is like #Tinder for threatened species, only more information goes into pairing than swiping ⬅️ or ➑️. See my #3MT for more! 2/13

It’s important to get the relatedness value right for pairing, because mating between close relatives can result in negative fitness consequences, like ⬇️ hatching success 🐣(see 3/13
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